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Босна и Херцеговина и потписивање Конвенције 1880. године
Sineza, 2020
Објављено под условима Creative Commons Ауторство-Некомерцијално-Без прерада 4.0 Међународне јавне лиценце (CC-BY-NC-ND) која допушта кориштење, дијељење и умножавање дјела, али само у некомерцијалне сврхе и уз услов да се исправно цитира дјело и аутор, те упути на извор. Лиценца не допушта дијељење дјела у прерађеном или измијењеном облику.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2021
Апстракт: Рад садржи преглед бошњачке историографије o југословенском уједињењу 1918. године. Кроз анализу остварења бошњачких интелектуалаца аутор указује на њихова виђења "посебности" и "државотворног капацитета" који је Босна и Херцеговина "унијела" у југословенску државу крајем 1918. године. У раду се, такође, сагледавају мишљења бошњачких научника о утицају стварања Краљевине СХС на националну и културну еманципацију Бошњака, питању ексклузивизма и хегемонизма Срба и Србије у новој држави, те њихових насилних иступа према Босни и Херцеговини и Бошњацима након Прводецембарског акта 1918. године.
Vladan Gavrilović Dejan Mikavica Vladan Gavrilović Dejan Mikavica THE CLERGY OF THE DIOCESE OF BAČKA DURING THE NINETIES YEARS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age, family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European values. The Diocese of Bačka is one of the oldest dioceses of the Serbian Orthodox Church north of the Sava and Danube. It was founded in the 16th century, in the Turkish period, and became one of the seven dioceses of the newly founded Karlovac Metropolitanate in the Habsburg era. After various changes, at the end of the 18th century, it settled on four protopresbyters. It also included the Free Royal Cities in Southern Hungary (Novi Sad, Sombor and Subotica). The Metropolitan Census of the Diocese from 1797 records the structure of the clergy according to protopresbyters (active, redundant, auxiliary), as well as their generals (age, family status, children, knowledge of the language). By presenting these data, we can determine the importance of church censuses, as well as their accuracy and reliability, on the composition of the population, its number, in this case, the clergy and its education. The Diocese of Bačka was the largest diocese in the Karlovac diocese and had 91 settlements. It was also home to over ninety-one thousand (91,000) members of the Serbian people, which was an enviable number at the time, at the end of the 18th century. Only the education of the clergy in the Diocese, their good knowledge of the language, testifies to the raising of the general level of education in the Habsburg Monarchy, especially among the Serbian people and their appropriation of European values.
Projekat transbalkanske železnice i politika Srbija u vreme ustavobranitelja 1851-1858.
Srpske studije, 2012
Свака дакле земля, коя мало подале одъ мора лежи, ако своимъ производима путъ больій за продаван отворити и трговину свою споляшню разпространити жели; мора на то мыслити, да или посредствомъ река, свезу съ моремъ имаюћи, или копанемъ канала и правленемъ камениты или гвоздены путова олакша производима своима долазакъ до мора... " Србске новине, бр. 27, 8. април 1847.
Stvaranje Balkanskog saveza 1912 / The Formation of the 1912 Balkan Alliance
Tema monografije je stvaranje Balkanskog saveza 1912. godine. Manirom tajne diplomatije stvoren je savez između Srbije, Bugarske, Crne Gore i Grčke, sa ciljem oslobađanja prostora tzv. Evropske Turske. Uz velike napore i pristajanje na nužne uzajamne kompromise, došlo se do stvaranja saveza koji predstavlja retki pozitivan primer uspešne saradnje država Balkanskog poluostrva.
During a time of absolutism in the Habsburg Monarchy (1849-1860), the basis for Serbian and Croatian relations was defined by the Croatian political elite, who took for granted that the Serbs would continue to provide unquestioning support for the ideological and political constructions of Croatian statehood rights. From the Vienna Literary Agreement to the dissolving of the Croatian Parliament in 1861, leading Serbian liberals attempted in various ways — whether by parliamentary means or through public campaigns and journalistic endeavours — to win the Croatian side over to a political alliance between the two peoples. However, expectations remained unfulfilled due to fundamental differences between two ideas of the state in political, national-ethnic and territorial terms. Such differences were insurmountable, despite the attempts of the Prečani Serbs to overlook, hold back or relativise the discrepancies in the interest of reaching an alliance for which there were no key historical or social prerequisites.