Data management for the electricity market (original) (raw)
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ERCOT Electricity Market: Transition from Zonal to Nodal Market Operation
Competitive electricity market has been of interest for more than a decade, with every electricity market presenting its own unique characteristics and features. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) is one of the eight independent system operators (ISO) in North America which is currently structured as a zonal model. ERCOT is planning to introduce some changes in market design and transitioning into the nodal market operation. Originally scheduled for October 2006, implementation has been deferred to December 2010. This paper discusses some operational challenges in ERCOT, the ongoing discussions of market redesign, and the current status of the evolution of the ERCOT market.
A Framework for Electricity Market Monitoring
– The experiences to date with the im-plementation of electricity markets are indicative of less than true competition. Such results are symp-toms of flaws in market design which allow market players to behave strategically by exercising market power and, in some extreme cases, manipulating markets. Such behaviors impede the attainment of vibrant competition, which was a key goal in re-structuring electricity. The market monitoring no-tions used in securities and commodity markets can be adapted to electricity markets to minimize the impacts of such misconducts. However, due to the uniqueness of electricity and its markets, market monitoring needs to explicitly take into account the salient features of electricity including its extreme perishability as a commodity and the reliable system operations in parallel with market operations. This paper’s objective is to describe a framework for market monitoring that takes explicitly into account the unique characteristics of electricity an...
Information Systems for Improving Competition in Deregulated Electricity Market
This article intends to reflect the dynamism of the process of liberalization currently taking place in the Spanish and European electricity sector. It expresses the need for the utilization of an information system which may help companies in this sector make swifter purchases, sales and bids, study market trends, in addition to facilitating cost studies and forecasts for the distribution and regulation of energy. It presents software developed for that purpose and the experiences of companies of the sector.
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The Economics of Electricity Markets, 2013
Trading electricity in a similar way to other commodities requires special arrangements. Transaction costs are reduced by product standardisation, and a central agent, the system operator, ensures that production and consumption match on a constant basis regardless of actions by gener ators and consumers. Figure 2.1 illustrates the typical timeline of electricity transactions. In this chapter we discuss transactions taking place in wholesale electricity markets, splitting them into two groups: electricity market transactions and transactions related to system operations. 2.1.1 Electricity Market Transactions This group includes transactions taking place between market participants up until shortly before the actual time production and consumption take place, which is referred to as the 'real time'. We refer to the broad range of such transactions as 'market transactions'. All the market transactions are forward transactions, because they take place before the time of delivery. They are concluded between years Time Forward trading (Long term, Day-ahead, Intraday) Reserve procurement, Congestion management, Balancing Gate closure Electricity market transactions System operations Imbalance settlement Real time Figure 2.1 Timeline of electricity transactions
MASCEM: a multiagent system that simulates competitive electricity markets
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2003
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