Review Paper on Wearable Computing Its Applications and Research Challenges (original) (raw)

On Wearable Computing Its Applications and Research Challenges


Wearable technology provides number of opportunities in today’s world that trigged all the imaginations for the people. In today’s era we are more and more dependent on computers and to be compatible with the technology we have to be omnipresent and embrace new developments. Our daily use material is imposed by factor such as battery life, processor power, display brightness, network coverage and form factor have led to the delay in the widespread introduction of wearable computers. In this paper we will review wearable early design that was merely used for aircraft and military purpose and compare that with its today’s application that how nowadays they are used for personal activities. It also highlights the scope and market of wearable computers and how it is emerging day by day.

Wearable Computing and its Application


wearable technology offers many opportunities which trigger the thoughts and imaginations of people of all fields. In this age of technology, the dependence on computers and other interfaces required them to be omnipresent. This requirement paved way for the development of wearable technology, computers which can assist specialized professionals in personal activities by aiding and augmenting everyday life with the tech savvy world. In reality obstacles imposed by factors such as battery life, processor power, display brightness, network coverage and form factor have led to the delay in the widespread introduction of wearable computers. However in the past 10 yrs many successful implementations and the continuous relentless effort to miniaturize computers promise the emergence of viable applications. In this paper wearable computing applications are reviewed from the early aircraft maintenance and military designs to current production models including designs for personal entertain...

Wearable Computing

Wearable computers are computer devices or systems integrated into the clothing or attached to the body of a person. The evolution of wearable computing devices, driven by the confluence of information and communication technology, has changed the way people use online services by keeping them always connected. This paper provides a brief introduction to wearable computing with its technical issues and challenges that must be addressed to reap the huge benefits.

The challenges of wearable computing: Part 2

IEEE Micro, 2001

The most immediately striking challenge in designing wearable computers is creating appropriate interfaces. However, the issues of power use, heat dissipation, networking, and privacy provide a necessary framework in which to discuss interface. Part 1 of this article covers the first two of these issues; Part 2 begins with the networking discussion.

Wearable computers: Field-test results and system design guidelines

Proceedings of the IFIP TC13 Interantional Conference …, 1997

Since the summer of 1994, a group of partners, led by Bocing and including Carnegie Mellon University, Virtual Vision, and Honeywcll have developed or provided significant design input on several generations of wearable computer systems, head-mounted displays (HMOs), and field-tested several application prototypes using these systems. Some of these applications include KC-135 skin inspections at McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento, California, autopilot troubleshooting for the Boeing 777, and fuel systelll prohlem diagnosis and repair for the Boeing 757. This paper will address three questions: Why would someone wear a computer? What is a wearable computer'! How docs application and user inter(;lce design for these systems differ from that for mOTe conventional oflice desktop applications?

Issues in wearable computing

ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 1997

Wearable computers represent a new paradigm in compuring." This statement is a good sound bite and undeniably Lrue but what doe.-. it mean? Finding meaning. in d1is st:uemem wa$ rhe purpose of a two day work~hop on wearable computers organized by c.he four authors of this paper. at C HI 97 in Morch, 1997. The workshop was attended by 37 pcoplt represcnring 2l diffc:renr org~nizations. 11le anendecs an:«l in the Appendix. This while paper is a reporr on 1har workshop.

wearable technology

The introduction of wearable technologies allows users to access technology hand free. There will be no longer be the need to carry around bulky devices. Information can be accessed at your command and pictures or videos can be taken with the wink of an eye. This new wave of technology will ignite an explosion of innovation which will be the key to advancements for mankind. As computers move from the desktop, to the palmtop, and onto our bodies and into our everyday lives. In this paper we focus our attention on two applications, from the plethora of wearable computing possibilities. We will first discuss general everyday use wearable computers; this will include such devices as wearable electronic fabrics, wearable digital watches with enhanced capabilities, wearable handbags and so forth. Next we will explore a number of medical wearable devices including navigation systems for the blind and real-time American Sign Language recognizers.

A five-year review of methods, purposes and domains of the international symposium on wearable computing

Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers

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