Seasonal and photochemical changes of DOM in an acidified forest lake and its tributaries (original) (raw)
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Photodegradation of the algal toxin domoic acid in natural water matrices
Limnology and Oceanography, 2006
We investigated the photodegradation rate of the powerful marine toxin domoic acid in a variety of natural water matrices. The observed first-order photodegradation rate coefficient (k obs), obtained by linear regression of the logarithmic-transformed domoic acid concentrations versus irradiation time in simulated sunlight, was 0.15 Ϯ 0.01 h Ϫ1 in coastal seawater. Photodegradation rate coefficients in deionized water were not significantly different than those in coastal seawater, indicating that domoic acid is mainly photodegraded through a direct photochemical pathway. Addition of 100 nmol L Ϫ1 spikes of iron III [Fe(III)] and copper II [Cu(II)] had no significant effect on domoic acid photodegradation, indicating that the formation of trace-metal chelates did not enhance photodegradation of the toxin in seawater. We observed an increase of domoic acid photodegradation rates with temperature with a corresponding energy of activation of 13 kJ mol Ϫ1. The effect on photodegradation of pH, added humic material, and dissolved oxygen removal was also investigated. The quantum yield of domoic acid photodegradation in seawater decreased with increasing wavelength and decreasing energy of incoming radiation, with the average value ranging from 0.03 to 0.20 in the ultraviolet wavelength range (280-400 nm). Using these quantum yields together with modeled solar spectral irradiance and seawater optical properties, we estimated turnover rate coefficients for the photochemical degradation of domoic acid ranging from 0.017 to 0.035 d Ϫ1. These observations indicate that sunlight-mediated reactions are an important, yet previously unrecognized, sink of dissolved domoic acid in seawater. the National Science Foundation (OCE0326685).
Aquatic Sciences, 2009
Erich, M. S. and Trusty. G. M. 1997. Chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter released by limed and unlimed forest soil horizons. Can. J. Soil Sci. 77: 405-413. Liming of forest soils, currently practiced in Europe, may be necessary in the future in North America to counteract calcium (Ca) depletion due to whole tree harvesting. With current concerns over increasing carbon dioxide (CO 2) levels in the atmosphere, the effects of forest practices such as liming on carbon (C) cycling in forest ecosystems has been receiving increasing attention. This laboratory study investigated the effect of an increase in pH on dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water extracts of organic horizons. Organic horizons were collected from nine forested sites, some predominantly hardwood and some predominantly softwood stand types. The soils were chemically characterized. Water extracts of limed and unlimed treatments of nine organic horizons were analyzed for pH, Al, Fe, Ca, C, and DOM negative charge density. Total luminescence fluorescence spectra were also obtained for each extract. The addition of lime (CaCO 3) to organic horizons caused an average of 55% more C to be released than in unamended samples. Liming caused no significant changes in negative charge density of the DOM. Liming decreased organically-complexed aluminum (Al) and increased organically-complexed Ca. There was a negative correlation between Al concentration of extracts and fluorescence intensity. Chemical changes in the DOM released by liming were suggested by decreased fluorescence emission and excitation wavelengths due to liming. Hardwood samples did not respond differently than softwood samples with respect to DOM concentration, functional group concentration, or spectroscopic characteristics. However, there was a suggestion that particular tree species, such as cedar, may have unique effects on C concentrations and DOM chemistry.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2014
Photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in the carbon cycle. Irradiation experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of chemical factors, specifically those expected to be altered in natural waters by atmospheric acid deposition, on photodegradation of DOM. These included pH, nitrate, iron and calcium. The experiments were carried out using stream and lake water samples with a wide range of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. Decreasing DOC concentration along with decreasing absorbance was observed during three-week exposures to natural solar radiation as well as during laboratory experiments with artificial solar radiation. The pH of the samples significantly affected degradation rates of DOM especially with elevated iron, while no influence of nitrate or calcium concentration was observed. Addition of Fe III did not significantly affect photodegradation and photobleaching rate constants in samples at circumneutral pH. Acid pH increased photodegradation rates. The results suggest that photodegradation rates of DOM will decrease during recovery from acidification. Hence, lower photodegradation rates may be responsible for increases in DOM observed in some regions of North America and Europe. † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See
