Response properties and receptive fields of cells in an anatomically defined region of the superior temporal sulcus in the monkey (original) (raw)
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Visual response properties of pretectal units in the nucleus of the optic tract of the opossum
Experimental Brain Research, 1989
Single-units were recorded from the nucleus of the optic tract. Most of the units showed excitation in response to random check patterns presented on a tangent screen to the contralateral eye, moving in a temporal to nasal direction and/or inhibition in the opposite direction. The excitatory response to the temporal to nasal movement, observed in most units, was unchanged throughout the range of speeds tested, except for a decrease at the slowest (0.6 deg/s) and fastest (150 deg/s) speeds. On the other hand, the inhibitory responses evoked by a nasal to temporal movement, had a peak between 3 and 16 deg/s which decreased towards both extremes. An average of 45% of the units were influenced by the stimulation of the ipsilateral eye. In one third of them the response was very weak. In the remainder, the mean frequency of spikes in one direction of the horizontal movement was more than twice that in the opposite stimulus direction. In the great majority of these units, stimulation of each eye yielded the same overall pattern of directionality, that is, movement of the stimulus towards the recording side led to excitation and/or movement in the reverse direction led to inhibition. Inhibition was stronger than excitation in most ipsilaterally responding units. Excitatory responses elicited by the ipsilateral eye were always weaker than those by the contralateral but in a few cases the ipsilateral inhibitory component was more prominent than the contralateral one.
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1988
Frontal eye field (FEF) projections to the midbrain and pons were studied in nine macaque monkeys that were used to study FEF projections to the striatum and thalamus (Stanton et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 271:473-492, '88). Injections of tritiated amino acids or WGA-HRP were made into FEF cortical locations where low-level microstimulation (≤50 μA) elicited saccadic eye movements, and anterograde axonal labeling was mapped. The injections were made into the anterior bank of the arcuate sulcus from dorsomedial sites where large saccades were evoked (lFEF) to ventrolateral sites where small saccades were evoked (sFEF).The largest terminal fields of FEF fibers were located in the ipsilateral superior colliculus (SC). Projections to SC were topographically organized: lFEF sites projected to intermediate and deep layers of caudal SC, sFEF sites projected to intermediate and superficial layers of rostral SC, and FEF sites between these extremes projected to intermediate locations in SC. Patches of terminal labeling were located ipsilaterally in the lateral mesencephalic reticular formation near the parabigeminal nucleus and the ventrolateral pontine reticular formation. These patches were larger from lFEF injections. Small, dense terminal patches were seen in the ipsilateral pontine gray, mostly along the medial and dorsal borders of these nuclei but occasionally in central and dorsolateral regions. Patches of label like those in the pontine nuclei were located ipsilaterally in the reticularis tegmenti pontis nucleus in lFEF cases and bilaterally in sFEF cases.Small terminal patches were found in the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and dorsal and medial parts of the parvicellular red nucleus in most FEF cases. In the pretectal region, labeled terminal patches were consistently found in the nucleus limitans of the posterior thalamus, but we could not determine if label in the nucleus of the pretectal area and dorsal parts of the nucleus of the posterior commissure marked axon terminals or fibers of passage.We found small, lightly labeled terminal patches in the pontine raphe between the rootlets of the abducens nerve (three cases) or in the adjacent paramedian pontine reticular formation (one case). Omnipauser cells in this region are important in initiating saccades. In one sFEF case, very small patches of label were located in the supragenual nuclei anterior to the abducens nuclei and in the ipsilateral nucleus prepositus hypoglossi posterior to the abducens nucleus. Presaccadic burster neurons in the periabducens region are known to fire immediately before horizontal saccades. Neither IFEF or SFEF projections appeared to terminate in the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, or the motor nuclei of the extraocular muscles.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1991
The supplementary eye field (SEF) was defined electrophysiologically in behaving monkeys to study its connections with the diencephalon and corpus striatum. The specificity of SEF pathways was determined with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry to compare its connections with those of the arcuate frontal eye field (FEF), contiguous dorsocaudal area 6 (6DC), and primary motor cortex (Ml, arm/hand region). Results indicate that patterns of SEF connectivity were similar to the FEF and markedly different from areas 6DC and M1. Primary reciprocal thalamic pathways of the SEF were with the magnocellular ventral anterior (VA) nucleus, medial parvicellular VA, medial area X, and paralaminar medialis dorsalis (multiformis and parvicellularis). FEF showed similar connections but its most robust pathway was with MD rather than VA. In contrast, area 6DC showed the most extensive reciprocal connections with lateral VApc and lateral area X with only sparse connections with paralaminar MD. Area 6DC also exhibited reciprocal connections with the ventral lateral (VL) complex and the ventral posterior lateral nucleus, pars oralis (VPLo). M1 showed dense bidirectional connections with VPLo, and to a lesser extent, with VL. M 1 pathways with the medial dorsal nucleus were negligible. All areas exhibited connections with the paracentral and central lateral nuclei and only M1 lacked connections with the central superior lateral nucleus. SEF and FEF exhibited similar efferent projections to the caudate and putamen. In the caudate, terminal fields were restricted to a central longitudinal core while those from area 6DC were more widely distributed. Eye field efferents were restricted to the putamen's face region while 6DC projections were more exuberant. The armhand region of M1 projected to the armihand region of the putamen. Pathways are discussed with respect to their significance in oculomotor control.
Ultrastructural changes in kitten visual cortex after environmental modification
Brain Research, 1974
During the critical period of development of the visual system of the cat, deprivation can profoundly affect the physiology of the cerebral cortex2, 9-11. Changes can be brought about by very brief exposure 3 and appear to be virtually permanentlL In a search for an underlying morphological change various workers have reported ultrastructural alterations in animals deprived of visual cues to a greater or lesser degree4,7,1L The present experiments were performed on a preparation in which visual exposure could be given to one hemisphere while the other acted as an unstimulated control. The modifications were studied and their time course determined, the physiological results being presented in the previous paper 14, and the morphological findings here.
