Review of the Inaugural Conference of the East European Network for Philosophy of Science (24–26 June 2016, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria) (original) (raw)

СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ МЕТОДОЛОГИИ НАУЧНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ И ТРАНСДИСЦИПЛИНАРНОСТИ// ACADEMY JOURNAL ISSN 2733-0923, no. 1(13) (January 31, 2019)/ Chief Editor Susan Belih /Open European Academy of Public Sciences : Tallinn, Estonia, 2019 - P. 9-24

В статье обосновано концептуальное становление методологии науных исследований через призму исторического развития научной мысли, способствующей появлению трансдисциплинарности.Предпринята попытка оценить прошлое и настоящее состояние интеллектуальных центробежных и центростремительных сил, которые могут дать информацию для достижения общественного единства в контексте применения в системе образования. Центростремительные силы могут быть связаны с тремя этапами исследования, выходящего за границы дисциплинарных рамок. В научной литературе они определяются как мультидисциплинарные, междисциплинарные и трансдисциплинарные исследования. The article substantiates the conceptual formation of the methodology of scientific research through the prism of the historical development of scientific thought, which contributes to the emergence of transdisciplinarity. An attempt is made to assess the past and present state of intellectual centrifugal and centripetal forces that can provide informat...

From the study of theoretical physics to philosophical modeling scientific concepts and theories: Under influence of Pavel Kopnin and his school (in Ukrainian)

Історія та сучасність у наукових розмислах Інституту філософії. – Київ., 2017. – 232 с., 2017

The paper explicates the stages of the author’s philosophical evolution in the light of Kopnin’s ideas and heritage. Starting from Kopnin’s understanding of dialectical materialism, the author has stated that category transformations of physics has opened from conceptualization of immutability to mutability and then to interaction, evolvement and emergence. He has connected the problem of physical cognition universals with an elaboration of the specific system of tools and methods of identifying, individuating and distinguishing objects from a scientific theory domain. The role of vacuum conception and the idea of existence (actual and potential, observable and non-observable, virtual and hidden) types were analyzed. In collaboration with S.Crymski heuristic and regulative functions of categories of substance, world as a whole as well as postulates of relativity and absoluteness, and anthropic and self-development principles were singled out. Elaborating Kopnin’s view of scientific theories as a practically effective and relatively true mapping of their domains, the author in collaboration with M. Burgin have originated the unified structure-nominative reconstruction (model) of scientific theory as a knowledge system. According to it, every scientific knowledge system includes hierarchically organized and complex subsystems that partially and separately have been studied by standard, structuralist, operationalist, problem-solving, axiological and other directions of the current philosophy of science. 1) The logico-linguistic subsystem represents and normalizes by means of different, including mathematical, languages and normalizes and logical calculi the knowledge available on objects under study. 2) The model-representing subsystem comprises peculiar to the knowledge system ways of their modeling and understanding. 3) The pragmatic-procedural subsystem contains general and unique to the knowledge system operations, methods, procedures, algorithms and programs. 4) From the viewpoint of the problem-heuristic subsystem, the knowledge system is a unique way of setting and resolving questions, problems, puzzles and tasks of cognition of objects into question. It also includes various heuristics and estimations (truth, consistency, beauty, efficacy, adequacy, heuristicity etc) of components and structures of the knowledge system. 5) The subsystem of links fixes interrelations between above-mentioned components, structures and subsystems of the knowledge system. The structure-nominative reconstruction has been used in the philosophical and comparative case-studies of mathematical, physical, economic, legal, political, pedagogical, social, and sociological theories. It has enlarged the collection of knowledge structures, connected, for instance, with a multitude of theoreticity levels and with an application of numerous mathematical languages. It has deepened the comprehension of relations between the main directions of current philosophy of science. They are interpreted as dealing mainly with isolated subsystems of scientific theory. This reconstruction has disclosed a variety of undetected knowledge structures, associated also, for instance, with principles of symmetry and super-symmetry and with laws of various levels and degrees. In cooperation with the physicist Olexander Gabovich the modified structure-nominative reconstruction is in the processes of development and justification. Ideas and concepts were also in the center of Kopnin’s cognitive activity. The author has suggested and elaborated the triplet model of concepts. According to it, any scientific concept is a dependent on cognitive situation, dynamical, multifunctional state of scientist’s thinking, and available knowledge system. A concept is modeled as being consisted from three interrelated structures. 1) The concept base characterizes objects falling under a concept as well as their properties and relations. In terms of volume and content the logical modeling reveals partially only the concept base. 2) The concept representing part includes structures and means (names, statements, abstract properties, quantitative values of object properties and relations, mathematical equations and their systems, theoretical models etc.) of object representation in the appropriate knowledge system. 3) The linkage unites a structures and procedures that connect components from the abovementioned structures. The partial cases of the triplet model are logical, information, two-tired, standard, exemplar, prototype, knowledge-dependent and other concept models. It has introduced the triplet classification that comprises several hundreds of concept types. Different kinds of fuzziness are distinguished. Even the most precise and exact concepts are fuzzy in some triplet aspect. The notions of relations between real scientific concepts are essentially extended. For example, the definition and strict analysis of such relations between concepts as formalization, quantification, mathematization, generalization, fuzzification, and various kinds of identity are proposed. The concepts «PLANET» and «ELEMENTARY PARTICLE» and some of their metamorphoses were analyzed in triplet terms. The Kopnin’s methodology and epistemology of cognition was being used for creating conception of the philosophy of law as elaborating of understanding, justification, estimating and criticizing legal system. The basic information on the major directions in current Western philosophy of law (legal realism, feminism, criticism, postmodernism, economical analysis of law etc.) is firstly introduced to the Ukrainian audience. The classification of more than fifty directions in modern legal philosophy is suggested. Some results of historical, linguistic, scientometric and philosophic-legal studies of the present state of Ukrainian academic science are given. Key words: Kopnin, science, categories, concepts, theory, philosophy of physics, philosophy of science, philosophy of law, organization of science. Contents Beginnings My Philosophical Viewpoint Philosophy of Physics Philosophy of Science as an Analysis of Scientific Theories Conceptual Analysis Philosophy, History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Law Academic Science Organization in the Light of European Values Some Results and Perspectives of Philosophic-Methodological Analysis of Scientific Theories References Bibliography

СИСТЕМА «НАУКА – ТЕХНОЛОГИИ – ИННОВАЦИИ»: МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ, ОПЫТ, ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции (Минск, 23–24 сентября 2021 г.)


Абстракт Сфера туризма предлагает услуги не только в сфере путешествий и развлечений, но также способствует развитию экономики, задействуя при этом природные, социальные, трудовые, культурные ресурсы и услуги. Используя ресурсы, туризм не только совершенствует качество услуг, но также внедряет новые информационные технологии, как в сфере страхования, банковских услуг, так и в продаже авиа-, автобусных и железнодорожных билетов. Цель стратегии «видеть все под другим углом зрения» – это обучение «видеть мир», свою работу, навыки своей организации и свое конкурентное преимущество в туристической сфере. Используя эту стратегию, управленцы смогут превратить недостатки в сильные стороны, достичь эффективных результатов, используя возможности, которые конкуренты не учли.