Design of a very high-resolution small animal PET scanner using a silicon scatter detector insert (original) (raw)

2007, Physics in Medicine and Biology

A small animal positron emission tomography (PET) instrument using a high-resolution solid-state detector insert in a conventional PET system was investigated for its potential to achieve sub-millimeter spatial resolution for mouse imaging. Monte Carlo simulations were used to estimate the effect of detector configurations (thickness, length and radius) on sensitivity. From this initial study, a PET system having an inner cylindrical silicon detector (4 cm ID, 4 cm length and 1.6 cm thickness composed of 16 layers of 300 µm × 300 µm × 1 mm pads), for scattering, surrounded by an outer cylindrical BGO scintillation detector (17.6 cm ID, 16 cm length and 2 cm thickness segmented into 3 mm × 3 mm × 20 mm crystals), for capture was evaluated in detail. In order to evaluate spatial resolution, sensitivity and image quality of the PET system, 2D images of multiple point and cylinder sources were reconstructed with the simulation data including blurring from positron range and annihilation photon acollinearity using filtered backprojection (FBP). Simulation results for 18 F demonstrate 340 µm FWHM at the center of the field of view with 1.0% sensitivity from the coincidence of single scattering events in both silicon detectors and 1.0 mm FWHM with 9.0% sensitivity from the coincidence of single scattering in the silicon and full energy absorption of the second photon in the BGO detector.

A prototype of very high-resolution small animal PET scanner using silicon pad detectors

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007

A very high resolution small animal positron emission tomograph (PET) which can achieve submillimeter spatial resolution is being developed using silicon pad detectors. The prototype PET for a single slice instrument consists of two 1 mm thick silicon pad detectors, each containing a 32 × 16 array of 1.4 mm × 1.4 mm pads read out with four VATAGP3 chips which have 128 channels lownoise self triggering ASIC in each chip, coincidence units, a source turntable and tungsten slice collimator. The silicon detectors were located edgewise on opposite sides of a 4 cm field-of-view to maximize efficiency. Energy resolution is dominated by electronic noise, which is 0.98% (1.38 keV) FWHM at 140.5 keV. Coincidence timing resolution is 82.1 ns FWHM and coincidence efficiency was measured to be 1.04 × 10-3 % from two silicon detectors with annihilation photons of 18 F source Image data were acquired and reconstructed using conventional 2-D filtered-back projection (FBP) and a maximum likelihood expectation maximization (ML-EM) method. Image resolution of approximately 1.45 mm FWHM is obtained from 1-D profile of 1.1 mm diameter 18 F line source image. Even better resolution can be obtained with smaller detector element sizes. While many challenges remain in scaling up the instrument to useful efficiency including densely packed detectors and significantly improved timing resolution, performance of the test setup in terms of easily achieving submillimeter resolution is compelling.

Performance evaluation of a very high resolution small animal PET imager using silicon scatter detectors

Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2007

A very high resolution positron emission tomography (PET) scanner for small animal imaging based on the idea of inserting a ring of high-granularity solidstate detectors into a conventional PET scanner is under investigation. A particularly interesting configuration of this concept, which takes the form of a degenerate Compton camera, is shown capable of providing sub-millimeter resolution with good sensitivity. We present a Compton PET system and estimate its performance using a proof-of-concept prototype. A prototype single-slice imaging instrument was constructed with two silicon detectors 1 mm thick, each having 512 1.4 mm × 1.4 mm pads arranged in a 32 × 16 array. The silicon detectors were located edgewise on opposite sides and flanked by two non-position sensitive BGO detectors. The scanner performance was measured for its sensitivity, energy, timing, spatial resolution and resolution uniformity. Using the experimental scanner, energy resolution for the silicon detectors is 1%. However, system energy resolution is dominated by the 23% FWHM BGO resolution. Timing resolution for silicon is 82.1 ns FWHM due to time-walk in trigger devices. Using the scattered photons, time resolution between the BGO detectors is 19.4 ns FWHM. Image resolution of 980 µm FWHM at the center of the field-of-view (FOV) is obtained from a 1D profile of a 0.254 mm diameter 18 F line source image reconstructed using the conventional 2D filtered back-projection (FBP). The 0.4 mm gap between two line sources is resolved in the image reconstructed with both FBP and the maximum likelihood expectation maximization (ML-EM)

