Immaterial Heritage and Identity of Youth of St. Petersburg (original) (raw)

Economy of Impressions: Reconstruction of Historical Practices of the Cultural Heritage of St. Petersburg

Administrative consulting

В статье представлены некоторые результаты текущего исследования бальной культуры в рамках проекта по реконструкции исторических практик культурного наследия Санкт-Петербурга, объекта Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Рассмотрена экономика впечатлений и предъявление аутентичности коммерческого проекта-реконструкции бала XIX в. В работе использованы социологические методы анализа документов, семиотический анализ афиш XIX-XXI вв., приведены результаты интервью и опросов молодежи по поводу бальной культуры, феноменологически рассмотрена реконструкция исторического бала в особняке П. Н. Демидова.

Student youth of St. Volodymyr University at Taras Shevchenko’s age: social and cultural portrait


Статтю присвячено аналізу обставин становлення Університету св. Володимира у Києві. Розглянуто особливості соціокультурного портрета студентів університету.Статья посвящена анализу обстоятельств становления Университета св. Владимира в Киеве. Рассматриваются особенности социокультурного портрета студентов университетаThe article is devoted to the analysis of the circumstances of establishment of St. Volodymyr university in Kyiv. Peculiarities of the social and cultural portrait of the student youth are highlighted in the articl

Belonging to the student community as a factor of identity construction (on the example of emigrant graduates of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)

Modern European Society: Identity Transformation in the EU and Russia : collection of scientific articles on results of the international conference 2-4 December 2021., 2022

The article deals with the experience of historical reflection of graduates and professors of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Peter the Great, who emigrated from Russia after the events of 1917. The author investigates the influence of the experience of studying and working at the institute on the identity of emigrants, on the character of their recollections, as well as on the attitude towards the student experience as a stage of life and professional formation. The paper concludes that memory of certain events is determined by identity. The conditions of emigration only reinforced the need for reflection on self-identity, because through the creation of memorial materials there was an opportunity to preserve one's own path. Interaction with student communities and alumni associations should contribute to rethinking the significance of the university both in the system of education and in the system of education, having an important impact on the formation of a person's identity.

Civil identity and cultural-historical memory of the young generation of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2023

Introduction. Modern socio-political realities, priorities of Russian educational policy, and strengthening of the role of education actualize the issue of forming civil identity and cultural-historical memory of the young generation of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, which is a crucial condition for their integration into the Russian space. The study aims to theoretically and empirically analyze the civic identity and cultural-historical memory of the aforementioned population group. Materials and methods. The empirical research involved 185 students aged 14-17, 60.5% female and 39.5% male, living in Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. The following methods were applied: theoretical – analysis of the research subject based on philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature review, generalization and systematization of the data obtained; empirical – questionnaire, survey, and conversation. Results. Based on the analysis and generalization of scientific literature, the essence and specificity of civic identity and cultural-historical memory was identified, the relationship between these phenomena was established, indicators for their assessment were selected, and a questionnaire “Civic identity and cultural-historical memory of the young generation” was developed. The empirical study determined that more than a half of the young people in Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics associate themselves with Russians and Russia (64.3%), indicating the Russian Federation as their place of birth and residence (87.3%). More than 80% know state symbols, main historical events, are ready to act for the benefit of the Motherland (49.7%) and feel proud of the country (69.2%). At the same time, less than half of the respondents are not fully aware of the cultural heritage of Russia and of outstanding figures of culture, science and art. Less than 50% are characterized by fairly low social activity (participation in social projects, events, volunteer activities); 82.6% of survey participants are ready to leave the country if they are offered a well-paid job abroad. These contradictory results indicate the insufficient formation of civil identity and cultural-historical memory of the young people of Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. Conclusion. The results of the empirical study can serve as basis for developing a model of civic identity and culturalhistorical memory formation, for creating pedagogical conditions to implement this model in educational practice, and for making methodological recommendations for the civic-patriotic education of the young generation in Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. Prospects for further work are related to expanding the empirical base of the study and increasing the sample of respondents, as well as developing an adaptive system for the formation of civic identity and cultural-historical memory of the above-mentioned population group.

