Assembly Tests of the First Nb3Sn Low-beta Quadrupole Short Model for the Hi-Lumi LHC (original) (raw)
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IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2018
The LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP), in collaboration with CERN and under the scope of the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, is in the prototyping stage in the development of a 150 mm aperture high-field Nb 3 Sn quadrupole magnet called MQXF. This magnet is mechanically supported using a shell-based support structure, which has been extensively demonstrated on several R&D models within LARP, as well as in the more recent short (1.2 m magnetic length) MQXF model program. The MQXFA magnets are each 4.2 m magnetic length, and the first mechanical long model, MQXFA1M (using aluminum surrogate coils), and MQXFAP1 prototype magnet (the first prototype with Nb 3 Sn coils) have been assembled at LBNL. In this paper, we summarize the tooling and the assembly processes, and discuss the mechanical performance of these first two assemblies, comparing strain gauge data with finite element model analysis, as well as the near-term plans for the long MQXF magnet program.
Assembly and Test of SQ01b, a Nb3Sn Quadrupole Magnet for the LHC Accelerator Research Program
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2009
The US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) consists of four US laboratories (BNL, FNAL, LBNL, and SLAC) collaborating with CERN to achieve a successful commissioning of the LHC and to develop the next generation of Interaction Region magnets. In 2004, a large aperture Nb 3 Sn racetrack quadrupole magnet (SQ01) has been fabricated and tested at LBNL. The magnet utilized four subscale racetrack coils and was instrumented with strain gauges on the support structure and directly over the coil's turns. SQ01 exhibited training quenches in two of the four coils and reached a peak field in the conductor of 10.4 T at a current of 10.6 kA. After the test, the magnet was disassembled, inspected with pressure indicating films, and reassembled with minor modifications. A second test (SQ01b) was performed at FNAL and included training studies, strain gauge measurements and magnetic measurements. Magnet inspection, test results, and magnetic measurements are reported and discussed, and a comparison between strain gauge measurements and 3D finite element computations is presented.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2016
Within the scope of the High Luminosity LHC project, the collaboration between CERN and U.S. LARP is developing new low-β quadrupoles using the Nb 3 Sn superconducting technology for the upgrade of the LHC interaction regions. The magnet support structure of the first short model was designed and two units were fabricated and tested at CERN and at LBNL. The structure provides the preload to the collars-coils subassembly by an arrangement of outer aluminum shells pre-tensioned with water-pressurized bladders. For the mechanical qualification of the structure and the assembly procedure, superconducting coils were replaced with solid aluminum "dummy coils", the structure was preloaded at room temperature, and then cooled-down to 77 K. Mechanical behavior of the magnet structure was monitored with the use of strain gauges installed on the aluminum shells, the dummy coils and the axial preload system. This paper reports on the outcome of the assembly and the cool-down tests with dummy coils, which were performed at CERN and at LBNL, and presents the strain gauge measurements compared to the 3D finite element model predictions.
Power Test of the First Two HL-LHC Insertion Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2022
The High-Luminosity project (HL-LHC) of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), requires low β* quadrupole magnets in Nb 3 Sn technology that will be installed on each side of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. After a successful shortmodel magnet manufacture and test campaign, the project has advanced with the production, assembly, and test of full-size 7.15m-long magnets. In the last two years, two CERN-built prototypes (MQXFBP1 and MQXFBP2) have been tested and magnetically measured at the CERN SM18 test facility. These are the longest accelerator magnets based on Nb 3 Sn technology built and tested to date. In this paper, we present the test and analysis results of these two magnets, with emphasis on quenches and training, voltage-current measurements and the quench localization with voltage taps and a new quench antenna. Index Terms-Low beta quadrupole, Nb 3 Sn, quench, superconducting magnets. I. INTRODUCTION A S PART of the HL-LHC project at CERN, the Nb-Ti inner triplet quadrupole magnets near the ATLAS and CMS interaction points will be replaced with large aperture Nb 3 Sn quadrupole magnets, named MQXF [1], [2]. These magnets are developed, manufactured, and tested in a collaboration between CERN and the US HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP). The MQXF program includes the construction and test of several short-length model magnets, the 4.2-m-long magnets for Q1 and Q3 (constructed by AUP [3]), and the 7.15-m-long magnets for Q2a and Q2b (MQXFB, constructed by CERN). The first two MQXFB full-length prototype magnets (MQXFBP1 and MQXFBP2) were manufactured, assembled and cryostated at CERN [4]. MQXFBP1 was tested in summer-fall 2020, and MQXFBP2 was tested in winter-spring and fall 2021.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
The High luminosity LHC upgrade target is to increase the integrated luminosity by a factor 10, resulting in an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb-1. One major improvement foreseen is the reduction of the beam size at the collision points. This requires the development of 150 mm single aperture quadrupoles for the interaction regions. These quadrupoles are under development in a joint collaboration between CERN and the US-LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP). The chosen approach for achieving a nominal quadrupole field gradient of 132.6 T/m is based on the Nb3Sn technology. The coils with a length of 7281 mm will be the longest Nb3Sn coils fabricated so far for accelerator magnets. The production of the long coils was launched in 2016 based on practise coils made from copper. This paper provides a status of the production of the first low grade and full performance coils and describes the production process and applied quality control. Furthermore an outlook for the prototype assembly is provided.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2000
In support of the luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) has been developing a 1-meter long, 120 mm bore Nb 3 Sn IR quadrupole magnet (HQ). With a short sample gradient of 219 T/m at 1.9 K and a conductor peak field of 15 T, the magnet will operate under higher forces and stored-energy levels than that of any previous LARP magnet models. In addition, HQ has been designed to incorporate accelerator quality features such as precise coil alignment and adequate cooling. The first 6 coils (out of the 8 fabricated so far) have been assembled and used in two separate tests-HQ01a and HQ01b. This paper presents design parameters, summary of the assemblies, the mechanical behavior as well as the performance of HQ01a and HQ01b.
