Görsel Veriler Işığında Ayasofya'nın Dönemsel ve Kaybolmuş İzleri (original) (raw)
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27.Uluslararası Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2023
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Ayasofya Büyük Levhalarının Fotoğraf ve Gravürler Üzerinden Geçmişten Günümüze Durumu
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Proceedings of the International Hagia Sophia Symposium / Uluslararası Ayasofya Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2020
A PALIMPSEST SPACE IN THE MEMORY OF THE CITY: HAGIA SOFIA The memory of city carries even traces of faint times and lost spaces. Because forgetting is only the deficiency of human memory. However, the city has sanctified all time and places. This memorization in the city memory was examined through the concept of palimpsest throughout the study. The concept emerged with reference to the parchment, whose writings/ drawings were erased, but with something new on it, with traces of the old/ underwriting/ drawing. This study focuses on the potential space form of the concept, namely Hagia Sophia, a multi-layered space. All the elements that form the city image, the city hides them in its memory and they are timeless. Hagia Sophia is one of the hallmarks of the timeless city of Istanbul and perhaps the most well known. The structure, which is a point reference source for each period, is a sign element that does not change / will not change, despite the variability of the city's aspect, borders, texture and legibility. For this reason, as soon as the construction of Hagia Sophia began to be imagined, the palimpsestic fate has also begun. Hagia Sophia sometimes appears as a memory space, sometimes it includes all meanings attributed to it as a space of meaning. It hosted many different eras, many different societies, many different beliefs. It has a multi-layered identity that overlaps several times in a row due to its various qualities and its historical, semantic, conceptual, social, contextual, memory, structural and functional terms. Within the scope of the study, the multi-layered state of the space and its relationship with the impact assessment studies were evaluated. This palimpsest aspect should provide an important perspective in preserving the city's cultural heritage. In the study, the balancing process of preserved, transformed or rejected Hagia Sophia and its components as a palimpsest place was analyzed. The ability of reconstruction to establish the meaning of lost / destroyed space; whether it is possible to repair gaps in the stratification by the construction of the past; effectiveness of HIA on restoration and reconstruction projects; how the process works and Heritage Impact Assessment's (HIA) real reflections on the Outstanding Universal Value were questioned. For this purpose, the history, location and characteristic of the Madrasah, which is one of Hagia Sophia's components, were examined. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han built the madrasah so that Hagia Sophia, converted into Mosque of the Conquest (grand mosque) with the conquest of Istanbul, could become a social complex. The story of the madrasah where Molla Hüsrev and Ali Kuşçu, one of the famous scholars of the period, taught students on astronomy and mathematics, is full of repairs, demolitions and reconstructions. The reconstruction of the building, which was demolished in 1936, to the agenda, has always been a very tense issue in national and international environments in the present from the early 2000s. Istanbul, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, was listed on the criteria of i, ii, iii and iv as World Heritage Property in 1985 with its history of over 2000 years. Considering its contribution to Outstanding Universal Value, Hagia Sophia was emphasized in the criteria of i and ii; Consequently, efforts to protect Hagia Sophia, which has a primary impact on the value of the heritage site, have attracted the attention of UNESCO since 1985. According to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that Turkey is one of the State Party and therefore, World Heritage values of the properties inscribed with international protection status are are also expected to protect by itself. Since the protection of properties, which