Expectancy of stress-reducing aromatherapy effect and performance on a stress-sensitive cognitive task (original) (raw)

2015, Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM

Objective. Stress-reducing therapies help maintain cognitive performance during stress. Aromatherapy is popular for stress reduction, but its effectiveness and mechanism are unclear. This study examined stress-reducing effects of aromatherapy on cognitive function using the go/no-go (GNG) task performance and event related potentials (ERP) components sensitive to stress. The study also assessed the importance of expectancy in aromatherapy actions. Methods. 81 adults were randomized to 3 aroma groups (active experimental, detectable, and undetectable placebo) and 2 prime subgroups (prime suggesting stress-reducing aroma effects or no-prime). GNG performance, ERPs, subjective expected aroma effects, and stress ratings were assessed at baseline and poststress. Results. No specific aroma effects on stress or cognition were observed. However, regardless of experienced aroma, people receiving a prime displayed faster poststress median reaction times than those receiving no prime. A signif...

Physiological effects in aromatherapy

The effects of aromas on humans are divided into physiological and psychological effects. The physiological effect acts directly on the physical organism, the psychological effect acts via the sense of smell or olfactory system, which in turn may cause a physiological effect. This paper reviews on the physiological effects which are used for the evaluation of the effects of aromas. Physiological parameters, i.e. heart rate blood pressure, electrodermal activity, electroencephalogram, slow potential brain waves (contingent negativevariation), and eye blink rate or pupil functions, are used as indices for the measurement of the aroma effects

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Physiological effects in aromatherapy Cover Page

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The use of aromatherapy in alleviating anxiety Cover Page

Effect of Herbal Perfumes and Synthetic Perfumes on Attention and Cognitive Functions in Young Adults: A Sequential Cross-sectional Study


Introduction: Focused and sustained attention, executive function, working memory and task switching are important cognitive abilities. Efforts to enhance cognitive abilities, have engaged the scientific community since ages. Human beings are exposed to several fragrances and the perception of the sense of smell, plays an important role in the physiological effects of mood, stress, and working capacity. Perception of olfactory stimuli involves complex brain processing, which can be directly associated with cognition and emotion. Several Electroencephalogram (EEG) studies have revealed that, fragrances significantly modulate the activities of different brain waves and are responsible for various states of the brain. Aim: To objectively demonstrate the effect of olfactory stimulation with herbal (rose) perfume on attention and executive functions. Materials and Methods: This sequential cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Physiology at Osmania Medical College, Hyde...

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Effect of Herbal Perfumes and Synthetic Perfumes on Attention and Cognitive Functions in Young Adults: A Sequential Cross-sectional Study Cover Page

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Lavender aromatherapy: A systematic review from essential oil quality and administration methods to cognitive enhancing effects Cover Page

The Relationship between Aromatherapy and Mental Wellbeing: A Narrative Review


Mental disorders are patterns of behavioral or psychological symptoms that affect multiple areas of life; these disorders create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms. The search for the most effective and safe treatments is essential. Aromatherapy as a specialized segment of phyto-therapy have attracted the attention of many researchers as complementary method for treating patients with neurological and psychiatric complaint due to their low cost and ease of use. While, it could be practiced via inhalation or topical application and massage utilizing specific essential oils for several, minor, clinical uses as a natural way of healing a person’s mind, body and soul.

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The Relationship between Aromatherapy and Mental Wellbeing: A Narrative Review Cover Page

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The psychological aspects of aromatherapy Cover Page

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Aromas of rosemary and lavender essential oils differentially affect cognition and mood in healthy adults Cover Page

The Effects of Jasmine Oil Inhalation on Brain Wave Activies and Emotions

Journal of Health Research

In Thailand, jasmine oil is widely used as a preferred odor in aromatherapy. However, there are a small number of researches investigating effects of jasmine oil on the nervous system functions. In this study, we aimed to examine effects of jasmine oil inhalation on the function of central nervous system and mood responses. Twenty healthy volunteers have been participated in this study. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was then recorded from 31 electrodes on scalp before and after odor inhalation. In addition to the EEG recording, subjects have also been inquired to estimate their emotion responses. According to the international 10-20 system, the EEG measurements were recorded and the EEG power spectra were calculated using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The data was analyzed by comparing two sessions; first during resting and inhaling sweet almond oil, and second between inhaling sweet almond and inhaling jasmine oil. These parameters of assessment were measured before and after ...

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The Effects of Jasmine Oil Inhalation on Brain Wave Activies and Emotions Cover Page

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Differential effects of lavender and rosemary on arousal and cognitive performance Cover Page

Aromatherapy facts and fictions: a scientific analysis of olfactory effects on mood, physiology and behavior

The International journal of neuroscience, 2009

A systematic review of scientific experimentation addressing olfactory effects on mood, physiology and behavior was undertaken. From this review, 18 studies meeting stringent empirical criteria were then analyzed in detail and it was found that credible evidence that odors can affect mood, physiology and behavior exists. To explain these effects, pharmacological and psychological mechanisms were explored and a psychological interpretation of the data was found to be more comprehensive. Methodological problems regarding dependent measures and stimuli, which led to inconsistencies in the data were discussed, as were the mediating variables of culture, experience, sex differences, and personality.

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Aromatherapy facts and fictions: a scientific analysis of olfactory effects on mood, physiology and behavior Cover Page


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A pleasant familiar odor influences perceived stress and peripheral nervous system activity during normal aging Cover Page

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Plasma 1,8-cineole correlates with cognitive performance following exposure to rosemary essential oil aroma Cover Page

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The Effect of Aromatherapy and the Benson Relaxation Technique on the Anxiety of Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome: Randomized Controlled Trial Cover Page

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