Progress on HL-LHC Nb3Sn Magnets
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
The HL-LHC project aims at allowing to increase the collisions in the Large Hadron Collider by a factor ten in the decade 2025-2035. One essential element are the superconducting magnets around the interaction region points, where large aperture magnets will be installed to allow to further reduce the beam size in the interaction point. The core of this upgrade is the Nb3Sn triplet, made of 150 mm aperture quadrupoles of in the range of 7-8 m. The project is being shared between CERN and US Accelerator Upgrade Program, based on the same design, and on two strand technologies. The project is ending the short model phase, and entering the prototype construction. We will report on the main results of the short model program, including quench performance and field quality. A second important element is the 11 T dipole that replacing a standard dipole makes space for additional collimators. The magnet is also ending the model development and entering the prototype phase. A critical point in the design of this magnet is the large current density, allowing increasing the field from 8 to 11 T with the same coil cross-section as in the LHC dipoles. This is also the first two-in-one Nb3Sn magnet developed so far. We will report the main results on the test and the critical aspects.
Test Results of the First Pre-Series Quadrupole Magnets for the LHC Hi-Lumi Upgrade
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2021
The future high luminosity (Hi-Lumi) upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will include eight (plus two spares) 10.2 m-long Cryo-assemblies which will be components of the triplets for two LHC insertion regions. Each cold mass in the Cryo-assemblies will consist of two 4.2 m-long Nb3Sn high gradient quadrupole magnets, designated MQXFA, with aperture 150 mm and operating gradient 132.2 T/m, for a total of twenty magnets. Before assembling and testing the final cold masses at Fermilab, the component quadrupoles are being tested first at the vertical superconducting magnet test facility of the Superconducting Magnet Division (SMD) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), in superfluid He at 1.9 K and up to 18.0 kA, in accordance with operational requirements of the LHC. The tests of the first two full-length prototype quadrupole magnets MQXFAP1 and MQXFAP2 at BNL have been reported previously. The first two pre-series magnets, the first two that will be used in the LHC, have also now been tested. This paper reports on the quench test and training results of these two magnets. The test results of these magnets will be important for validating the final MQXFA design for operational magnets.
Models and experimental results from the wide aperture Nb-Ti magnets for the LHC upgrade
MQXC is a Nb-Ti quadrupole designed to meet the accelerator quality requirements needed for the phase-1 LHC upgrade, now superseded by the high luminosity upgrade foreseen in 2021. The 2-m-long model magnet was tested at room temperature and 1.9 K. The technology developed for this magnet is relevant for other magnets currently under development for the highluminosity upgrade, namely D1 (at KEK) and the large aperture twin quadrupole Q4 (at CEA). In this paper we present MQXC test results, some of the specialized heat extraction features, spot heaters, temperature sensor mounting and voltage tap development for the special open cable insulation. We look at some problem solving with noisy signals, give an overview of electrical testing, look at how we calculate the coil resistance during at quench and show that the heaters are not working We describe the quench signals and its timing, the development of the quench heaters and give an explanation of an Excel quench calculation and its comparison including the good agreement with the MQXC test results. We propose an improvement to the magnet circuit design to reduce voltage to ground values by factor 2. The program is then used to predict quench Hot-Spot and Voltages values for the D1 dipole and the Q4 quadrupole.