Brain Research, 1983
macaque monkey-visual cortex-middle temporal area-frontal eye field autoradiography cortico-cortical connections Injections of tritiated amino acids were made in the posterior bank and the fundus of the caudal third of the superior temporal sulcus (STs) of macaque monkeys. The injection sites lay mainly within the heavily myelinated region of STs, namely the middle temporal area. Labelled material was found in the surface of the caudal-most part of the prearcuate gyrus and in the anterior bank of the arcuate sulcus, that is in a restricted region of the part of the prefrontal cortex known as frontal eye field (FEF). The possibility that FEF may include several functional units receiving different visual inputs is considered.
The Japanese Journal of Physiology, 1979
Receptive-field properties of 273 relay (principal, P-) cells of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGd) were studied in urethaneanesthetized albino rats, in an attempt to see if there is some relation between the visual property and the conduction velocity of afferent optic nerve fibers. According to properties of the receptive-field center, P-cells were classified into two types, common (89 %) and uncommon (11 %). The common type consists of OFF-phasic, ON-phasic, ON-tonic and ON-OFF-phasic cells, while the uncommon type includes ONinhibited, moving-sensitive, ON-OFF-inhibited, simple-cell-like and complex-cell-like cells. The mean response latency to single optic chiasm shocks increases in the order of OFF-phasic (1.94 msec), ONphasic (2.35 msec), ON-tonic (2.87 msec), ON-OFF-phasic cells (3.04 msec) and uncommon type (3.18 msec). The mean size of the receptivefield center in each of the four common types was smaller than that in Y. FUKUDA, I. SUMITOMO, M. SUGITANI, and K. IWAMA METHODS General preparation. Thirty-seven albino rats, weighing 250-350 g, were used. Under anesthesia with urethane (1.2-1.5 g/kg, i.p.), the animals were mounted on a stereotaxic head holder specially designed for vision research. They were paralysed with an initial dose of 40 mg/kg gallamine triethiodide and artificially ventilated by a pump at a rate of 110/min. All the surgical wounds were infiltrated with a 1 % Xylocaine solution. During the course of the experiments, small doses of the same anesthetics were given as required. Body temperature was kept at 37-38°C with a heating pad. Japanese Journal of Physiology screen was about 32 cm. This was in the range of distance which was proved
Physiology of the frontal eye fields
Trends in Neurosciences, 1984
The monkey frontal eye fields contain cells which perform a spectrum of oculomotor-related activities. For example, there are three types of cells involved in presaccadic activity; visual cells that are often enhanced when visual stimuli are used as saccade targets, movement cells that discharge before purposive (but not spontaneous) saccades, and visuomovement cells that discharge best or solely before visually-guided saccades. Electrical stimulation at a given site in the frontal eye fields evoke saccades that are very similar, both in amplitude and direction, to the saccades associated with maximal presaccadic activity at that site. We conclude that the physiology of monkey frontal eye fields corroborates the classical hypothesis that this cortex participates in the initiation of voluntary eye movements.
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1988
Anterograde tracers (tritiated leucine, proline, fucose; WGA-HRP) were injected into sites within the frontal eye fields (FEF) of nine macaque monkeys. Low thresholds (≤50 μA) for electrically evoking saccadic eye movements were used to locate injection sites in four monkeys. Cases were grouped according to the amplitude of saccades evoked or predicted at the injection site. Dorsomedial prearcuate injection sites where large saccades were elicited were classified as lFEF cases, whereas ventrolateral prearcuate sites where small saccades were evoked were designated sFEF cases. One control case was injected in the medial postarcuate area 6.We found five descending fiber bundles from FEF; fibers to the striatum, which enter the caudate nucleus at or just rostral to the genu of the internal capsule; fibers to the claustrum, which travel in the external capsule; and transthalamic, subthalamic, and pedunculopontine fibers. Our results indicate that transthalamic and subthalamic pathways supply all terminal sites in the thalamus, subthalamus, and tegmentum of the midbrain and pons, whereas pedunculopontine fibers appear to terminate in the pontine and reticularis tegmenti pontis nucleus exclusively.Frontal eye field terminal fields in the striatum were topographically organized: lFEF projections terminated dorsal and rostral to sFEF projections. Thus, lFEF terminal fields were located centrally in the head and body of the caudate nucleus and a small dorsomedial portion of the putamen, whereas sFEF terminal fields were located in ventrolateral parts of the caudate body and ventromedial parts of the putamen. In the claustrum, lFEF projections terminated dorsal and rostral to sFEF projections. Projections from FEF terminated in ventral and caudal parts of the subthalamic nucleus without a clear topography. By comparison, terminal fields from medial postarcuate area 6 were located more caudally and laterally in the striatum and claustrum than projections from FEF, and more centrally in the subthalamic nucleus.In the thalamus, FEF terminal patches in some thalamic nuclei were also topographically organized. Projections from lFEF terminated in dorsal area X, dorsolateral medial dorsal nucleus, pars parvicellularis (MDpc), and the caudal pole of MDpc, whereas projections from sFEF terminated in ventral area X, medial dorsal nucleus, pars multiformis, and caudal medial dorsal nucleus pars densocellularis. Characteristically, projections from postarcuate area 6 terminated in central ventral lateral nucleus, pars caudalis, ventral posterior lateral nucleus, pars oralis. Projections from dorsomedial postarcuate area 6 terminated in the paracentral and central lateral nuclei.