Electro-Magnetic and Gravito-Magnetic Fields as a Result of Modifications Induced by Motion on the Space-Time (original) (raw)


In this paper , equations of Magnetism are rediscovered by using Special Relativity and Coulomb's law with different method and various cases are studied . Magnetic field near a current carrying conductor is redefined as ratio of relativistic electric field experienced by reference frame of a moving charge near the conductor to velocity of that reference frame with respect to the conductor. Mathematically, it is found that the existing formulas of magnetism given by Biot- Savart Law are valid only for normal velocities and completely fail for higher or microscopic velocities of moving charge. 'Fleming's Right/Left Hand Rules' can easily be explained by Relativity as just interaction between charges. Unlike existing idea, a magnet or current carrying conductor can exert some force even on charges at rest. Magnetic field due to a current carrying conductor is nothing but ratio of approximate relativistic electric field to the velocity of reference frame. Lorentz force can be calculated as 'Just Electric Force' rather as 'Sum of Electric and Magnetic Force' by using Relativity. Magnetic force is just an electric force in Relativistic Electrodynamics that could not be explained by Classical Electrodynamics. The values of ε_0 and c are fundamental and the formula μ0 =〖1/ε_0 c^2 〗_ is their relation with permeability of free space . It is claimed that "As Maxwell's Equations are based upon existing equations of Magnetism which are only approximation for lower velocities and fail in higher velocities, they are likely to be useless now". It is suggested that, "As Magnetic Force is nothing but Electric Force in Relativistic Electrodynamics, the name of one of the four fundamental forces ; 'Electromagnetic Force' should be changed into just 'Electric Force'." It is claimed that radiations are just non-mechanical waves that can propagate at velocity of light and are not necessarily electromagnetic in nature. Moreover, the writer suggests that electromagnetic waves may not exist at all.

Classical Interpretations of Relativistic Phenomena

Journal of Modern Physics, 2012

Electric charges, electric & magnetic fields and electromagnetic energy possess momentum and energy which we could experience with our sense organs. Therefore, all these are real physical entities (objects). All physical objects are subject to gravitation. Therefore, electromagnetic entities should similarly be subject to gravitation. In this paper, we have shown that classical physics with this simple consideration is equivalent to the theory of relativity-special & generalto explain many puzzling electrodynamic as well as gravitational phenomena.

An Alternative Electrodynamics to the Theory of Special Relativity


An electrical force is propagated with the velocity of light c. The velocity of transmission of an electrical force, relative to a charged particle moving with velocity v, is (c – v). The accelerating force F on an electron of charge –e and mass m moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of intensity E and magnitude E, is proposed as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where m is a constant and c is the magnitude of velocity of light. The difference between the accelerating force F and the impressed force –eE is the radiation reaction force R and radiation power is the scalar product –v.R. For θ = 0 or θ = π radians, there is rectilinear motion with radiation reaction force –eEv/c and radiation power eEv^2/c. In the alternative electrodynamics an electron is accelerated to a maximum speed c with constant mass, in contrast to special relativity. If θ = π/2 radians, there is stable revolution at constant speed v in a circle of radius r with centripetal acceleration v^2/r. Keywords: Acceleration, electric charge, energy, field force, mass, radiation, velocity

The Relativity of the Magnetic Field

The purpose of this publication is to verify that the phenomena associated with magnetism are manifestations of special relativity. Not in vain, magnetism is a consequence of the speed of electric charges, and special relativity tells us that speed is relative to the reference system from which speed is measured. In turn, the concept of relative speed is not as simple as it may seem today. Its origin must go back to the discovery and understanding of the movement of the Earth itself, which in turn is associated with the movement of the fixed stars. But well, leaving aside the historical origin of the relative speed, we will now focus on the purely electromagnetic aspects related to the movement of charges.

