Analysis of the influence of register file size on energyconsumption, code size, and execution time (original) (raw)
2001, IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Interest in low-power embedded systems has increased considerably in the past few years. To produce low-power code and to allow an estimation of power consumption of software running on embedded systems, a power model was developed based on physical measurement using an evaluation board and integrated into a compiler and profiler. The compiler uses the power information to choose instruction sequences consuming less power, whereas the profiler gives information about the total power consumed during execution of the generated program. The used compiler is parameterized such that, e.g., the register file size may be changed. The resulting code is evaluated with respect to code size, performance, and power consumption for different register file sizes. The extracted information is especially useful during application analysis and architecture space exploration in application-specific integrated processor (ASIP) design. Our analysis gives the designer the ability to estimate the desirable register file size for an ASIP design. The size of the register file should be considered as a design parameter since it has a strong impact on the energy consumption of embedded systems
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International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2014
To optimize the energy consumption embedded systems, the estimation of energy consumption of the embedded applications are very important. This paper proposes a simple but effective instruction-level energy estimation model for embedded systems. For case study purposes, the model parameters were determined for a commonly used ARM9TDMI-based microcontroller. The total energy consists of the energy consumed by the processor core, flash memory, memory controller, SRAM etc. The model parameters that are determined includes op-code of instructions, number of shift operations, register bank bit flips, instructions weight and their Hamming distance, different types of memory accesses, the effect of pipeline stalls etc. To validate the proposed model, a physical hardware platform was developed which is having energy measurement capabilities. For several experiments conducted on various embedded applications from MiBench benchmark suite and less than 6% error in the energy consumption estimation was shown. Also an energy profiler tool was developed for the systems that use ARM9TDMI processors which provides valuable information and guidelines for software energy optimization.
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