Environmental Science & Technology, 2022
Photochemical and microbial processing are the prevailing mechanisms that shape the composition and reactivity of dissolved organic matter (DOM); however, prior research has not comparatively evaluated the impacts of these processes on the photoproduction of reactive intermediates (RIs) from freshly sourced terrestrial DOM. We performed controlled irradiation and incubation experiments with leaf and soil samples collected from an acid-impacted lake watershed in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York to examine the effects of DOM processing on the apparent quantum yields of RIs (Φ app,RI), including excited triplet states of DOM (3 DOM*), singlet oxygen (1 O 2), and hydroxyl radicals (• OH). Photodegradation led to net reductions in Φ app, 1 O 2 , Φ app, 3 DOM* , and Φ app, • OH , whereas (photo-)biodegradation resulted in increases in Φ app, 1 O 2 and Φ app, 3 DOM*. Photodegradation and (photo-)biodegradation also shifted the energy distribution of 3 DOM* in different directions. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed the potential relevance of photobiodegradation in driving changes in Φ app, 1 O 2 and Φ app, 3 DOM* and prioritized five bulk DOM optical and redox properties that best explained the variations in Φ app, 1 O 2 and Φ app, 3 DOM* along the watershed terrestrial-aquatic continuum. Our findings highlight the contrasting impacts of photochemical and microbial processes on the photoreactivity of freshly sourced terrestrial DOM and invite further studies to develop a more holistic understanding of their implications for aquatic photochemistry.
Factors controlling the abiotic photo-degradation of monomethylmercury in surface waters
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2012
Photo-decomposition is among the most important mechanisms responsible for degrading monomethylmercury (MMHg) in aquatic systems, but this process is not fully understood. We investigated the relative importance of different factors in controlling the rate of MMHg photo-decomposition in surface waters in experiments using DOM isolated from natural waters. We found no evidence of net abiotic production of MMHg in any dark or light exposed treatments. The average (mean ± s.d.) MMHg photo-decomposition rate constant for all light exposed samples using DOM concentrated from three coastal wetlands was 0.0099 ± 0.0020 E À1 m 2 (range of 0.006-0.015 E À1 m 2 ) when expressed in photon flux from 330-700 nm. This was roughly 3-fold higher than the average MMHg photo-decomposition rate constant in coastal seawater of 0.0032 ± 0.0010 E À1 m 2 .
Organic Geochemistry, 2009
A multi-method approach was applied to study changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) at three estuarine sites with varying salinity, as well as changes resulting from experimental photodegradation. Following measurement of ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra of bulk samples, DOM was isolated using C 18 solid phase extraction. The extract was characterized using high performance size exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) and molecular level characterization was conducted via direct temperatureresolved mass spectrometry (DT-MS) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The molecular weight distribution of DOM as determined from HP-SEC and ESI-MS varied between techniques, but generally decreased down estuary and with photodegradation for both approaches. Relative differences in molecular weight were significantly correlated with the ratio of absorption coefficients at 254/365 nm. Additionally, photobleaching was significantly correlated with mass spectral characteristics from both DT-MS and ESI-MS. Principal component analysis of DT-MS spectra showed that photoexposure removed different mass spectral characteristics depending on sampling site; however, upon photodegradation, the mass spectral characteristics of both marine DOM and terrestrially dominated DOM approached a common spectrum. We interpret this spectrum, characterized by fragments from aromatic and carbohydrate-like precursors, as photochemically refractory DOM. Our results show that multiple approaches that characterize different aspects of DOM can provide complementary information about its sources and transformation. More specifically, photobleaching results in decreased light absorbance, decreased molecular weight and shifts in the relative abundance of classes of compounds (and broad shifts in m/z values); moreover, these transformations result in photodegraded samples from a low-salinity site which are compositionally similar to samples collected from a mid-salinity site further downstream.
