Energy Dependence of Parameters Characterizing Multiply Backscattering of Gamma Photons (original) (raw)

Response function of NaI (Tl) detectors and multiple backscattering of gamma rays in aluminium

Applied radiation and …, 2008

The response function, converting the observed pulse-height distribution of a NaI(Tl) detector to a true photon spectrum, is obtained experimentally with the help of an inverse matrix approach. The energy of gamma-ray photons continuously decreases as the number of scatterings increases in a sample having finite dimensions when one deals with the depth of the sample. The present experiments are undertaken to study the effect of target thickness on intensity distribution of gamma photons multiply backscattered from an aluminium target. A NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detector detects the photons backscattered from the aluminium target. The subtraction of analytically estimated singly scattered distribution from the observed intensity distribution (originating from interactions of primary gammaray photons with the target) results in multiply backscattered events. We observe that for each incident gamma photon energy, the number of multiply backscattered photons increases with increase in target thickness and then saturates at a particular target thickness called the saturation thickness (depth). Saturation thickness for multiply backscattering of gamma photons is found to decrease with increase in energy of incident gamma-ray photons.

Backscattering of 137Cs gamma rays by finite barriers

Journal of Nuclear Energy, 1973

Angular differential number and energy albedo were measured 137 at a scattering angle of 60° for narrow beam of Cs gamma rays normally incident on finite thickness scattering media of various atomic numbers. Measurements were made using a collimated 3 cc Ge(Li) detector with suitable electronics and a 400 channel pulseheight analyzer. The calculation of the energy spectrum of the scattered photons was carried out by using a response matrix with 51 energy intervals over the range 0.04 -0.3 MeV.

Backscattering factor measurements of gamma rays of the different thickness of pure concrete

Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 2015

Gamma ray a b s t r a c t Backscattering peak is one of the main features of the pulse height spectrum from a gamma ray detector. This arises mainly from materials outside like source baking, photomultiplier tube housing, shielding etc. The effect of source backing on the relative importance of the backscattered peak for gamma ray using a NaI (Tl) scintillation detector is measured. Gamma energies in the range from 0.088 MeV to 1.253 MeV are used. Backscattering factor (F b ) measurements have been carried out (2 > Fb ! 1) of various pure concrete thickness from 2 cm to 30 cm.

The calculation of gamma-rays albedo by the Monte-Carlo method

The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 1978

The values of the number and energy albedo of gamma-rays with energy between 60 and 1250keV are presented in this paper. The results were obtained by the Monte-Carlo method which included photoeffect, Compton effect and coherent scattering. The contributions of both scattering processes and the contribution of the characteristic radiation to the value of the number albedo are given separately.

Experimental investigations of multiple scattering of 662keV gamma photons in elements and binary alloys

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2008

The energy, intensity and angular distributions of multiple scattering of 662 keV gamma photons, emerging from targets of pure elements and binary alloys, are observed as a function of target thickness in reflection and transmission geometries. The observed spectra recorded by a properly shielded NaI (Tl) scintillation detector, in addition to singly scattered events, consist of photons scattered more than once for thick targets. To extract the contribution of multiply scattered photons from the measured spectra, a singly scattered distribution is reconstructed analytically. We observe that the numbers of multiply scattered events increase with increase in target thickness, and saturate for a particular thickness called saturation thickness. The saturation thickness decreases with increasing atomic number. The multiple scattering, an interfering background noise in Compton profiles and Compton cross-section measurements, has been successfully used as a new technique to assign the ''effective atomic number'' to binary alloys. Monte Carlo calculations support the present experimental results. r

A simple method of determining the photoeffect cross sections of elements for gamma rays

… and Methods in Physics Research Section …, 1984

A simple relation between the total photoeffect cross section of an element and the total attenuation cross section of its compound has been derived. Total attenuation cross sections of some: 15 simple compounds have been measured by performing transmission experiments in a good geometry set up. Using these values and with the aid of the present relation, total photoeffect cross sections of elements of 2 2 47 at 514.0, 661.6, 1115.5, 1173.2 and 1332.5 keV gamma ray energies have been determined and compared with Scofield's theoretical cross sections.

Experimental observation of Z-dependence of saturation depth of 0.662MeV multiply scattered gamma rays

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2006

The gamma photons continue to soften in energy as the number of scatterings increases in the sample having finite dimensions both in depth and lateral dimensions. The number of multiply scattered photons increases with an increase in target thickness and saturates at a particular value of the target thickness known as saturation depth. The present experiment is undertaken to study the effect of atomic number of the target on saturation depth of 0.662 MeV incident gamma photons multiply scattered from targets of various thicknesses. The scattered photons are detected by an HPGe gamma detector placed at 90°to the incident beam direction. We observe that with an increase in target thickness, the number of multiply scattered photons also increases and saturates at a particular value of the target thickness. The saturation depth decreases with increasing atomic number. The double Compton scattered peak is also observed in the experimental spectra.