Study of a high-resolution PET system using a silicon detector probe

Physics in medicine and biology, 2014

A high-resolution silicon detector probe, in coincidence with a conventional PET scanner, is expected to provide images of higher quality than those achievable using the scanner alone. Spatial resolution should improve due to the finer pixelization of the probe detector, while increased sensitivity in the probe vicinity is expected to decrease noise. A PET-probe prototype is being developed utilizing this principle. The system includes a probe consisting of ten layers of silicon detectors, each a 80 × 52 array of 1 × 1 × 1 mm(3) pixels, to be operated in coincidence with a modern clinical PET scanner. Detailed simulation studies of this system have been performed to assess the effect of the additional probe information on the quality of the reconstructed images. A grid of point sources was simulated to study the contribution of the probe to the system resolution at different locations over the field of view (FOV). A resolution phantom was used to demonstrate the effect on image reso...

A feasibility study of PETiPIX: an ultra high resolution small animal PET scanner

PETiPIX is an ultra high spatial resolution positron emission tomography (PET) scanner designed for imaging mice brains. Four Timepix pixellated silicon detector modules are placed in an edge-on configuration to form a scanner with a field of view (FoV) 15 mm in diameter. Each detector module consists of 256×256 pixels with dimensions of 55×55×300 µm 3 . Monte Carlo simulations using GEANT4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE) were performed to evaluate the feasibility of the PETiPIX design, including estimation of system sensitivity, angular dependence, spatial resolution (point source, hot and cold phantom studies) and evaluation of potential detector shield designs. Initial experimental work also established that scattered photons and recoil electrons could be detected using a single edge-on Timepix detector with a positron source. Simulation results estimate a spatial resolution of 0.26 mm full width at half maximum (FWHM) at the centre of FoV and 0.29 mm FWHM overall spatial resolution with sensitivity of 0.01%, and indicate that a 1.5 mm thick tungsten shield parallel to the detectors will absorb the majority of non-coplanar annihilation photons, significantly reducing the rates of randoms. Results from the simulated phantom studies demonstrate that PETiPIX is a promising design for studies demanding high resolution images of mice brains.

SiliPET: An ultra-high resolution design of a small animal PET scanner based on stacks of double-sided silicon strip detector

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2007

We investigated with Monte Carlo simulations, using the EGSNrcMP code, the capabilities of a small animal PET scanner based on four stacks of double-sided silicon strip detectors. Each stack consists of 40 silicon detectors with dimension of 60 Â 60 Â 1 mm 3 and 128 orthogonal strips on each side. Two coordinates of the interaction are given by the strips, whereas the third coordinate is given by the detector number in the stack. The stacks are arranged to form a box of 5 Â 5 Â 6 cm 3 with minor sides opened; the box represents the minimal FOV of the scanner. The performance parameters of the SiliPET scanner have been estimated giving a (positron range limited) spatial resolution of 0.52 mm FWHM, and an absolute sensitivity of 5.1% at the center of system. Preliminary results of a proof of principle measurement done with the MEGA advanced Compton imager using a E1 mm diameter 22 Na source, showed a focal ray tracing FWHM of 1 mm. r

Development and Performance Evaluation of a High-Sensitivity Positron Emission Tomography Scanner Dedicated for Small-Animal Imaging


Developing a dedicated small-animal positron emission tomography (μPET) system of high sensitivity presents an important challenge. To address this challenge, we investigate a non-conventional design strategy for developing PET systems in which the hardware and software components of the system are synergistically combined in such a way that the certain limitations of the hardware design are overcome by reconstruction. Employing this design concept, we develop a prototype that employs two off-the-shelf detector panels having large area and high intrinsic detection efficiency in a compact geometry for achieving high sensitivity. Resolution degradations associated with the compact scanner design, on the other hand, is corrected for by using an well-established image reconstruction algorithm. We show that our prototype can generate a central sensitivity of ~30% and an image resolution of ~1.2 mm. Over the typical ranges of radioactivity currently used for conducting FDG-PET imaging of ...