Increased Photoreactivity of DOC by Acidification: Implications for the Carbon Cycle In Humic Lakes
Limnology and Oceanography, 2003
Effects of ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation and acidification on pelagic carbon flux in a humic lake (dissolved organic carbon [DOC] ϳ15 mg C L Ϫ1 ) were studied in a mesocosm experiment during the summer of 2000. Triplicate tanks (107 liters volume, 1 m high) were exposed to natural solar radiation, a daily extra dose of UV-B radiation, or kept dark. One set of tanks was submitted to a decrease in pH (from 5.7 to 4.7), and one set was kept at the natural pH level. During 70 d, water samples were taken regularly from the mesocosms for measurements of DOC, absorbance, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and pH. Additionally, we regularly incubated samples to measure photooxidation rates, primary production, and community respiration. We found an increase in the photooxidation rates in the acidified mesocosms relative to ambient pH. The greater abiotic production of DIC (i.e., photooxidation) in acidified conditions could explain ϳ27% of the decline in DOC in the same conditions. Laboratory experiments were done to test the effects of pH on the dissolved organic matter (DOM) photoreactivity. At lower pH values, we found both higher abiotic DIC production and specific absorbance fading, relative to neutral pH values in water from a humic lake. In a separate experiment, samples were exposed to prolonged irradiation under laboratory conditions, resulting in complete loss of absorptivity in the wavelengths between 290 and 400 nm. Decreases in DOC in the long-term exposure caused by photochemical mineralization were ϳ45 and 55% of the initial pool for natural pH and acidified samples, respectively, at the end of the experiment. An increase in the dissolved organic matter photoreactivity by acidification could be an important mechanism to explain the increased water transparency and in-lake DOC removal in acid lakes found in several previous studies.
Biogeochemistry, 2011
The photo-and bio-degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in water from the Broad River were investigated in laboratory experiments using a solar simulator to control the intensity and exposure of samples to irradiation. The water samples included a natural assemblage of microorganisms, and the daily exposure of samples to irradiation was varied to distinguish the relative contributions of photochemical and biological degradation. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and specific components of DOM, including chromophoric DOM (CDOM), lignin phenols and amino acids, were monitored to investigate the reactivity and predominant pathway of degradation of these DOM components. Biodegradation was primarily responsible for the overall remineralization of DOC and losses of the amino acid component of DOM, whereas photodegradation was primarily responsible for losses of the chromophoric and lignin phenol components of DOM. The rates of photodegradation of lignin phenols were strongly influenced by the presence of methoxy groups on the aryl ring. Syringyl (S) phenols have two methoxy substitutions, vanillyl (V) phenols have one methoxy substitution, and p-hydroxy (P) phenols are not substituted with methoxy groups. Photochemical decay constants were highest for S phenols, lowest for P phenols and followed a consistent pattern (S [ V [ P) in the experiments. The carbon-normalized yields of amino acids and lignin phenols were found to be useful molecular indicators of the highly reactive (i.e. labile) components of biodegradable and photodegradable DOM, respectively.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022
Throughout the freshwater continuum, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and the colored fraction, Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Material (CDOM), are continuously being added, removed, and transformed, resulting in changes in the chromophoricity and lability of organic matter over time. We examined, experimentally, the effect of increasing irradiationintensities on the combined photochemical and microbial degradation of CDOM and DOC. This was done by using a simulated mixed water column: aged water from a humic lake was exposed to four irradiation-intensities-representing winter, early and late spring, and summer conditions (0.10, 0.16, 0.36, and 0.58 W/m 2)-and compared with dark controls over 37 days. We found a linear relationship between CDOM degradation and irradiation-intensities up to 0.36 W/m 2 ; the degradation rate saturated at higher intensities, both at specific wavelengths and for broader intervals. After 37 days at high irradiation-intensity, CDOM absorption of irradiation at 340 nm had been reduced by 41%; 48% of DOC had been removed and DOC degradation continued to increase. Aromaticity (SUVA 254) declined significantly over 37 days at the two lowest but not at the two highest UV-intensities; levels in unexposed control water remained constant. Direct observations of the humic lake showed that CDOM absorption of irradiation (340 nm) declined by 27% from winter to summer. A model based on hydrological CDOM input and CDOM degradation calculated from field measurements of UV-radiation and experimental CDOM degradation with UV-exposure from sunlight accurately predicted the annual course as observed in the lake. With no external CDOM input, 92% of the CDOM could be degraded in a year. The results support the notion that combined photochemical and microbial CDOM degradation can be remarkably higher in lakes than previously thought and that humic lakes retain their color due to light absorption by ongoing CDOM input.