Ercole a Sora, questioni storiche e topografiche (original) (raw)

Ercole a Sora, questioni storiche e topografiche - Lazio e Sabina 8

This paper re-exhaminate the whole complex of data and informations concerning the cult of Hercules in the ancient city of Sora, Volscan town and Latin colony (303 a.C.). New investigations about the finding of the well known Vertuleii inscription (CIL X, 5708) allows to place the Sanctuary of Hercules in the surroundings of the forum of the Colony. The new position of this important cult place, dating back at least to the beginning of the 2nd cent. b.C., gives place to some historical considerations about the publicatio of Hercules' cult in Rome and about the role of this deity during the Samnite wars.

Colonne d'Ercole: confine, mito, realtà

Il mito delle Colonne d'Ercole, connesso all'ubicazione della leggendaria isola di Atlantide, ha solide radici nella realtà del passato; necessita, tuttavia, di ampie riconsiderazioni, che aprono scenari finora considerati da pochi studiosi. Questo lavoro ricalca pedissequamente il frutto delle loro ricerche.

Luoghi, tempi e modi del culto di Ercole tra i Paeligni (Regio IV – Sabina et Samnium)

Los lugares de la Historia. Actas IV Congreso AJHIS, Salamanca 2013. Temas y Perspectivas de la Historia, vol. 3 (ISBN: 9788461657551), 2013

The principal cult of the Paeligni, like many other Italic populations, was certainly that of Hercules, witnessed by a lot of epigraphic evidences and by the votive materials found in the shrines, with which the Paelignian territory is literally marked. Essential feature of all these places of worship is the presence of water, a condicio sine qua non for the manifestation of the divinity, but it is also the fundamental element in the rites related to his devotion, ranging from the field of medicine and health (as evidenced by the presence of numerous anatomical votives) to those related to the oracle of divination (sanctuaries of Cansano, Cocullo, Corfinio, Molina Aterno, Scanno, Vittorito). Definitely linked to transhumance and pastoral culture, devotion to Hercules is also reflected in a large number of epigraphs, that show the antiquity of the phenomenon and present the hero in three aspects. The first one is a Hercules, so to speak, “simple” (ie without special epiclesis), who manifest on the Ides of August (the 13th), when the devotees are used to dissolve or, in some cases, to renew their vows. Practically confined to the area of Paeligni Superaequani was the cult of Hercules Victor, linked to a more economic-commercial or military culture (shrines of Castelvecchio Subequo and Secinaro). The devotion to Hercules Curinus (or Quirinus), on the other hand, was exclusive of the big sanctuary of Mount Morrone (near Sulmona) but “national cult of Paeligni” (according to Giacomo Devoto), was this epiclesis originated from the fact that the divinity probably supervised the synoecism which brought the small towns of southern Valle Peligna to join in a new Roman administrative entity, Sulmo, raised to the rank of municipium after Bellum Sociale (91-88 BC).

Sora: aree funerarie e documentazione epigrafica

Si presenta una revisione della documentazione epigrafica e dei resti scultorei relativi alle aree funerarie dell’ager soranus, arricchita da nuovi dati provenienti dai più recenti interventi di indagine condotti dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio nel territorio, in particolare nei siti presso la chiesa di Santa Rosalia e lungo il Liri, alla confluenza del Lacerno. Quest’ultimo in particolare ha restituito resti di un recinto funerario con cippi e ara iscritti in situ e prospicienti un tratto di strada antica. Il tentativo di ricostruzione topografica, alla luce delle nuove scoperte una perfetta coincidenza con la centuriazione. It presents a review of the epigraphic and sculptural remains of the funerary areas relating to the ager Soranus, enriched by new data from the most recent survey work conducted by the Superintendence in the territory, especially in the sites at the church Santa Rosalia and along the Liri, at the confluence of Lacerno. The latter in particular has returned the remains of a funerary enclosure with termini sepulcri and ara in situ and overlooking the old road. The attempt to topographic reconstruction, in the light of new discoveries a perfect coincidence with the land division.

Notiziario archeologico ercolanese

This paper offers a short summary of the activities carried out by the Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia in the biennium 2011-13 at the Villa of the Papyri (stabilization of a section of the escarpment and conservation of wooden furniture with ivory plaques) and in the main archaeological site of Herculaneum. In the latter case, activities were carried out within the context of the Herculaneum Conservation Project (HCP), a Packard Humanities Institute initiative in collaboration with the Soprintendenza and the British School at Rome for the conservation and enhancement of the site of Herculaneum. Some of the conservation works carried out by HCP have produced important scientific discoveries, that have increased knowledge of the ancient town and its buildings (the ancient shoreline, the Basilica Noniana, the Decumanus Maximus, etc.) and have led to extraordinary discoveries, such as the collapsed timber roof and decorated ceiling that once covered the Marble Room of the House of the Telephus Relief. Key words: Ancient shoreline, wooden furniture with ivory plaques, Decumanus Maximus, skeletons, Telephus roof Il contributo offre un sintetico resoconto delle attività compiute dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia nella Villa dei Papiri (messa in sicurezza di un settore della scarpata e restauro del mobilio rivestito di avorio) e negli Scavi di Ercolano nel biennio 2011-2013. In quest’ultimo caso, le attività sono prevalentemente quelle realizzate nell’ambito dell’Herculaneum Conservation Project, un programma di conservazione, ricerca e valorizzazione del sito di Ercolano condiviso dalla Soprintendenza e dal Packard Humanities Institute (una fondazione filantropica americana) e che nel suo primo decennio di attività ha potuto giovarsi anche del partenariato della British School at Rome. Alcune delle opere di conservazione realizzate dal team dell’HCP hanno prodotto anche rilevanti acquisizioni scientifiche, fondamentali per il progresso della conoscenza della città antica e dei suoi edifici (Antica Spiaggia, Basilica Noniana, Decumano Massimo) e hanno portato alla scoperta di strepitosi manufatti, come il crollo del tetto e del controsoffitto del Salone dei Marmi della Casa del Rilievo di Telefo Parole chiave: Antica Spiaggia, mobilio rivestito di avorio, decumano massimo, scheletri dei fuggiaschi, tetto del Salone dei marmi.

Tora e Piccilli. Appunti di geografia storica


The "Ciampate del diavolo" palaeontological site does not only preserves a large number of fossil human and animal footprints of prehistoric time, but also a fossil pathway of the same age, which has been proven to be the oldest known in the world so far. Its direction is still shown on the topographical maps currently in use and this fact testifies to an unequivocal persistence in settlement choices lasting for about 350 ka. These choices appear to be very much conditioned by the volcanic geomorphology of the area in which the important palaeontological site lies. In this report we briefly describe these characteristics, associating them with the main anthropic structures characterizing over the centuries its geo-historical evolution.