Distance education in library and information science in Asia and the Pacific Region (original) (raw)

Digital Library and Distance Learning in Developing Countries

Advances in Library and Information Science

This chapter discussed the digital library and distance learning benefits and challenges in developing countries. It started with the general introduction of digital library and distance learning, and went further and discussed the nexus between the digital library and distance learning. The chapter further highlighted the benefits of digital library in distance learning. It also pointed out the challenges of distance learning in developing countries, such as finance, lack of conducive learning environment, poor policies on education, inadequate instructional materials, among others. The chapter further discussed the challenges of digital library in developing countries to include insufficient funding, high cost of instructional materials, insufficient and digital local content, and so on. The paper concluded that there is an urgent need for all stakeholders to take urgent attention in addressing the challenges of digital library in distance learning to create a full opportunity of ...

ICDE Librarians' Roundtable (Hong Kong, October 11-12, 1999)


The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Librarians' Roundtable is the first of its kind for librarians of international distance and open education institutions to exchange their views on how to cope with the development of their institutions in the use of new technology, and in the provision of library services to distance learners. The 17 papers in this proceedings describe planning efforts, library services and recent developments, staff development needs, and use of information and communication technologies in libraries in distance and open education institutions in the world. Papers include: "The 'State-of-Library

Standards for Distance Learning Library Services-chi

open acess, 2022

Distance learning (ODL) has become a pervasive and growing phenomenon. Many traditional institutions have added distance learning programs. Educators are forming new institutions that deliver distance learning exclusively. The Southern University (SU) envisions being a World Class University for the advancement of humanity, serving as a cradle of knowledge and excellence. To achieve this, the University will Endeavour to generate and disseminate significant quality knowledge backed by its core values, upholding unbendable and uncompromising standards that contribute to national and global development. The university`s vision is “To be an icon of academic excellence (ODL) in all disciplinesand natural resource based professions in sub-Saharan Africa”. With the onset of peace in many African countries after many years of instability and insecurity, with the democratization of many African states following decades of totalitarian rule, and following years of corrupt and inept administrations, thereis now an acute consciousness of the wasted years of African prosperity. One of the highest casualties of misrule has been education. Education became one of the lowest priorities. Investment in education across the sector diminished. SU like any other Open Distance Learning(ODL) Universities has observed that with peace and democratization in Zambia, there is population growth, rising prosperity, a thirst for knowledge, and a need to bridge the skills gap, all in the context of rising expectations and diminishing resources. For many, however, for whom life circumstances have rendered university attendance a distant dream, have yet another opportunity and this is the reason SU has come into being. “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu. Keywords: Distance learning, education, rising prosperity

Library and information services in support of distance education : the case of Zimbabwe Open University, Mashonaland Central Regional Library


Information Science, NUST, for his patient guidance and advice, without which this study would not have seen the light of day. I am also very greatful to Mrs. E. Maisiri, the Chairperson of the Department of Library and Information Science, NUST, for her support and encouragement when the road became too rough. She made everything simple and achievable. I am also very greatful to the Zimbabwe Open University members, the Registrar, Mr. D. Ndudzo, for granting me permission to undertake this study using ZOU as a case study. I humble myself before the Dean of Faculty of Applied Social Science, Dr. A.C Ncube, the Regional Director of Mashonaland Central Region, Mr. C. Majoni and the Chairperson of the Department of Information Science and Records Management, Ms. K. Chiwanza for their support and 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….13 2.2 The Concept of Distance Learning Programme………………………………………...14 2.3 The Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………….19 2.4 The Characteristics of Distance Learning Students…………………………………….23 2.5 Library and Information Services to Distance Learning Students……………………...25 2.6 High Academic Quality Services to distance education students………………………37 2.7 Use of Information Technology in Providing Library Services………………………....39 2.8 Information Needs of Distance Learning Students……………………………………..42 2.9 Problems in the Provision of Library Services to Distance Learning Students…………44 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………49 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………...50 3.2 Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………..50 3.3 Research Design…………………………………………………………………… .…..51 3.4 Sampling Procedures…………………………………………………………………….52 3.5 Research Instruments and Data Collection Procedures…………………………………53 3.6 Reliability and Validity of the Data Gathering Tools…………………………………..55 Summary………………………………………………………………………………...56 CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………..57 4.2 Responses from the students' questionnaire…………………………………………….57 4.2.1 Personal Information of distance education students…………………………………...57 4.2.2 Library and information services provided by the regional library……………………...58 4.2.3 Frequency of visit to the regional library………………………………………………..58 4.2.4 Reasons for using the regional library…………………………………………………..59 4.2.5 Constraints to the use of the regional library……………………………………………60 9 4.2.6 Currency of the books in the regional library……………………………………………62 4.2.7 The extent in which the regional library is addressing high academic quality………….62 4.2.8 Other aspects pertinent to the study…………………………………………………….63 4.3 Responses from the programme coordinators/ tutors…………………………………...63 4.3.1 Types of course materials given to distance education students………………………..63 4.3.2 Constraints to the use of library by distance education students……………………….64 4.4 Interviews with the Regional Director………………………………………………….64 4.5 Interviews with the library staff………………………………………………………...65 4.6 Discussion……………………………………………………………………………….66 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………67 CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS

