The Community Partnership Program BUMDES Catu Graha Mandiri in Gumbrih Tourism Village, Pekutatan, Jembrana, Bali (original) (raw)
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KnE Social Sciences
Village-owned enterprises or Bumdes are a source of village strength to support and improve the village economy by empowering village communities, village development, and assisting underprivileged residents in contributing toward the advancement of their village. Many Bumdes are scattered across Indonesia, one of which is Bumdes Terus Jaya Sehati, located in the Sukajaya Village, Sukabumi Regency. This Bumdes has succeeded in managing and developing village businesses within its territory. The role of the village government is certainly one of the important factors in the success of a village-owned business unit. To find out, researchers used descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach to study the ongoing activities and processes in Bundes. Research was conducted through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that the marketing strategy carried out by the Bumdes Terus Jaya Sehati using the mixing method has been effective, and the ro...
Tourism is considered as one of the sector that has adequate facilities and infrastructures to boost society economy. This consideration should be implemented through empowerment strategy which better known as community-based tourism development. District of Tamansari in Bogor, West Java is welknown for its natural and religious tourism attractions. Besides those both two attractions, there are also several home industry and private small-micro entreprises (SME) that could also attract visitor, such as silk house, mushroom farming, shoes & sandal makers and homestays. Those situations are really in favour for the local community to implement the community based tourism in Tamansari area. To do so, it’s necessary to develop a proper tourism plan and tourism package which based on community based tourism principles and ellaborate all the potential attractions in Tamansari area. This research use qualititative method toward surveys, interview and FGD to gain data for the development plan. The result show that tourism supporting services in Tamansari area are already inherent with community based tourism indicators; and tourism package that consist of existing attraction and local community entreprises could foster tourism growth in Tamansari Bogor. Keywords: Community Based Tourism, Tourism Package
International Journal of Social Science
The Community Partnership Program (PKM) for Entrepreneurship, Marketing & CHSE Training and Assistance was carried out in Pinge Tourism Village, Tabanan, Bali which is located in Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. The problems of the Entrepreneurship, Marketing & CHSE Training and Assistance group found that (1) Entrepreneurship was not yet available, for the pinge indigenous people (2) Marketing had not been integrated so that it could be used as a promotion for the Pinge tourism village (3) there was no center for creating interesting content regarding cultural promotion, agricultural production, and tourism. (4) There is no CHSE assistance and training in the village sector as well as procurement of facilities and materials to fulfill CHSE. To overcome this problem, the people of Pinge Tourism Village, Tabanan, Bali need a solution in the form of a PKM program in the form of the following activities: (1). Socialization of Entrepreneurship Training and Assistance, Marketing & ...
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022
Village Owned Enterprises are business entities that have a dual identity, namely as a social institution (social institution) and at the same time commercial (commercial institution). Based on that identity, it is classified as a social enterprise. This research aims to find out the application of supply chain to social enterprise. The research was conducted on a Village Owned Enterprise in corn farming activities. The study uses qualitative research methods, with data collection through in-depth interviews and observations. The results showed that the supply chain carried out by The Pakandangan Village Owned Enterprises has been well implemented in order to create community welfare and grow the community economy. This research provides implications that supply chain management in Pakandangan Village Owned Enterprises can minimize the risk of loss in corn farming businesses. In addition, the practice of supply chain management in Social Enterprise has a positive social impact on the community through community involvement as part of the supply chain. Supply chain management for Social Enterprise helps business to control the risk, especially social and environmental risk.
Jurnal Ekonomi Islam FAI UHAMKA, 2019
In developing the economy of the people in the era of globalization with high competitive power requires the right approach. The partnership model is one way to improve community competitiveness, especially in the small business sector. However, in realizing and developing a partnership model, it will be very difficult to apply if it is only carried out by the community independently, especially the lower classes of society. The presence of the Government and third parties is needed in helping to establish partnerships. It is essential to initiate the realization of business partnerships among the community. The role of Religious and Social Organizations as third parties has proven to have a significant contribution in advancing the nation, especially in the fields of education, health, and social assistance. So it is necessary to maximize the role of religious and social organizations in encouraging economic development of the community through coaching and partnerships. Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, which is engaged in the socio-religious field, has shown its contribution to enlightenment, empowerment, and advancement that provides benefits for the people as a manifestation of the da'wah of Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar. Syirkah Amanah gas station is one manifestation of Muhammadiyah's involvement in the empowerment and economic development of the community. The purpose of this study was to reveal the partnership model applied by the Muhammadiyah Regional Leader of Lumajang at the Syirkah Amanah Gas Station to be able to find the right and appropriate business partnership model to be implemented in the community. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research approach that seeks to explore and find the main objectives of the research.
