Contraception in Eastern Nepal: A Study of Knowledge and Use (original) (raw)
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Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Methods Use in Piple, Chitwan of Nepal
Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 2019
Background: Family planning contributes in preventing maternal and child mortality and empowers women. For the past ten years contraceptive prevalence rate has remained stagnant in Nepal. This study aimed at identifying the use and factors associated with modern contraceptive methods in Piple, Chitwan, Nepal. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study. Piple village development committee was selected purposively, in which two wards were randomly selected. Married women of reproductive age (n=332) of each household were interviewed. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed. Results: About half (49%) of the respondents had used a modern contraceptive method. Women in the age groups 25-39 years [aOR: 2.39; 95% CI: 1.16 - 4.92] and 40-49 years [aOR: 4.67; 95% CI: 1.71 - 12.70] were more likely to use modern contraceptives compared to the women in the age group 15-24 years. Similarly, women having 3 or more living children [aOR: 2.98; 95% CI: 1.19 - 7.50] were mo...
Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 2014
Nepal, having a predominance of patriarchal society, contraceptive is used by of the females in most cases. Utilization of the family planning services is vital for reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in an underdeveloped country like ours. The objective of the study was to assess the awareness and practices of various modes of family planning methods present among the mothers in Belhara VDC of Dhankuta district. A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 291 mothers with door to door visit using random sampling. 92% of the participants were aware about the use of family planning methods but only 87% of them were current family planning users and Depo (92.6%) was found to be the most popular mode of contraception among users. Despite vigorous social marketing about family planning methods, about 8% of the women weren't aware about it and Depo (92.6%) was found to be the most popular mode of contraception with husband's desire (84.7%) being the main reason behind the uptake of the service.
Determinants of the Use of Modern Contraceptives by Women in Nepal
Nida Development Journal วารสารพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์, 2014
This study, using the data from Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2006, has run a logistic regression model to identify the determinants of the use of modern contraceptives by women in Nepal. The study has found that women's age, religion, social group (caste/ethnicity), the husband's occupation, total number of children, the decision maker regarding the use of contraceptives, the frequency of talking to the husband about family planning, the husband's approval in using contraceptives, and the role in the f inal decisions on health-related issues of women have a signif icant association with the use of modern contraceptives by currently-married women in Nepal. However, other likely factors such as place of residence, women's literacy, the husband's education, wealth index, the working status of women, the women's occupation, the earning level of women, fertility preference, the desire of children, and the media were not found to have such a signif icant
Use of Contraceptive Methods among Young Married Women in Nepal
Tribhuvan University Journal
Nepal has a fairly high adolescent fertility rate and low use of contraception. Lack of contraceptive use is a major contributor to the high rates of unintended pregnancies amongst youth. There is also lack of specific studies dealing with contraceptive behavior among young married women. This study examines the use and determinants of contraceptive methods over the time period of 15 years (2001-2016) among young women in Nepal. Trend and bi-vatiate analysis of this study is based on the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS), 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016 data. The multivariate analysis is based on NDHS 2016 data of 2059 currently married non-pregnant young women aged 15-24 years. Logistic regression is used to assess the net effect of independent variables on dependent variable. The study shows that the contraceptive prevalence rate of young women is only 34 percent. Number of living children, spousal separation, husband education, women, occupation, wealth status, caste/ethnic af...
Predictors of Use of Contraception among Married Women of Reproductive Age in a Rural Area of Nepal
Background : Universal access to family planning is a human right, central to gender equality and women’s empowerment, and a key factor in reducing poverty. Use of contraception can prevent pregnancies related complication, helps in improving the health of mother and children and improve quality of life. Objective: to find out the predictors of use of contraception among married women of reproductive age (15-49 years). Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was adopted to find out the predictors of use of contraception among married women in Morang District. Cluster Random Sampling technique was used and sample size was 281. Data was collected by face to face interview technique by pretested questionnaire. Chisquare, bivariate, multivariable logistic regression model was used, and statistical significance was determined with a 95 % confidence level. Results: Mean age of the respondents was 29.52±5.64 years. Current contraceptive prevalence rate was 39.9%. The significant predi...
Background: Improving reproductive health is central to achieving sustainable development goals on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and eradicating extreme poverty. This requires access of the women to safe and effective methods of fertility control. Objective: To identify the factors that affect the preferred use of modern contraceptives Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Ghorahi, District Dang, Nepal in 2015 among 176 married women of reproductive age currently on a modern contractive method. Simple random sampling method was used for recruiting the sample. Data were collected on the characteristics of women, their most preferred modern contraceptive method, and the currently used contraceptive method including its mode of supply and decision making status, using a semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. Results: Among 176 women in the sample, 30.1% were of 25-30 years in age while 79% were literate. Around 57% had adequate knowled...