A New Theoretical Framework of Absolute and Relative Motion, the Speed of Light, Electromagnetism and Gravity

Henok Tadesse

In this paper, a new theoretical framework for absolute motion and the speed of light is presented. The new theoretical framework consists of two parts: 1. Constancy of phase velocity of light 2. Apparent Source Theory. The theory of constancy of phase velocity of light is a consequence of non-existence of the ether. Thus the phase velocity of light in vacuum is always constant c, irrespective of absolute or relative motion of the light source, the observer and the mirror, for uniform or accelerated motions. The constancy of phase velocity of light leads to a new Exponential Doppler Effect of light: f ' = f e V/c and λ' = λe-V/c , which fulfills the constant phase velocity condition : f ' λ ' = f e V/c λe-V/c = f λ = c. The Exponential Doppler Effect theory can also explain the Ives-Stilwell experiment. The Michelson-Morley disproved the ether hypothesis but failed to detect absolute motion, which was decisively detected by the Silvertooth experiment, in combination with the NASA CMBR anisotropy experiment. Absolute motion is not motion relative to the ether. According to Apparent Source Theory, the effect of absolute motion is to create an apparent change in the point of light emissionrelative to an inertial observer, in the reference frame of an absolutely moving inertial observer. In the case of the Michelson-Morley experiment, an apparent change in point of light emission relative to the observer/detector will create only a small fringe shift for the same reason that an actual/physical change in the source position (actual change in point of light emission) will result only in a small fringe shift. This is the small fringe shift observed in the original Michelson-Morley experiment and in the Miller experiments. A profound prediction of Apparent Source Theory regarding the phenomenon of stellar aberration is that the apparent change in star position in not in the same direction as the observer's velocity, but in the opposite direction ! Thus, an observer in absolute motion needs to tilt his telescope backwards, not forward, to see star light.A formulation of Apparent Source Theory for a non-inertial observer is also presented. For a non-inertial observer/detector, the light speed experiment is analyzed based on thefollowing principle.An imaginary inertial observer is assumed who will be at the same point and moving with the same velocity as the instantaneous velocity of the real accelerating observer at the instant of light detection. In other words, the real accelerating observer and the imaginary inertial observer will detect the light at the same point in space, simultaneously, while moving with the same instantaneous velocity.This general formulation ofApparent Source Theory is applied to analyze the Sagnac effect. The Sagnac effect is shown to be an acceleration effect, not an absolute motion effect. Apparent Source Theory is also applied to static electric, magnetic and gravitational sources. A qualitative analysis of Mercury perihelion advance is presented.It is proposed that magnetic field is a form of electric field as described by Weber's formula for electrostatic force between two charges.Weber's formula, which is a modification of Coulomb's formula, is adopted and combined with Apparent Source Theory, which may explain all electromagnetic phenomenon.Analogous Weber's formula for gravitation, which is a modification of Newton's law of gravitation, might solve some of the outstanding problems in physics, such as dark matter, dark energy and Pioneer anomaly. 2

Electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism and gravitation (unified theory

