The mammalian auditory pathway: Neurophysiology (original) (raw)
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Vertical cell responses to sound in cat dorsal cochlear nucleus
Journal of Neurophysiology
Rhode, William S. Vertical cell responses to sound in cat dorsal cochlear nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 82: 1019Neurophysiol. 82: -1032Neurophysiol. 82: , 1999. The dorsal cochlear nucleus receives input from the auditory nerve and relays acoustic information to the inferior colliculus. Its principal cells receive two systems of inputs. One system through the molecular layer carries multimodal information that is processed through a neuronal circuit that resembles the cerebellum. A second system through the deep layer carries primary auditory nerve input, some of which is relayed through interneurons. The present study reveals the morphology of individual interneurons and their local axonal arbors and how these inhibitory interneurons respond to sound. Vertical cells lie beneath the fusiform cell layer. Their dendritic and axonal arbors are limited to an isofrequency lamina. They give rise to pericellular nests around the base of fusiform cells and their proximal basal dendrites. These cells exhibit an onset-graded response to short tones and have response features defined as type II. They have tuning curves that are closed contours (0 shaped), thresholds ϳ27 dB SPL, spontaneous firing rates of ϳ0 spikes/s, and they respond weakly or not at all to broadband noise, as described for type II units. Their responses are nonmonotonic functions of intensity with peak responses between 30 and 60 dB SPL. They also show a preference for the high-to-low direction of a frequency sweep. It has been suggested that these circuits may be involved in the processing of spectral cues for the localization of sound sources. 0022-3077/99 $5.00
Excitability of auditory neurons in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei of and mice☆
Experimental Neurology, 1984
Extracelhdar response properties were studied in neurons of the dorsal and ventral divisions of the cochlear nucleus (DCN and VCN, respectively) of DBA/2 (DBA) and C57BL/6 (C57) mice. Mice of the former inbred strain show msceptibility to audiogenic seixurcs and have severe high frequency hearing loss when young; mice of the latter strain do not. Whereas a%dischatBes had been readiIy observed in the inferior colliculm of DBA mice in a previous study, they were never observed in the cochlear nucleus. The incidence of nonmonotonic intensity functions, the slopes of intensity functions, and the incidence of inhibition in msponse areas indicated that inhibition was diminished in the DCN of DBA mice. However, in the VCN, these response properties did not differ between the two strains. Them appeared to be an "amplification" of excitability (i.e., attenuation of inhibition) from VCN to DCN to inferior colliculus in DBA mice.
Dissecting the circuitry of the auditory system
Trends in Neurosciences, 2003
The brainstem auditory system is a complex system composed of numerous parallel and serial pathways that converge on a common destination in the inferior colliculus (IC). The exact nature of the response transformations that occur in the IC have, however, been elusive -even though the IC has been the subject of numerous studies for more than 30 years. Recent studies have addressed this issue by recording from IC neurons before and during micro-iontophoresis of drugs that selectively block GABA A or glycine receptors (the dominant inhibitory receptors in the IC) or by reversibly inactivating a lower nucleus that provides inhibitory innervation to the IC. These studies have revealed some of the ways that signals, relayed via many different parallel routes, interact in the IC, and suggest some functional advantages that these interactions might have.
Tonotopic organization of vertical cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the CBA/J mouse
The systematic and topographic representation of frequency is a first principle of organization throughout the auditory system. The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) receives direct tonotopic projections from the auditory nerve (AN) as well as secondary and descending projections from other sources. Among the recipients of AN input in the DCN are vertical cells (also called tuberculoventral cells), glycinergic interneurons thought to provide on-or near-best-frequency feed-forward inhibition to principal cells in the DCN and various cells in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN). Differing lines of physiological and anatomical evidence suggest that vertical cells and their projections are organized with respect to frequency, but this has not been conclusively demonstrated in the intact mammalian brain. To address this issue, we retrogradely labeled vertical cells via physiologically targeted injections in the AVCN of the CBA/J mouse. Results from multiple cases were merged with a normalized 3D template of the cochlear nucleus ] J. Comp. Neurol. 521:1510-1532 to demonstrate quantitatively that the arrangement of vertical cells is tonotopic and aligned to the innervation pattern of the AN. These results suggest that vertical cells are well positioned for providing immediate, frequency-specific inhibition onto cells of the DCN and AVCN to facilitate spectral processing. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:937-949, 2014.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1984
In the cat ventral cochlear nucleus, separate neuronal classes have been defined based on morphological characteristics; physiologically defined unit types have also been described based on the shape of post-stimulus-timehistograms in response to tone bursts at characteristic frequency. The aim of the present study was to address directly the issue of how morphological cell types relate to physiological unit types. We used intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase to stain individual neurons after their response characteristics were determined by intracellular recordings. The maintenance of a continuous negative resting potential, the correspondence of the calculated position of the electrode tip at the time of injection to the location of the stained neuron, and the similarity of response properties collected before and after the injection provide evidence that the injected, stained, and recovered neuron corresponds to the functionally defined unit. In the region around the nerve root in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, two "primarylike" and one "primarylike with notch" units were "bushy" cells. "Bushy" cells are characterized by primary dendrites arising from one hemisphere of the soma and ramifying repeatedly t o produce their bushy dendritic arbor. In this same region, the "chopper" and two "on" units were also "bushy" cells. In the posteroventral cochlear nucleus, the "chopper" unit was a "stellate" cell and the "on" unit was an "octopus" cell. These results are partially consistent with previous conclusions based on correlations established between the regional distribution of physiological unit types and morphological cell types. More importantly, they confirm and extend recent intracellular marking data (Rhode et al., '83b). If our classification schemes have functional significance, we are left with the conclusion that the distinction between "bushy" and "stellate" cells in the auditory nerve root region of the ventral cochlear nucleus does not correspond in any simple way to distinctions between physiological unit types. More than one morphological cell type can exhibit the same particular response pattern, and the same morphological cell type can exhibit several different response patterns.