Working Together in Developing Library and Information Science Education in the Asia Pacific

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006

Ongoing initiatives that offer potential collaboration and cooperation among LIS educators, particularly in the Asia Pacific context, are identified and discussed. By no means being exhaustive, these areas include hosting and participating in workshops, symposiums and conferences; implementing a portal for education; developing a repository of learning objects and resources; assuring quality through accreditation; and promoting and sustaining research and scholarship. These are highlighted to with the aim to foster and promote dialog among LIS educators and researchers, and to engender participation in these activities. Collectively, these areas lays a foundation to create an informal network to improve information exchange and dissemination, knowledge sharing and creation, research collaboration, and in so doing, help further improve and ensure high standards of LIS education and research in the region.

Distance education in library and information science: experience in Pakistan

Library Review, 1999

Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate library web sites in Pakistan, to analyse their content and navigational strengths and weaknesses and to give recommendations for developing better web sites and quality assessment studies. Design/methodology/approach -Survey of web sites of 52 academic, special, public and national libraries in Pakistan based on a 77-item checklist. Findings -Pakistani libraries have developed web sites over the past few years but these are few in number. No directory is available to locate library web sites and no scholarly literature has been written on this topic in Pakistan. No standards for content selection were considered in developing library web sites so they lack uniformity and often miss important features.

Responding to the library needs of distance learners

Organizacija znanja, 2009

One of the current trends in higher education is the rapid growth of distance education. Until recently distance learners could not access the rich documentary resources available to campus students, a factor thought to undermine the quality of distance education. However, the Internet has changed that. The paper examines how distance teaching universities make library resources available and how their students use them. There will be a particular focus on the challenge of serving distance learners in developing countries since that is where much of the growth of distance education will be.

Library & Information Science Distance Education: A Pakistani Perspective

Introduction. Distance education (DE) system in library and information science (LIS) is in practice in many parts of the world. The purpose of this paper is to review the current status of Master of LIS education through distance mode in Pakistan in the light LIS experts" opinion. It also aims to recommend corrective measures accordingly. Method. The paper is based on literature review and interviews of representative library professionals. A purposive sample consisting of 20 experts was drawn, but only 12 of them could be approached for interview. The data has been interpreted using thematic approach. Results. The MLIS program is an opportunity for those who cannot leave their homes, job, family, etc. for further formal studies. Nonetheless, imparting the desired quality DE is a real challenge because of the following factors: students" non-compulsory attendance in tutorial classes, the flaws in system of examination & evaluation, bulky study material and lack of resourc...

Wed Based Library Services for Distance Education Students: A Brief Review

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2017

Distance learning is one of the most rapidly growing fields of education and training. The role of libraries is very crucial in the distance learning process. For gaining the quality education, distance education learners needs adequate library services. This paper examines the possible ways of library services more specifically web based library services that fulfil the information needs of the distance education students. It concludes that the librarians should be expert to hold the hands of the users who are moving towards new communication paradigm a shift from face to face human contact to human machine interaction, from paper to electronic delivery, from text centered mode to multimedia and from physical presence to virtual presence. To meet these challenges the librarians may play a leadership role in providing better Web Based library Services facilities to their current techno savvy users.