Ultrafast zero balance of the oscillator-strength sum rule in graphene (original) (raw)

The ultrafast dynamics and conductivity of photoexcited graphene at different Fermi energies

Science advances, 2018

For many of the envisioned optoelectronic applications of graphene, it is crucial to understand the subpicosecond carrier dynamics immediately following photoexcitation and the effect of photoexcitation on the electrical conductivity-the photoconductivity. Whereas these topics have been studied using various ultrafast experiments and theoretical approaches, controversial and incomplete explanations concerning the sign of the photoconductivity, the occurrence and significance of the creation of additional electron-hole pairs, and, in particular, how the relevant processes depend on Fermi energy have been put forward. We present a unified and intuitive physical picture of the ultrafast carrier dynamics and the photoconductivity, combining optical pump-terahertz probe measurements on a gate-tunable graphene device, with numerical calculations using the Boltzmann equation. We distinguish two types of ultrafast photo-induced carrier heating processes: At low (equilibrium) Fermi energy ( ...

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The ultrafast dynamics and conductivity of photoexcited graphene at different Fermi energies Cover Page

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Competing Ultrafast Energy Relaxation Pathways in Photoexcited Graphene Cover Page

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Ultrafast carrier dynamics and terahertz emission in optically pumped graphene at room temperature Cover Page

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Ultrafast Dynamics of Massive Dirac Fermions in Bilayer Graphene Cover Page

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Photon-induced Quantum Oscillations of the Terahertz Conductivity in Graphene Cover Page

Petahertz optical response in graphene

arXiv: Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, 2017

The temporal dynamics of charge carriers determines the speed with which electronics can be realized in condensed matter, and their direct manipulation with optical fields promises electronic processing at unprecedented petahertz frequencies, consisting in a million-fold increase from state of the art technology. Graphene is of particular interest for the implementation of petahertz optoelectronics due to its unique transport properties, such as high carrier mobility with near-ballistic transport and exceptionally strong coupling to optical fields. The back action of carriers in response to an optical field is therefore of key importance towards applications. Here we investigate the instantaneous response of graphene to petahertz optical fields and elucidate the role of hot carriers on a sub-100 fs timescale. Measurements of the nonlinear response and its dependence on interaction time and field polarization allow us to identify the back action of hot carriers over timescales that a...

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Petahertz optical response in graphene Cover Page

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Terahertz and Infrared Spectroscopy of Gated Large-Area Graphene Cover Page

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Intense terahertz field effects on photoexcited carrier dynamics in gated graphene Cover Page

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Ultrafast Relaxation of Excited Dirac Fermions in Epitaxial Graphene Using Optical Differential Transmission Spectroscopy Cover Page

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Very Slow Cooling Dynamics of Photoexcited Carriers in Graphene Observed by Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe Spectroscopy Cover Page