Single unit activity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the cat
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1975
Single unit activity was examined in three component layers of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN): the molecular layer, the fusiform cell layer, and the polymorphic layer (deep DCN). Electrophysiological units were classified into types on the basis of their activity under a variety of stimulus conditions. In the molecular layer spike activity was small and difficult to isolate. Almost all units in the fusiform cell layer could be classified as either "pauser" or "buildup" units. Classification of units in the deep DCN was sometimes difficult, but "pauser," "chopper," and some "on" units were found. The "on" types of units tended to be located in the more superficial part of the deep DCN. Unit locations were referred to a three-dimensional block model of the cochlear nucleus.
Cells in Auditory Cortex that Project to the Cochlear Nucleus in Guinea Pigs
Fluorescent retrograde tracers were used to identify the cells in auditory cortex that project directly to the cochlear nucleus (CN). Following injection of a tracer into the CN, cells were labeled bilaterally in primary auditory cortex and the dorsocaudal auditory field as well as several surrounding fields. On both sides, the cells were limited to layer V. The size of labeled cell bodies varied considerably, suggesting that different cell types may project to the CN. Cells ranging from small to medium in size were present bilaterally, whereas the largest cells were labeled only ipsilaterally. In optimal cases, the extent of dendritic labeling was sufficient to identify the morphologic class. Many cells had an apical dendrite that could be traced to a terminal tuft in layer I. Such Btuftedp yramidal cells were identified both ipsilateral and contralateral to the injected CN. The results suggest that the direct pathway from auditory cortex to the cochlear nucleus is substantial and is likely to play a role in modulating the way the cochlear nucleus processes acoustic stimuli.
Pathways from auditory cortex to the cochlear nucleus in guinea pigs
The inferior colliculus (IC) and superior olivary complex (SOC) are important sources of descending pathways to the cochlear nucleus. The IC and SOC are also targets of direct projections from the auditory cortex but it is not known if cortical axons contact the cells that project to the cochlear nucleus. Multi-labeling techniques were used to address this question in guinea pigs. A fluorescent anterograde tracer was injected into temporal cortex to label corticofugal axons. Different fluorescent tracers were injected into one or both cochlear nuclei to label olivary and collicular cells. The brain was subsequently processed for fluorescence microscopy and the IC and SOC were examined for apparent contacts between cortical axons and retrogradely labeled cells. The results suggest that cortical axons contact cochlear nucleus-projecting cells in both IC and SOC. In both regions, contacts were more numerous on the side ipsilateral to the injected cortex. In the IC, the contacted cells projected ipsilaterally or contralaterally to the CN. In the SOC, the contacted cells projected ipsilaterally, contralaterally or bilaterally to the CN. We conclude that auditory cortex is in a position to modulate descending pathways from both the IC and SOC to the cochlear nucleus.
Lateral suppression and inhibition in the cochlear nucleus of the cat
Journal of neurophysiology, 1994
1. The ability of cells in the cochlear nucleus (CN) to encode frequency information in the presence of background noise on the basis of "place/rate" information was investigated by measuring the threshold, magnitude, and extent of lateral suppression in the ventral and dorsal CN of the anesthesized cat. The suppression regions were delineated through the use of "masked" response areas (MRAs). The MRA is a family of isointensity curves derived from the average discharge rate in response to a tone of variable frequency and sound pressure level in the presence of a concurrently presented broadband, quasi-flat-spectrum noise. Tonal stimuli of sufficient intensity are often effective in significantly reducing the average discharge rate of CN neurons over a wide frequency range. 2. Most units in the CN exhibit prominent lateral suppressive sidebands, but the variability in threshold, magnitude, and extent of suppression is large. Primary-like and onset units of the ve...
The response properties of neurons in different fields of the auditory cortex in the rat
Hearing Research, 2013
The auditory cortex (AC) of the rat has been the subject of many studies, yet the details of its functional organization are still not well understood. We describe here the functional organization of the AC in young rats (strain Long Evans, aged 30e35 days, anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine) on the basis of the neuronal responses to acoustic stimuli. Based on the neuronal responses to broad band noise (BBN) and pure tone bursts, the AC may be divided into the primary auditory cortex (AI) and three other core fields: anterior (AAF), suprarhinal (SRAF) and posterior (PAF) as well as an unspecific region (UR) inserted between the AI and AAF. The core fields are surrounded by a belt area. Neurons in the AI, AAF, SRAF and PAF showed well defined characteristic frequencies (CF) in response to pure tone stimulation; in contrast, UR neurons responded only at high intensities without a clear CF. Neurons responding only to BBN stimulation were found mostly in the belt area. The putative borders between the core fields were determined by changes in their tonotopic gradient; however, no tonotopic organization was found in the PAF. Neurons with the shortest response latencies to BBN stimulation were found in layer 4 (L4) and layer 6 (L6) in the AI, while those with the longest latencies in the superficial layers (L1/2) of the belt area. Similar principles of responsiveness were observed when the spike rate in response to BBN stimulation was evaluated, with the highest rate present in L4 of the AI and the lowest in L1/2 of the belt area. According to the shape of the peristimulus time histograms, the responses of neurons in the AC of the rat may be classified as pure onset, sustained, onset-sustained, double peak or late onset. The most dominant in all fields, as well as in all layers, was the pure onset response. Our findings offer further cues for understanding the functional organization of the AC in the rat.