Negotiations Following a Crisis a Simulated Scenario (original) (raw)

Disclaimer: The game scenario, the countries of Acta and Bindi, the two organizations REMA and the Chos Liberation Front, the people and their roles are fictitious. It is up to you to develop the scenario and play your role convincingly to create reality! ACTA-BINDI CONFLICT AND RELEASE OF BIOAGENT Historical Background The Country of Acta For centuries, the peoples of Acta took pride in their independent nature and cultures. Mountain peoples, they cared for the food they raised communally in small villages and protected their ancient cultures from outsiders and their influences. Historically, the kings of Acta, true autocrats, ruled the area around the ancient city of Aroma (the current capital) for centuries, but were viewed with suspicion and scorn by the mountain villagers. Late in the 20 th Century, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake devastated much of the country. Thousands died, raising Acta into worldview. Millions of dollars worth of humanitarian aid poured into the country. With riches beyond imagination in sight, the autocrat king was overthrown by General Bho, the commanding officer of Acta's army, who has