are the common heritage of the world, is guaranteed by Convention, all interventions to be made regarding the asset must be followed by UNESCO World Heritage Center and ICOMOS International. The madrasah reconstruction, which turned into a long, polyphonic, complexity and also chaotic process due to different opinions of local, national and international institutions, organizations, NGOs was concluded after the impact assessment. The study focuses on explaining this whole process with its results and developing awareness about Heritage Impact Assessment. A literature review was conducted about palimpsest, city memory, Hagia Sophia, its madrasah and Heritage Impact Assessment. The decisions of UNESCO World Heritage Committee between 1985-2018 regarding Hagia Sophia has been evaluated; the results of the HIA workshop held in Istanbul was reported; reflection of data and assessment on the heritage elements and also the HIA process of Hagia Sophia Madrasah were explained. During this process, UNESCO World Heritage Center, States Parties Turkey, ICOMOS International, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ICOMOS National Committee of Turkey, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Site Management Directorate of Historic Areas of Istanbul, NGOs, professional associations, city residents, tourists and many more stakeholder through the process showed the similar, same or different reactions; made comments; made decisions and turned them into action. Beyond how they perceive Hagia Sophia and its madrasah, their perception and attribution brings together all these institutions and individuals in a common point. This indicates the meaning of the space and the belonging of individuals / societies, albeit differently. As a result of the study, it was determined that reading only the physical multi-layering of the city and Hagia Sophia renders the cultural heritage impact assessment studies inadequate and limits the impact area. While palimpsest describes the new / present, it is to understand the old / the past. Therefore, it is important to consider the holistic memory in the impact assessment studies and evaluate the significance of all layers. Keywords: Memory of the City, Palimpsest, Istanbul, Hagia Sofia, Cultural Heritage Impact Assesstment (HIA).
İkonaklazm Sonrası Ayasofya Mozaikleri
imparatorluğunun 395'te doğu ve batı olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmasıyla ortaya çıkan Bizans -Doğu Roma-imparatorluğu, 717-843 yılları arasında büyük bir tartışmaya, deyim yerindeyse çatışmaya sahne oldu. Tartışmanın konusu Hıristiyan geleneğinin o güne dek taşıdığı ikonaların tapınma amacıyla kullanılmasının doğru olup olmadığı idi. Tartışmanın taraflarından biri ikona karşıtlığında olan ikonoklastlar, diğeri ise ikonodül olarak adlandırılan ikona sever kişilerin oluşturduğu gruptur. İkona, kutsal bir şahsiyetin herhangi bir şekilde temsilidir. Bu temsil anıt şeklinde de olabilir, taşınabilir nesne üzerine de yapılabilir. Taşınabilir ikonalar; ahşap panele, değerli metal ya da kumaş parçalarına yapılabiliyordu. İmge yanlıları, imgeye gösterilen saygının imgedeki şahsiyete -örneğin İsa'ya-ve olaya gösterildiğini, imgelerin tapınılan kültler olmadığını savunuyorlardı; fakat ikonoklastlar, 843'den sonra mevcut bütün metinleri yok ettiklerinden dolayı görüşleri hakkında yazılı bir metine dayalı konuşulamamaktadır. Tapınım aracı olarak görülen ikonalara ilk resmi tepkiyi Bizans İmparatorluğu'nda değil, İslam dünyasında görürüz. Emevi halifesi Yezid İslam dünyasında ikona karşıtı düşüncenin net tutumuna ilk uyan isim olmuştur. Halife Yezid 723 yılında bir ferman yayınlayarak İslam idaresi altındaki kiliselerdeki ikonaları yasakladı. 725 yılından itibaren ikona kırıcı bir politika geliştirmeye başlayan III. Leo, 726'da olan bir depremin Tanrı'nın uyarısı olduğuna inanarak Khalke kapısının üzerinden İsa ikonasını kaldırtır. 730 yılında Şekil 1 St.Stevenskerk tahrip edilmiş rölyef heykelleri Komnenos Ailesi: 12.yy'a tarihlenen mozaikte imparator II.İoannes Komnenos, eşi Eirene ve oğulları tasvir edilmiştir. Kompozisyonun merkezinde kucağında İsa ile ayakta duran Meryem bulunur. İmparator Aleksandros: 912-913 yıllarına tarihlenen eser kuzey galeride bulunur. Hiç zarar görmemiştir. İmparator ayakta tasvir edilmiştir. Şekil 11 İmparator IX Constantinos ve Zoe