Characterization of Silicon Detectors for the SiliPET Project: A Small Animal PET Scanner Based on Stacks of Silicon Detectors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2010

In this paper we propose a new scanner for small animal positron emission tomography (PET) based on stacks of double sided silicon detectors. Each stack is composed of 40 planar detectors with dimension 60 mm 60 mm 1 mm and 128 orthogonal strips on both sides to read the two coordinates of interaction, the third being the detector number in the stack. Multiple interactions in a stack are discarded. In this way we achieve a precise determination of the first interaction point of the two 511 keV photons. The price to pay is an efficiency reduction for each stack of about 50%. The reduced dimensions of the scanner also improve the solid angle coverage resulting in a high sensitivity. Preliminary results were obtained with the MEGA prototype tracker. Here, we report on the results obtained with double sided silicon prototype detectors, manufactured by ITC-FBK, having an active area of 3 cm 3 cm and a strip pitch of 500 m. Two different strip widths of 300 m and 200 m, and two thicknesses of 1 mm and 1.5 mm, equipped with 64 orthogonal p and n strips on opposite sides were read out with the VATAGP2.5 ASIC, a 128channel "general purpose" charge sensitive amplifier. We describe the experimental setup, the measurements and the results in terms of spatial resolution, spectral and timing performances obtained with the prototype detectors.

Development of an ultrahigh resolution Si-PM based PET system for small animals

Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013

Since a high resolution PET system is needed for small animal imaging, especially for mouse studies, we developed a new small animal PET system that decreased the size of the scintillators to less than 1 mm. Our developed PET system used 0.5 × 0.7 × 5 mm 3 LYSO pixels arranged in an 11 × 13 matrix to form a block with a 0.1 mm BaSO 4 reflector between the pixels. Two LYSO blocks were optically coupled to two optical fiber based angled image guides. These LYSO blocks and image guides were coupled to a Si-PM array (Hamamatsu MPPC S11064-050P) to form a block detector. Eight block detectors (16 LYSO blocks) were arranged in a 34 mm inner diameter ring to form a small animal PET system. The block detector showed good separation for the 22 × 13 LYSO pixels in the two-dimensional position histogram. The energy resolution was 20% full-with at half-maximum (FWHM) for 511 keV gamma photons. The transaxial resolution reconstructed by filtered backprojection was 0.71 to 0.75 mm FWHM and the axial resolution was 0.70 mm. The point source sensitivity was 0.24% at the central axial fieldof-view. High resolution mouse images were obtained using our PET system. The developed ultrahigh resolution PET system showed attractive images for small animal studies and has a potential to provide new findings in molecular imaging researches.

A High-Resolution PET Demonstrator using a Silicon “Magnifying Glass”

Physics Procedia, 2012

To assist ongoing investigations of the limits of the tradeoff between spatial resolution and noise in PET imaging, several PET instruments based on silicon-pad detectors have been developed. The latest is a segment of a dual-ring device to demonstrate that excellent reconstructed image resolution can be achieved with a scanner that uses highresolution detectors placed close to the object of interest or surrounding a small field-of-view in combination with detectors having modest resolution at larger radius. The outer ring of our demonstrator comprises conventional BGO block detectors scavenged from a clinical PET scanner and located at a 500mm radius around a 50mm diameter fieldof-view. The inner detector-in contrast to the high-Z scintillator typically used in PET-is based on silicon-pad detectors located at 70mm nominal radius. Each silicon detector has 512 1.4mm x 1.4mm x 1mm detector elements in a 16 x 32 array and is read out using VATA GP7 ASICs (Gamma Medica-Ideas, Northridge, CA). Even though virtually all interactions of 511 keV annihilation photons in silicon are Compton-scatter, both high spatial resolution and reasonable sensitivity appears possible. The system has demonstrated resolution of ~0.7mm FWHM with Na-22 for coincidences having the highest intrinsic resolution (silicon-silicon) and 5-6mm FWHM for the lowest resolution BGO-BGO coincidences. Spatial resolution for images reconstructed from the mixed silicon-BGO coincidences is ~1.5mm FWHM demonstrating the "magnifying-glass" concept.

Design of a small animal PET imaging system with 1 microliter volume resolution

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2004

The design of a new scanner for use in small animal PET imaging is described. The goal is to achieve 1 mm FWHM resolution in each of three orthogonal directions throughout a volume suitable for whole body mouse imaging, roughly 40 mm diameter 80 mm long. Simultaneously, the design should achieve a sensitivity of greater than 5% of all decays from a point source located at the center of the scanner.


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