Regional identity politics: The image of St. Petersburg in the discourse of regional leaders

Political Expertise: POLITEX, 2020

The article is devoted to the issues of studying the processes of constructing regional identity. The existence of a consistent, logical and conceptual uniform regional identity policy is the basis for the implementation of a number of key tasks required for the stable development of a region. Definitions of such categories as “identity”, “identity policy” and “regional identity” are provided. The author adheres to the position of social constructivism, detailing the main points of this methodology. The article also provides a brief overview of empirical research on the relevant topic. One popular trend among Russian scientists is the analysis of discursive practices in the context of studying the features of symbolic politics at both the national and regional levels. In the empirical part of the work, the author attempted to identify symbolic grounds for the reconstruction of the image of St. Petersburg and the image of the community by using discourse analysis of public speeches b...

An outstanding representative of St. Petersburg historical school Yuriy Georgievich Alekseev

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. History, 2017

Статья посвящена научному творчеству профессора Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета Юрия Георгиевича Алексеева (1926-2017). Ученик И. И. Смирнова, он стал одним из ярких представителей петербургской школы историков, талантливым ученым, замечательным лектором и популяризатором исторической науки. Среди научных интересов Ю. Г. Алексеева-социальная, экономическая и политическая история древней и средневековой Руси, история русского законодательства, аграрная история, военная история, история флота. В статье анализируются работы Ю. Г. Алексеева на фоне развития отечественной исторической науки XX-XXI вв. В числе работ ученого можно выделить циклы его книг по аграрной истории России, эпохе Ивана III и памятникам русского средневекового законодательства. В последние годы историк уделял особое внимание проблемам военной истории России. Все монографии ученого тесно связаны между собой и посвящены становлению и развитию Российского государства. Авторы статьи последовательно рассматривают труды Ю. Г. Алексеева, отмечая его тщательную, филигранную работу с источниками и глубокое знание историографии. Взгляды Ю. Г. Алексеева на эволюцию социально-экономических отношений в средневековой Руси авторы сравнивают с концепцией И. Я. Фроянова о роли общины в истории российской государственности. Наряду с другими ленинградскими учеными-аграрниками-Н. Е. Носовым, А. И. Копаневым, И. Я. Фрояновым, А. Л. Шапиро, Д. И. Раскиным-Ю. Г. Алексеев по-новому рассмотрел характер развития крестьянской общины в России XV-XVI вв. Скрупулезное изучение разноплановых источников привелo Ю. Г. Алексеева к мысли о земско-служилом характере Российского государства. При этом особую ценность для исторической науки представляют его работы по истории отечественного законодательства (анализ Псковской Судной грамоты, Судебника Ивана III, уставных грамот) и формирования аппарата управления. Вклад Ю. Г. Алексеева в исследование военной истории многогранен. Изучение походов русских войск при Иване III позволило ученому доказать проведение в России XV-начала XVI в.

Self-identification of youth in the Moscow region as a factor of constructing the image of the Russia’s future

Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022

The article is based on the study “Political identification of youth in the Moscow region” conducted in May-June 2021 on the basis of the Center for Political Science of the ISPR FCTAS RAS. It describes the features of the political and ideological identification of youth in Moscow and the Moscow region, which are considered as the most important factor in political behavior and civil activity. The authors identified the groups of young people according to their self-identification, based on a civilizational approach. Revealing the positions of different groups of young people regarding the present and future of Russia demonstrates a high level of social optimism among those who demonstrate adherence to the Russian cultural matrix. In turn, in the groups where orientations towards the Western culture prevail, there is a more pessimistic attitude towards both their future and the prospects for the country’s development.