Dynamics of contraceptive use among young women in Nepal
Nepal Population Journal, 2018
This paper examines the dynamics of contraceptive use of currently married young women (age 15-24) in Nepal by analyzing the trends and differentials in contraceptive use, the changes in method mix and the determinants of contraceptive use by selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. The reasons of non-use of contraception are also assessed. Data from the three rounds of nationally representative Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2001, 2006 and 2011 are used. Currently married women aged 15-24 are selected and included in analysis. Study sample constitute 2573, 2398 and 2552 eligible women in NDHS 2001, 2006 and 2011 respectively. Use of contraception among young couples is gradually increasing in almost all subgroups of population in Nepal, with narrowing differentials by education and economic condition of household. Tendency of starting contraceptives before having a child is also emerging. There is declining share of sterilization among youth indicating either a probable shifting in age at sterilization or more favour towards temporary methods. Injection has the highest share in all the three surveys. The share of long acting temporary methods (IUD and Implants) is quite small and almost same in all the three surveys. Couples still feel safe to start using contraceptives after having at least one son however, the differences are declining. Reasons for non-use like fear of side effects and opposition to use are sharply declining over time but that due to husband's absence is emerging as almost a sufficient reason for non-use of contraception among young married women in Nepal. The family planning program should focus on meeting the family planning needs of young couples of all strata of population with special thrust on those women whose husbands are currently in foreign country so that they would be able to avoid unintended pregnancy on their husband's come back.
Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2016
Aims: Global family planning programs have been in existence in the developing world. Modern techniques of temporary contraceptives have been proved to be useful tool for limiting births. This study is intended to identify the use pattern, associated factors with the choice, shift and continuity of temporary methods of contraception. 0HWKRGV This is descriptive cross-sectional study, incorporating qualitative aspects. Out of sixteen districts six were selected SURSRUWLRQDWHO\ E\ XVLQJ VLPSOH UDQGRP PHWKRGV IURP HDFK HFRORJLFDO ]RQH RI WKH :HVWHUQ 'HYHORSPHQW 5HJLRQV 1HSDO Focus group discussion was accomplished among the different level family planning service providers. Results: User of Depo-Provera and pills were seen more in comparison to other temporary contraceptive. There are different reasons behind choosing of temporary contraceptive method such as Pills make regularity in menstruation, Norplant is XVHIXO IRU SURORQJHG SHULRG 'HSR3URYHUD LV XVHIXO IRU WKUHH PRQWKV DQG FRQ¿GHQWO\ XVHG IRU D ORQJ WLPH ZLWKRXW DQ\ ULVN motivation by friends/relatives. Reasons in changing the contraceptives includes associated side effects, lack of availability, LUUHJXODULW\ LQ PHQVWUXDWLRQ FKRRVLQJ WKH DQRWKHU EHVW PHWKRG H[FHVVLYH EOHHGLQJ GLI¿FXOW WR XVH SUHVVXUH IURP IDPLO\ DQG husband to give birth, misunderstanding and stress in the family, traditional belief and lack of education. Conclusions: For proper choice of modern contraceptive methods promotion, education and knowledge about associated factors related to use of these method is needed. Continuous information on contraceptives focusing particularly on the side effects and trained health care providers are essential. .H\ZRUGV contraceptives; family planning; norplant; pills; reproductive age.
Aims: Global family planning programs have been in existence in the developing world. Modern techniques of temporary contraceptives have been proved to be useful tool for limiting births. This study is intended to identify the use pattern, associated factors with the choice, shift and continuity of temporary methods of contraception. 0HWKRGV This is descriptive cross-sectional study, incorporating qualitative aspects. Out of sixteen districts six were selected SURSRUWLRQDWHO\\E\\XVLQJJVLPSOHHUDQGRPPPHWKRGVVIURPPHDFKKHFRORJLFDOO]RQHHRIIWKHH:HVWHUQQ'HYHORSPHQWW5HJLRQV1HSDO Focus group discussion was accomplished among the different level family planning service providers. Results: User of Depo-Provera and pills were seen more in comparison to other temporary contraceptive. There are different reasons behind choosing of temporary contraceptive method such as Pills make regularity in menstruation, Norplant is XVHIXOOIRUUSURORQJHGGSHULRG'HSR3URYHUDDLVVXVHIXOOIRUUWKUHHHPRQWKVVDQGGFRQ¿GHQWO\\XVHGGIRUUDDORQJJWLPHHZLWKRXWWDQ\\ULVN motivation by friends/relatives. Reasons in changing the contraceptives includes associated side effects, lack of availability, LUUHJXODULW\\LQQPHQVWUXDWLRQFKRRVLQJJWKHHDQRWKHUUEHVWWPHWKRGH[FHVVLYHHEOHHGLQJGLI¿FXOWWWRRXVHSUHVVXUHHIURPPIDPLO\\DQGG husband to give birth, misunderstanding and stress in the family, traditional belief and lack of education. Conclusions: For proper choice of modern contraceptive methods promotion, education and knowledge about associated factors related to use of these method is needed. Continuous information on contraceptives focusing particularly on the side effects and trained health care providers are essential.