A Case of Cerebellar Psychopathology (original) (raw)

Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome

Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2011

Anatomical, physiological and functional neuroimaging studies suggest that the cerebellum participates in the organization of higher order function, but there are very few descriptions of clinically relevant cases that address this possibility. We performed neurological examinations, bedside mental state tests, neuropsychological studies and anatomical neuroimaging on 20 patients with diseases confined to the cerebellum, and evaluated the nature and severity of the changes in neurological and mental function. Behavioural changes were clinically prominent in patients with lesions involving the posterior lobe of the cerebellum and the vermis, and in some cases they were the most noticeable aspects of the presentation. These changes were characterized by: impairment of executive functions such as planning, set

Development of a Psychiatric Disorder Linked to Cerebellar Lesions

Cerebellum (London, England), 2018

Cerebellar dysfunction plays a critical role in neurodevelopmental disorders with long-term behavioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms. A 43-year-old woman with a cerebellum arteriovenous malformation and history of behavioral dysregulation since childhood is described. After the rupture of the cerebellar malformation in adulthood, her behavior morphed into specific psychiatric symptoms and cognitive deficits occurred. The neuropsychological assessment evidenced impaired performance in attention, visuospatial, memory, and language domains. Moreover, psychiatric assessment indicated a borderline personality disorder. Brain MRI examination detected macroscopic abnormalities in the cerebellar posterior lobules VI, VIIa (Crus I), and IX, and in the posterior area of the vermis, regions usually involved in cognitive and emotional processing. The described patient suffered from cognitive and behavioral symptoms that are part of the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. This case supports...

The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome—a Meta-analysis

The Cerebellum, 2019

The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS) was first described by Schmahmann and Sherman in 1998. Despite their clear depiction of the syndrome, it is our experience that the CCAS has not yet found solid ground as a disease entity in routine clinical practice. This made us question the dimension of the CCAS in cerebellar patients. We performed a systematic review of the literature according to the PRISMA guidelines, in order to answer the question whether patients with acquired isolated cerebellar lesions perform significantly worse on neuropsychological testing compared to healthy controls. Studies were selected based on the predefined eligibility criteria and quality assessment. The systematic search resulted in ten studies, mainly observational cohorts consecutively including adult patients with isolated cerebellar lesions. Patients were compared to healthy controls, and neuropsychological investigation was done within one year of diagnosis. Meta-analysis of the twelve tests that were done in two or more studies showed that cerebellar patients perform significantly worse on Phonemic Fluency, Semantic Fluency, Stroop Test (naming, reading and interference), Block Design test and WMS-R visual memory. Cerebellar patients have significant and relevant deficits in the visuospatial, language and executive function domain. This meta-analysis therefore emphasizes the importance of the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome as described by Schmahmann and Sherman.

Emotional disorders in patients with cerebellar damage - case studies

Aim. Growing number of research shows the role of the cerebellum in the regulation of affect. Lesions of the cerebellum can lead to emotional disregulation, a significant part of the Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome. The aim of this article is to analyze the most recent studies concerning the cerebellar participation in emotional reactions and to present three cases: two female and one male who suffered from cerebellar damage and presented post-traumatic affective and personality change.

Consensus Paper: Revisiting the Symptoms and Signs of Cerebellar Syndrome

The Cerebellum, 2015

The cerebellum is involved in sensorimotor operations, cognitive tasks and affective processes. Here, we revisit the concept of the cerebellar syndrome in the light of recent advances in our understanding of cerebellar operations. The key symptoms and signs of cerebellar dysfunction, often grouped under the generic term of ataxia, are discussed. Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance are associated with lesions of the vestibulo-cerebellar, vestibulo-spinal, or cerebellar ocular motor systems. The cerebellum plays a major role in the online to long-term control of eye movements (control of calibration, reduction of eye instability, maintenance of ocular alignment). Ocular instability, nystagmus, saccadic intrusions, impaired smooth pursuit, impaired vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), and ocular misalignment are at the core of oculomotor cerebellar deficits. As a motor speech disorder, ataxic dysarthria is highly suggestive of cerebellar pathology. Regarding motor control of limbs, hypotonia, a-or dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, grasping deficits and various tremor phenomenologies are observed in cerebellar disorders to varying degrees. There is clear evidence that the cerebellum participates in force perception and proprioceptive sense during active movements. Gait is staggering with a wide base, and tandem gait is very often impaired in cerebellar disorders. In terms of cognitive and affective operations, impairments are found in executive functions, visual-spatial processing, linguistic function, and affective regulation (Schmahmann's syndrome). Nonmotor linguistic deficits including disruption of articulatory and graphomotor planning, language dynamics, verbal fluency, phonological, and semantic word retrieval, expressive and receptive syntax, and various aspects of reading and writing may be impaired after cerebellar damage. The cerebellum is organized into (a) a primary sensorimotor region in the anterior lobe and adjacent part of lobule VI, (b) a second sensorimotor region in lobule VIII, and (c) cognitive and limbic regions located in the posterior lobe (lobule VI, lobule VIIA which includes crus I and crus II, and lobule VIIB). The limbic cerebellum is mainly represented in the posterior vermis. The cortico-ponto-cerebellar and cerebello-thalamocortical loops establish close functional connections between the cerebellum and the supratentorial motor, paralimbic and association cortices, and cerebellar symptoms are associated with a disruption of these loops.

Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Patients With Cerebellar Lesions

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2015

Nonmotor functions of the cerebellum are well known. Within this frame, the aim of this study was to compare psychiatric morbidity rates among patients affected by cerebellar diseases or Parkinson's disease (PD). Forty-seven patients (27 cerebellar and 20 PD) underwent a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation (psychopathological rating scales and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders). Psychiatric disorders were slightly more frequent among cerebellar than among PD patients (89% vs. 75%; p = 0.21). Mood disorders were more frequent in the cerebellar than in the PD group (90% vs. 55%; p < 0.01). Among those subjects with no psychiatric history prior to the onset of neurological disease, bipolar spectrum disorders were more frequent within the cerebellar group (p < 0.01). These results confirm high rates of psychiatric disorders among cerebellar patients. The higher frequency of bipolar spectrum presentations found in the cerebellar group may suggest a specific involvement of cortico-cerebellar circuits in the pathophysiology of mood dysregulation.

The cerebellar mutism syndrome and its relation to cerebellar cognitive function and the cerebellar cognitive affective disorder

Dev Disabil Res Revs, 2008

The postoperative cerebellar mutism syndrome (CMS), consisting of diminished speech output, hypotonia, ataxia, and emotional lability, occurs after surgery in up to 25% of patients with medulloblastoma and occasionally after removal of other posterior fossa tumors. Although the mutism is transient, speech rarely normalizes and the syndrome is associated with long-term adverse neurological, cognitive, and psychological sequelae. The clinical, neuroradiographic, and neuropsychological findings associated with CMS as well as possible mechanisms of injury are reviewed. Theories about the pathophysiology of CMS have evolved along with our understanding of the cerebellum as an important structure in the distributive neurocircuitry underlying complex speech, cognition, and behavior. CMS shares many similarities with the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome, more commonly described in adults and consisting of disturbances of executive function, visuospatial skills, nonmotor language, and affect regulation. Future directions include more thorough neuropsychological characterization, functional and diffusion tensor imaging studies, and investigations into the underlying differences that may make some patients more vulnerable to CMS. Wiley-Liss, Inc. Dev Disabil Res Rev 200814:221-228.