Role of Marketing Communication in Applicants’ Choice of University (original) (raw)

Identifying the Secondary School Graduates´ Preferences for Selecting the University and Effectiveness of Selected Marketing Tools

EDULEARN Proceedings, 2019

In several countries of Central Europe we have observed a demographic decrease of the number of the secondary school graduates applying for a university study. The traditional working positions without the necessity of a university education required by the labour market have almost ceased to exist and majority of the students want to continue at a university. The Slovak Republic as a Central European country with 5.5 million inhabitants has several specifics in this area. There are 20 public universities, then 3 state and eleven private ones. Almost 30 % of the secondary school graduates continue their study at a university abroad and during recent years the Slovak universities have started competing with each in addressing the applicants. The result is the utilisation of different marketing tools by the university institutions through which the secondary school students are addressed. There are Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and many others. It is a complicated process to measure their impacts, however, there are certain methods that are effective and are able to address the current generation of the secondary school students better than other ones. The Faculty of Security Engineering at the University of Žilina had to start a new marketing strategy and the individual tools and their effectiveness are regularly assessed. This article comprises the results of the investigations and detections of the measurable indicators aimed at assessing the faculty and its study programmes from the point of view of the applicants for the reason of identifying the most effective tools for the marketing communication.

What Factors Affect A Student’s Choice Of A University For Higher Education

The purpose of the research is to identify the reasons, why students choose a particular university? For identifying these reasons objectives of the research are approach through in-depth interviews. The research helps researchers understand that which objective is considered most important by respondents when selecting a university for higher educa stated that all sources; word of mouth, role of marcoms and other factors of choice have impact on student's decision making process. But the most influential is word of mouth which has great significance for all are also other factors such as environment and social conditions that are the basis of positive word of mouth. The least important in accordance to the research seems to be the role of generic marketing communications such as advertisement when choosing a university.

Implications of the Promotional Mix in the Decision to Choose University

Novateur Publication, India Case Method and Team Based Project Learning, 2022

Marketing activities are always present in every profit-oriented company or institution, be it a company that offers products in the form of goods or services. One of the companies or institutions in Indonesia that is engaged in the business of providing services, namely educational institutions, in this case are universities, both State Universities (PTN) and Private Universities (PTS). In carrying out its goals as an educational institution, universities must be able to compete to meet these goals. One way that can be applied to fulfill all of that is by promotion. Promotions that must be carried out by public and private universities must be able to provide information and influence prospective students so that they are interested in the university. Competition that arises indirectly requires every university to promote to many places so that it can reach many prospective students. Promotions are usually carried out in SMA/SMK/equivalent in cities in Indonesia. In connection with promotional activities carried out in many cities, it is necessary to determine a promotional strategy that can influence so that it is not misdirected. Determining the promotion strategy cannot be done arbitrarily because the wrong decision or lack of it will have a negative impact on the results of the promotion. In the promotion there are 5 elements that need to be considered. This element is often known as the promotional mix. Kotler (2012), states that the promotional mix is a special blend of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing that companies use to achieve their advertising and marketing goals. The determination must be made by considering the important things that are the determining factors in decision making. Based on the thoughts described above, the formulation of the problem is: Do advertising, relationships, personal selling, and direct marketing which are part of the marketing mix affect the student's decision to choose a university.

Factors Determining the Choice of University by Candidates

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība/Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība/Society. Integration. Education, 2024

The presence of non-public schools on the polish higher education market has led to increased competition and constituted a fundamental incentive to introduce marketing management in universities, both public and private. The educational services market is dominated by price competition, supported by promotional activities. Image and price are the two most important reasons for taking up studies at a given university, and the image is a particularly important source of building a university's competitive advantage. However, between public and private universities in Poland, there are significant differences in terms of image structure. The aim of this article is to examine what identity factors are decisive for candidates, what sources of information about the university were most important for candidates.

University Choice Process: A Literature Review on Models and Factors Affecting the Process Üniversite seçim süreci: Modeller ve süreci etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir literatür taramas

In recent years, many studies have discussed the increasing competition in higher education. They have emphasized that the aim of the growing competition between universities was to increase the number of students, get research support, find faculty members, and receive financial contributions. In connection with the “increase in the number of students” which is a significant part of the competition among the universities, this article aims to investigate the factors affecting the university choice process which is a challenging and significant period. Relevant literature has been reviewed to provide an extensive compilation of these factors. First, the university choice process was explained in terms of the following four models: economic models, sociological models, combined models, and the marketing approach. Then, the study investigated the nine main factors (reference groups, families, reputation and attributes of universities, personal factors, location, postgraduate job prospects, university fees, financial aid/scholarship, and information sources) that have an impact on the choices of students independent from the models. Lastly, the models and factors are presented in a conceptual framework. At the end of the study, a conceptual framework that will be useful for all university managers determining strategies and policies for student recruitment is provided.

