Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training in Slovenia. National Observatory Country Report, 1999 (original) (raw)

The evolution of vocational education and training in Hungary and Poland 1989-2035

Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2022

The article uses a multi-faceted approach to present the major challenges to vocational education and training (VET) that Hungary and Poland have been facing during the transformation of their economic systems in 1989 and integration into the EU in 2004. The evolution of VET is examined according to historical traditions, its declining prestige, the introduction of dual training, governance, and the involvement of social partners. We also look at recent changes in the two countries as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss the current situation in the light of VET scenarios recently developed by Cedefop.

A comparative overview of the status and the main characteristics of vocational education and training (VET) trainers in south-eastern Europe

This pa­per is a follow-up to the study “VET tra­i­ners in public and pri­va­te tra­i­ning ininsti­tuti­ons” (EAC/09/06 Studi­es on Tra­i­ners in Vo­ca­ti­o­nal Educa­tio io n and Tra­i­ning: key acactors to ma­ke li­felong learearearning a rea­lity in Euro­pe LOT 2) that was commisissi­o­ned by the Euro­pean Commisissio io n to Resea ea rch vo­or Beleid (RvB) & PLATO in 2008. The author of this pa­per – which fo­cuses on the pro­fessi­o­na­li­za­tio io n proocesses of VET tra­i­ners and ininstructors wororking in public tra­i­ning ororga­ni­za­ti­ons in So­uth-Eastern Euro­pe – was ininvololved in the study as a resea ea rch ex­pert for a cluster of co­untri­es that inincluded Bulga­ria ia , Cyprus, Greeeece and Turkey. The pa­per lo­oks upon current isissues of VET tra­i­ners’ ca­reer paths, thei ei r ro­les and competenci­es, thei ei r qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and recruituituitment pro­cesses as well as the va­ried po­li­ci­es and pro­fessi­oonal developopment acacti­vi­ti­es for this gro­up of peo­ple, from a compa­ra­ti­ve perspecti­ve. The pa­per cononcludes with so­me recommenda­ti­ons for imimpro­ving acaccess and wororking conondi­ti­ons, suppororting pro­fessi­o­nal developopment and ra­i­sing atattracacti­veness of the proofessio io n in this part of Euro­pe.

Features and tendencies of vocational education and training strategy and policy change in Lithuania


The change of vocational education and training system reform is a natural process constantly affected by external economic and social factors. However, this process demands to determine the preconditions for change, i.e. the strong and weak levels of the reform. The article analyses the key dispositions that have provided foundation for VET reform in Lithuania during the last decade and highlights major contradictions of the reform that create preconditions for a new reform strategy.

The education system in Slovenia in the 20th century


The establishement of public schools in Austria, after the Law on Primary School Education was enacted in 1869 has accelerated the cultural development of Slovenians. But the school continuation possibilities in Austria were provided for boys mainly, especially within the elite middle schools called gymnasiums. Soon after the establishment of Yugoslavia in 1918 the process of Slovenisation of the education system was performed and the first Slovenian University was established. The old Austrian education system, which helped the cultural (literacy) level of Slovenians to be far above the Yugoslav average at that time basically did not change a lot for a longer period, until the Education Law in 1958. In contrast to the old system, which offered a variety of choices only during the compulsory shooling, the new system shifted the time of crucial differentiation from the pupils' age of eleventh years to the age of fifteenth years. Also, it offered majority of youth more opportunities, i.e., to reach at least a medium education level, especially with several newly established medium-level (vocational) schools. So, the once prevailed problems with hard transition within the education system were removed and replaced by an easier access to and with a higher transibility through the education system, which all helped to increase the share of youth within middle schools and in higher education.

A New Approach to Management of Vocational and Training Education

Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională, 2019

We think that there is a need to be implemented a series of critical measures for a real reform of the technical and vocational education system in the context of the paradigmatic mutations generated by the switch towards the society of knowledge. At the same time, increase the accuracy and completeness of the records in the REVISAL software (General Ledger and Employees Registry) would allow a much better adaptation of the education system to the requirements of the labor market both by defining new professional qualifications and by substantiating the schooling figures on a real basis or by using labor market insertion as an assessment criterion for educational establishments. We also point out that the analyzes on the structure and trends of the Romanian education system, based on data extracted from the national statistical application, should be considered in the design and implementation of any public policy impacting on the business environment and regional development. We appreciate that only through full knowledge and awareness of the labor market realities, including the correlation with the structure of the education system at the regional level, is possible a homogeneous development of the labor force, correlated with the competitiveness fields and with the investment priorities of Romania.


1.0 Setting the scene: the national educational system In past, the educational system in Slovenia was always connected to larger state systems to which the country belonged: to Austrian Monarchy until 1918, to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia until 1941 (yet, between 1918 and 1943 quite a part of the country belonged to Italy) and to Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1945 – 1991). Since its independence of 1991, Slovenia has been developing its own comprehensive system of education, based on positive traditions as well as on contemporary good practices from other – mostly European – countries. Main aims of the educational renewal of the 1990s have been quality and inclusive education for all as basis for entering the knowledge society. A systemic renewal of education took place during the 1990s. Soon after independence, some changes in organisation and financing of education were made. In 1993, the Higher Education Act was approved giving legislative basis for modernisation of ter...