In this article, based on the analysis of the properties of space and time we built a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. An integral part of the theory is a model of electromagnetic radiation. This theory explains phenomena such as the openness of the orbit of Mercury, the results of observations of double stars, the Michelson experiment, etc. In the world around us are known phenomena such as gravitation and electromagnetism. Gravitational interaction of two bodies at a distance from each other is expressed in their mutual attraction. The electromagnetic interaction of two bodies at a distance from each other is characterized not only by their mutual attraction, but also by repulsion, and also by rotation. It is obvious that gravitation and electromagnetism are interrelated. In addition, in the world around us there is electromagnetic radiation, a kind of which is light. The radiation particles move at a constant velocity c, which is called the velocity of light. Let us try to construct a theory that would explain gravitation, electromagnetism and electromagnetic radiation. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause, which initially causes matter to move. This cause cannot be matter itself, because for this it must move, but it has not yet been set in motion. It is evident that this cause lies in the properties of space and time. The theory will be based on the principles of classical physics. The properties of time in classical physics: 1. The quantity that characterizes time is a variable, which is denoted by t. 2. Time flows continuously, so the interval between adjacent moments of time is an infinitesimal. It is called the differential of time and denoted by dt. 3. Time flows evenly, so the differential of time dt is constant. The properties of space in classical physics: 1. The quantities that characterize space are distance r and angle í µí¼‘. 2. Space is continuous, so the interval between adjacent points of space is an infinitesimal. For distance, this quantity is called the differential of distance and denoted by dr. For angle, this quantity is called the differential of angle and denoted by í µí±‘í µí¼‘. 3. The radius of the Universe is an infinitely large first-order quantity í µí± ∞. Imagine a rectangular system of coordinate axes X, Y and Z. A distance deferred on one axis has zero projections on the other axes. If there were no relationship between the coordinate axes, a distance deferred on one axis would not have even zero projections on the other axes. Consequently, the coordinate axes have a decreasing to zero relationship. As it is known, a decreasing to zero quantity is a differential. For an angle, this differential is í µí±‘í µí¼‘. It is generally accepted that the angle between any two coordinate axes is í µí¼‹ 2 , and this is in principle true. But taking into account the decreasing to zero relationship between the axes, this angle should be taken equal í µí¼‹ 2 − í µí±‘í µí¼‘. On the X axis, from the origin, we plot a segment of a finite length í µí±Ÿ 0. Since the angle between the X and Y axes is í µí¼‹ 2 − í µí±‘í µí¼‘, the projection of the segment í µí±Ÿ 0 on the Y axis is í µí±Ÿ 0 sin í µí±‘í µí¼‘ = í µí±Ÿ 0 í µí±‘í µí¼‘. Thus, the distance í µí±Ÿ 0 on the X axis is projected onto the Y axis as a distance differential. Since a distance differential characterizes a motion, the origin must move along the Y axis, passing the distance í µí±Ÿ 0 í µí±‘í µí¼‘ in time dt. Therefore, the velocity of the origin along the Y axis is í µí±Ÿ 0 í µí±‘í µí¼‘ í µí±‘í µí±¡

Relativistic Rotating Electromagnetic Fields

Advances in High Energy Physics, 2020

In this work, we consider axially symmetric stationary electromagnetic fields in the framework of special relativity. These fields have an angular momentum density in the reference frame at rest with respect to the axis of symmetry; their Poynting vector form closed integral lines around the symmetry axis. In order to describe the state of motion of the electromagnetic field, two sets of observers are introduced: the inertial set, whose members are at rest with the symmetry axis; and the noninertial set, whose members are rotating around the symmetry axis. The rotating observers measure no Poynting vector, and they are considered as comoving with the electromagnetic field. Using explicit calculations in the covariant 3 + 1 splitting formalism, the velocity field of the rotating observers is determined and interpreted as that of the electromagnetic field. The considerations of the rotating observers split in two cases, for pure fields and impure fields, respectively. Moreover, in each case, each family of rotating observers splits in two subcases, due to regions where the electromagnetic field rotates with the speed of light. These regions are generalizations of the light cylinders found around magnetized neutron stars. In both cases, we give the explicit expressions for the corresponding velocity fields. Several examples of relevance in astrophysics and cosmology are presented, such as the rotating point magnetic dipoles and a superposition of a Coulomb electric field with the field of a point magnetic dipole.

Motion of an Electron in Classical and Relativistic Electrodynamics and a Radiative Electrodynamics


For an electron of mass m and charge –e moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of magnitude E, the accelerating force is proposed, in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion, as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where c is the velocity of light at which the electrostatic force is propagated and (c – v) is the velocity of the force relative to the moving electron. The electron moves in a straight line to the speed of light c as a limit or it revolves in a circle at a constant speed v. It is shown that the relativistic mass-velocity formula is correct for circular revolution and that the “mass m” in that formula is not a physical quantity but the ratio of electrostatic force (–eE) to acceleration (–v^2/r) in a circle of radius r. This ratio becomes infinitely large for revolution with zero centripetal acceleration, which is motion in a straight line. A radiative electrodynamics is developed for an electron accelerated to the speed of light with constant mass and with emission of radiation, contrary to classical and relativistic electrodynamics. Radiation occurs if there is a change in the potential energy or kinetic energy of a moving electron. Circular revolution of an electron, in Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is stabilized outside quantum electrodynamics. Keywords: Aberration, acceleration, charge, field, force, mass, radiation, relativity, speed, velocity