Options of Interest: Temporal Abstraction with Interest Functions (original) (raw)
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Intra-Option Learning about Temporally Abstract Actions
Several researchers have proposed modeling temporally abstract actions in reinforcement learning by the combination of a policy and a termination condition, which we refer to as an option. Value functions over options and models of options can be learned using methods designed for semi-Markov decision processes (SMDPs). However, all these methods require an option to be executed to termination. In this paper we explore methods that learn about an option from small fragments of experience consistent with that option, even if the option itself is not executed. We call these methods intra-option learning methods because they learn from experience within an option. Intra-option methods are sometimes much more efficient than SMDP methods because they can use off-policy temporaldifference mechanisms to learn simultaneously about all the options consistent with an experience, not just the few that were actually executed. In this paper we present intra-option learning methods for learning value functions over options and for learning multi-time models of the consequences of options. We present computational examples in which these new methods learn much faster than SMDP methods and learn effectively when SMDP methods cannot learn at all. We also sketch a convergence proof for intraoption value learning.
The Option-Critic Architecture
Temporal abstraction is key to scaling up learning and planning in reinforcement learning. While planning with temporally extended actions is well understood, creating such abstractions autonomously from data has remained challenging. We tackle this problem in the framework of options [Sutton, Precup & Singh, 1999; Precup, 2000]. We derive policy gradient theorems for options and propose a new option-critic architecture capable of learning both the internal policies and the termination conditions of options, in tandem with the policy over options, and without the need to provide any additional rewards or subgoals. Experimental results in both discrete and continuous environments showcase the flexibility and efficiency of the framework.
The utility of temporal abstraction in reinforcement learning
Abstract The hierarchical structure of real-world problems has motivated extensive research into temporal abstractions for reinforcement learning, but precisely how these abstractions allow agents to improve their learning performance is not well understood. This paper investigates the connection between temporal abstraction and an agent's exploration policy, which determines how the agent's performance improves over time.
Between MDPs and Semi-MDPs: A Framework for Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning
Artificial Intelligence, 1999
Learning, planning, and representing knowledge at multiple levels of temporal abstraction are key, longstanding challenges for AI. In this paper we consider how these challenges can be addressed within the mathematical framework of reinforcement learning and Markov decision processes (MDPs). We extend the usual notion of action in this framework to include options-closed-loop policies for taking action over a period of time. Examples of options include picking up an object, going to lunch, and traveling to a distant city, as well as primitive actions such as muscle twitches and joint torques. Overall, we show that options enable temporally abstract knowledge and action to be included in the reinforcement learning framework in a natural and general way. In particular, we show that options may be used interchangeably with primitive actions in planning methods such as dynamic programming and in learning methods such as Q-learning. Formally, a set of options defined over an MDP constitutes a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP), and the theory of SMDPs provides the foundation for the theory of options. However, the most interesting issues concern the interplay between the underlying MDP and the SMDP and are thus beyond SMDP theory. We present results for three such cases: (1) we show that the results of planning with options can be used during execution to interrupt options and thereby perform even better than planned, (2) we introduce new intra-option methods that are able to learn about an option from fragments of its execution, and (3) we propose a notion of subgoal that can be used to improve the options themselves. All of these results have precursors in the existing literature; the contribution of this paper is to establish them in a simpler and more general setting with fewer changes to the existing reinforcement learning framework. In particular, we show that these results can be obtained without committing to (or ruling out) any particular approach to state abstraction, hierarchy, function approximation, or the macroutility problem. : S 0 0 0 4 -3 7 0 2 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 2 -1 182 R.S. Sutton et al. / Artificial Intelligence 112 (1999)
Context-Specific Representation Abstraction for Deep Option Learning
ArXiv, 2021
Hierarchical reinforcement learning has focused on discovering temporally extended actions, such as options, that can provide benefits in problems requiring extensive exploration. One promising approach that learns these options end-to-end is the option-critic (OC) framework. We examine and show in this paper that OC does not decompose a problem into simpler sub-problems, but instead increases the size of the search over policy space with each option considering the entire state space during learning. This issue can result in practical limitations of this method, including sample inefficient learning. To address this problem, we introduce Context-Specific Representation Abstraction for Deep Option Learning (CRADOL), a new framework that considers both temporal abstraction and context-specific representation abstraction to effectively reduce the size of the search over policy space. Specifically, our method learns a factored belief state representation that enables each option to lea...