Study of the factors of choosing the university by parents of as an important element of strategic marketing in education


If we consider modern higher education as a service provided by the state, then it is important to know the requirements of a potential consumer. The young people are unable to pay for their education themselves, therefore, it is mostly covered be the parents. Thus, while working out the University advertising marketing campaign one should focus on the requirements of the parents, the expectations and values that determine their choice. The objective of the article is to research the factors that determine the parents choice of the University as a significant element of strategic marketing. It’s necessary to identify the groups of factors that have an effect on such a choice from the parents side as well as to give practical recommendations on making up the advertising and marketing University campaign. While the research there were determined 3 groups of factors that have an effect on the choice of the University, the socio-psychological outline of the graduates’ parents has also been made up. There have been studied the ideas of the school graduates about different factors influencing the quality of higher education which determine the direction of activeness and information search concerning the educational establishment itself that have much effect on the final applicant’s choice. Education as a sphere of service should be flexible to complex values criteria, that is determined be the triple nature of the contemporary society containing the traditional values, modernism and post-modernism. The research practical significance is contained in the opportunity of using the suggested recommendations while defining the educational establishment policy corresponding with the potential customers educational service requirements. The material suggested will increase the quality of the educational service under the objective of drawing the applicants to study in the University. The results of the research conducted may be useful both for the specialists of educational sphere, educational management and the wide audience as well.

Empirical research about information and communication sources in the university selection process

The information and communication sources are essential to complete a right education decision, and it is a killer application in the university election process. In a decision-making, the choice of university information sources used by students can be grouped as empirical, interpersonal, independent and commercial. The empirical study conducted from the University Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona, Spain) shows that the study centres are the main sources of reference, the open days are the empirical visit more entrenched formula, and the Internet is the most widely used media as a resource for information and documentation.

The Importance of Marketing Activities for the Functioning of the University

Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība/Sabiedrība. Integrācija. Izglītība/Society. Integration. Education, 2024

At a time when the number of universities is growing, taking care of the image of a university is increasingly important. Traditional methods of promotion are no longer sufficient, because nowadays the choice of a university starts not with a visit to the university, but with checking its educational offerings on the Internet. This is why, in the digital age, universities need to adapt their marketing strategy to the new realities in order to reach prospective students and stand out from the competition. Many universities are actively taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the development of information technology, appreciating the importance of branding and adapting their course. This paper attempts to identify which 'communication pathway' is most frequently used by prospective university/faculty students. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of promotional activities that influence prospective students' choice of university/department. The issues raised seem to be important due to the fact that radical changes in the education market have been taking place for several years now. On the one hand, there is a large supply of higher education institutions, both domestic and foreign, and on the other hand, there is a progressive demographic decline.

A marketing perspective on choice factors FRQVLGHUHGE\�6RXWK�$IULFDQ��$UVW�\HDUVWXGHQWV� in selecting a higher education institution


The unstable and turbulent environment in which higher education institutions all over the world currently have to operate poses many management and marketing challenges to such institutions. As non- SUR�$WRUJDQLVDWLRQV��WKHDELOLW\�RIKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQLQVWLWXWLRQVWR� survive and grow would be enhanced by up-to-date knowledge and information regarding the higher education environment, and PRUHVSHFL�$FDOO\�E\�KDYLQJPDUNHWLQJDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQVWUDWHJLHV� WKDWPLJKWLQ�%XHQFHVWXGHQWVPDNLQJGHFLVLRQVRQZKLFKXQLYHUVLW\� to enrol at. The main goal of this study was to

Factors That Influence Student’s Decisions In Choosing Universitas Mikroskil

Jurnal Ekonomi, 2024

This research aims to determine the factors influencing students' decisions in choosing Mikroskil University. This type of research is associative with a quantitative approach. The variables used in this study to measure students' decisions are service quality, promotion, and facilities of the university. The number of samples used in this research is 310 respondents, namely students from all study programs at Mikroskil University using the probability sampling method with a proportional stratified random sampling approach. From the adjusted R-square value, a value of 0.785 is obtained, which when multiplied by 100 yields 78.500 per cent. This indicates that the contribution of each independent variable to influence the dependent variable is 78.500 per cent, meaning that the variables of service quality, promotion, and university facilities contribute 78.500 per cent to students' decision variables in choosing Mikroskil University, while the remaining 21.500 per cent is influenced by other variables beyond the scope of this research.