Developing Rural Community Economies Through Village-Owned Enterprises in the Province of Bali
The stipulation of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages gives a new enthusiasm for rural communities to develop the economy. In the provision of Article 87, paragraph (1), a village may establish a village-owned enterprise called a BUMDesa. Establishment and development of BUMDesa based on village community initiatives and initiatives. However, in its development, many BUMDesa have experienced problems, because they have developed businesses similar to those already in the village. Monitoring conducted by the Inspectorate of the Province of Bali found that the process of establishing BUMDesa was more than running, operating, and developing BUMDesa. Related to this, it is necessary to analyze the potential of the village and the readiness of human resources. In line with this, Singapadu Kaler Village as one of the tourist villages in the Gianyar Regency should have made a strategic and planned effort to develop existing potential. This is an effort to support the economic developmen...
In recent years, socioeconomic disparities, especially between rural and urban areas (Gini index up to 0.4) have attracted significant concern from the Government of Indonesia, which developed a community-based rural tourism program as one of the attempts to overcome this problem. Though the program seems quite promising, the implementation was challenging, especially regarding sustainability. Therefore, successful and sustainable practical examples are needed. This paper analyzes the results of a case study from the experiences of community-based tourism implementation in Nglanggeran Tourism Village, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which was considered as successful and sustainable. The main focus of this research is on how the collaboration and involvement of the related inter-organizational stakeholders, initiated by the local community, particularly the youth, has contributed to the program sustainability. Data and information for this study were obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and documents review. This study found that the local community has a major role in implementing the program, among those various entities of stakeholders. Hence, the paper states this is the key to the success and sustainability of the program.
Public Administration and Policy, 2021
Pilanggede Village is one of the villages that has a village economic institution called BUMDesa Pilanggede Gemilang. Which BUMDesa has succeeded in building a tourist village destination. The development of this tourist village is named the Taman Pinggir Gawan Tourism Village (TPG) which presents a characteristic of the panoramic beauty of the Bengawan Solo River. However, behind the panoramic beauty, the Bengawa Solo River is a river that is prone to flood disasters when the rainy season arrives. So that BUMDesa Pilanggede makes efforts to minimize the impact of disasters and also to maintain the existence of tourist villages. This research aims to examine how the BUMDesa strategy is in the development of the TPG tourism village, Pilanggede Village, Balen District, Bojonegoro Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by describing the facts that occur in the field. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation. The results showed that in the process of developing a tourist village, several programs had been designed. The program includes establishing the image of tourism with the addition of new vehicles and also improving facilities and infrastructure, improving the quality of human resources through training, carrying out activities to maintain environmental hygiene, and also promoting through social media.
Ottoman Journal of Tourism and Management Research
This study aims to analyze the strategic position of the Balikpapan Foodies community in the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan and to formulate Balikpapan Foodies community strategy in developing culinary tourism in Balikpapan. The method used in this research is QSPM method (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix), which is a method to determine the priority of strategy alternative obtained from SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). The result shows that Balikpapan Foodies position is in Quadrant II (grow and build), which is community growth strategy. It means that to optimize the role of Balikpapan Foodies in the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan required strengthening of members, institutional, and creativity of community programs in developing culinary tourism in Balikpapan. The alternative strategy for the development of culinary tourism conducted by the Balikpapan Foodies community in succession, namely: first to develop a local culinary tourism promotion program of Balikpapan (6.899). Second is to educate business actors in the promotion and development of culinary products (6.790). The third to established cooperation with culinary business actors and local tourism agencies in making culinary tourism event in Balikpapan (6.632). The fourth to development of Balikpapan Foodies blog (6.438). The fifth to compile and run the Balikpapan Foodies organizational function (5.865). Finally, the sixth to institutional strengthening of Balikpapan Foodies with regular member program (5.567).
Business Planning at Bumdes Sari Luyuwarnasari Village Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency
The purpose of this research is to analyze the Sari Luyu Village-Owned Enterprise that has been running for 5 years, but does not yet have an independent business because all the business units it works are carried out through business partnerships with villagers who already have a business. Its business activities include: selling melon gas cylinders, beef cattle farms, 2 units of rafting boat rentals, rental of wedding party equipment and circumcision rentals. In the early 2020, BUMDes management Sari Luyu and Warnasari Village Head had thought about the need to start a business unit that would be managed directly by the BUMDes management, which would establish a BUMDes stall which would be located next to the Warnasari village office building. The main factor that caused the emergence of the business idea was because in the village office area there were already potential potential customers, namely community members who came for treatment at the puskesmas and community members who had an interest in the village office as well as a number of people who worked at the Warnasari village office. Another supporting factor is the presence of students in the Warnasari public elementary school, where the location of the school building is right in front of the village office. The research method used was a case study with interviews as technical data collection to informants and non-participant observation as well as literature study. Data analysis uses data credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability tests. The plan to open a BUMDes stall is expected to further strengthen the position of BUMDes as a reliable business entity in gaining profits for BUMDes because the location is relatively far from other stalls owned by villagers.