Theoretical Results on Reinforcement Learning with Temporally Abstract Options
We present new theoretical results on planning within the framework of temporally abstract reinforcement learning (Precup & Sutton, 1997; Sutton, 1995). Temporal abstraction is a key step in any decision making system that involves planning and prediction. In temporally abstract reinforcement learning, the agent is allowed to choose among “options”, whole courses of action that may be temporally extended, stochastic, and contingent on previous events. Examples of options include closed-loop policies such as picking up an object, as well as primitive actions such as joint torques. Knowledge about the consequences of options is represented by special structures called multi-time models. In this paper we focus on the theory of planning with multi-time models. We define new Bellman equations that are satisfied for sets of multi-time models. As a consequence, multi-time models can be used interchangeably with models of primitive actions in a variety of well-known planning methods including value iteration, policy improvement and policy iteration.
Variable-Decision Frequency Option Critic
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
In classic reinforcement learning algorithms, agents make decisions at discrete and fixed time intervals. The duration between decisions becomes a crucial hyperparameter, as setting it too short may increase the difficulty of the problem by requiring the agent to make numerous decisions to achieve its goal, while setting it too long can result in the agent losing control over the system. However, physical systems do not necessarily require a constant control frequency, and for learning agents, it is often preferable to operate with a low frequency when possible and a high frequency when necessary. We propose a framework called Continuous-Time Continuous-Options (CTCO), where the agent chooses options as sub-policies of variable durations. These options are time-continuous and can interact with the system at any desired frequency providing a smooth change of actions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CTCO by comparing its performance to classical RL and temporal-abstraction RL methods on simulated continuous control tasks with various action-cycle times. We show that our algorithm's performance is not affected by choice of environment interaction frequency. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficacy of CTCO in facilitating exploration in a real-world visual reaching task for a 7 DOF robotic arm with sparse rewards.
Multi-Timescale, Gradient Descent, Temporal Difference Learning with Linear Options
We propose an efficient reinforcement learning algorithm which is convergent under linear function approximation and uses temporally abstract actions. We show how this algorithm can be used, along with randomly generated option models over multiple time scales, to plan in real time. In our experiments, using these randomly generated option models over multiple time scales reduces the number of decision epochs required to solve the given task, hence effectively reducing the time needed for deliberation.
Temporal Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning Based on Environmental Feature
Reinforcement learning offers a fundamental framework for intelligent agents to improve their behavior through interacting with the environment. In many problem domains related to sequential decision making, reinforcement learning has shown higher standard of performance than other learning methods. However, as the complexity of problems grow, the traditional reinforcement learning approach becomes increasing inefficient. It struggles when faced with the "explosion" of the state space. The success of applying reinforcement learning to complex problems depends heavily on good abstraction methods in order to reduce the state dimensions. This thesis concentrates on developing methods to address this open IV I enjoy and value the friendships and associations established, past and present, in Queen's University Belfast: This thesis is dedicated to my caring and supporting family. Deep thanks to my dearest sister and also my best friend, Weiwei Liu, who took care of my daily life and setup an excellent example of dedication for academic research. Special thanks to my aunty, Qiaohua Luo, who shares enthusiastically mentorship, spiritual encouraging and supports financially for my life. My dear parents have been a source of love, care and support. It wouldn't be possible for all this without them. Finally, I would also like to express my gratitude to my grandpas and grandmas, for their love, care and guidance.
Successor Options: An Option Discovery Framework for Reinforcement Learning
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
The options framework in reinforcement learning models the notion of a skill or a temporally extended sequence of actions. The discovery of a reusable set of skills has typically entailed building options, that navigate to bottleneck states. In this work, we instead adopt a complementary approach, where we attempt to discover options that navigate to landmark states. These states are prototypical representatives of well-connected regions and can hence access the associated region with relative ease. In this work, we propose Successor Options, which leverages Successor representations to build a model of the state space. The intra-option policies are learnt using a novel pseudo-reward and the model scales to high-dimensional spaces since it does not construct an explicit graph of the entire state space. Additionally, we also propose an Incremental Successor Options model that iterates between constructing Successor representations and building options, which is useful when robust Suc...