Microscopic Quantum Hydrodynamics of Systems of Fermions: Part I


The fundamental equations of the microscopic quantum hydrodynamics of fermions in an external electromagnetic field (i.e., the particle balance equation, the momentum balance equation, the energy balance equation, and the magnetic moment balance equation) are derived using the Schrödinger equation. The form of the spin-spin interaction Hamiltonian is specified. To close the system of the balance equations for a multiparticle fermion system, the effective one-particle Schrödinger equation must be introduced.

Quantum Field Theory of Many-Body Systems: From the Origin of Sound to an Origin of Light and Electrons

Physics Today, 2005

For most of the last century, condensed matter physics has been dominated by band theory and Landau's symmetry breaking theory. In the last twenty years, however, there has been an emergence of a new paradigm associated with fractionalization, emergent gauge bosons and fermions, topological order, string-net condensation, and long range entanglements. These new physical concepts are so fundamental that they may even influence our understanding of the origin of light and electrons in the universe.

Local Equilibrium Approximation in Quantum Statistics of Fermions

The bases of the continual method of investigation of quantum systems are presented. This method is essentially modified with the aim to reach an accordance with the quantum hydrodynamics and to conserve quantum properties of the system. Equations of the microscopic quantum hydrodynamics (MQH) of fermions in an external electromagnetic field are derived. For the particles with the proper magnetic moment five balance equations are supplemented by the magnetic moment density balance equation that requires a more precise definition of the spin-spin interaction Hamiltonian. The quantum distribution function that leads to correct local values of the fundamental physical quantities is derived. The BBGKY-hierarchy equations for the many-particle distribution functions generated by the expression for the one-particle distribution function are obtained. The local conservation laws of the MQH can be obtained from such a statistics by passing to the mathematical expectatives.


The iundementel equanons of the microscopic quantum hydrodytuunics of Iermions i11 an extotuul elecrromagnerlc field (i.c., tlie pnrticlc balance cqllatioll, the II101IIcntlllll bnltusco cquat.iol1, tlu: CJWl'g,1'bnlnnco equatfon, and the magl1etic IllOlllellt beleuce cqua/.Íon) are derived IIsilJg tho Schrikliuger CC¡IlR,t.;OI/. TI/(' form of t-1wspin-spin illl-c~ractiol/ Hnmiltonien is spocilicá. 'Ib clase UIC sys(;()rJJ o! t-//() lmlance (~:II/,3./.ions Ior a lllll/Upartide

Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems

Physics Today, 1972

These lecture notes are written to cover the material taught in TFY4210 Applied quantum mechanics which is advanced course for fourth-year students at NTNU. It covers classical mechanics and classical field theory including Noether's theorem, relativistic wave equations, quantization of fields Dilute Bose and Fermi gases, Bose-Einstein condensation and BCS theory.

Quantum many-body states and Green's functions of nonequilibrium electron-magnon systems: Localized spin operators versus their mapping to Holstein-Primakoff bosons

Physical Review B

It is well-known that operators of localized spins within a magnetic material satisfy neither fermionic nor bosonic commutation relations. Thus, to construct diagrammatic many-body perturbation theory requiring the Wick theorem, the spin operators are usually mapped to the bosonic ones with Holstein-Primakoff (HP) transformation being the most widely used in magnonics and spintronics literature. However, to make calculations tractable, the square root of operators in the HP transformation is expanded into a Taylor series truncated to some low order. This poses a question on the range of validity of the truncated HP transformation when describing nonequilibrium dynamics of localized spins interacting with each other or with conduction electron spins-a problem frequently encountered in numerous transport phenomena in magnonics and spintronics. Here we apply exact diagonalization techniques to a Hamiltonian of fermions (i.e., electrons) interacting with HP bosons versus a Hamiltonian of fermions interacting with the original localized spin operators to compare their many-body states and one-particle equilibrium and nonequilibrium Green's functions (GFs). We employ as a test bed a one-dimensional quantum Heisenberg ferromagnetic spinS XXX chain of N 7 sites, where S = 1 or S = 5/2, and the ferromagnet can be made metallic by allowing electrons to hop between the sites while interacting with the localized spins via sd exchange interaction. For these two different versions of the Hamiltonian of this model, we compare the structure of their ground states, time evolution of excited states, spectral functions computed from the retarded GF in equilibrium, and matrix elements of the lesser GF out of equilibrium. Interestingly, magnonic spectral function can be substantially modified by acquiring additional peaks due to quasibound states of electrons and magnons once the interaction between these subsystems is turned on. The Hamiltonian of fermions interacting with HP bosons gives an incorrect ground state and electronic spectral function unless a large number of terms are retained in the truncated HP transformation. Furthermore, tracking the nonequilibrium dynamics of localized spins over longer time intervals requires a progressively larger number of terms in truncated HP transformation, even if a small magnon density is excited initially, but the required number of terms is reduced when interaction with conduction electrons is turned on. Finally, we show that recently proposed [M. Vogl et al., Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 043243 (2020); J. König et al., SciPost Phys. 10, 007 (2021)] resummed HP transformation, where spin operators are expressed as polynomials in bosonic operators, resolves the trouble with truncated HP transformation while allowing us to derive an exact quantum many-body (manifestly Hermitian) Hamiltonian consisting of a finite and fixed number of boson-boson and electron-boson interacting terms.

Fermionic systems with charge correlations

Europhysics Letters, 2005

In this paper, we show that a system of localized particles, satisfying the Fermi statistics and subject to finite-range interactions, can be exactly solved in any dimension. In fact, in this case it is always possible to find a finite closed set of eigenoperators of the Hamiltonian. Then, the hierarchy of the equations of motion for the Green's functions eventually closes and exact expressions for them are obtained in terms of a finite number of parameters. For example, the method is applied to the two-state model (equivalent to the spin-(1/2) Ising model) and to the three-state model (equivalent to the extended Hubbard model in the ionic limit or to the spin-1 Ising model). The models are exactly solved for any dimension d of the lattice. The parameters are self-consistently determined in the case of d = 1.

Confined harmonically interacting spin-polarized fermions in a magnetic field: Thermodynamics

Physical Review E, 1999

We investigate the combined influence of a magnetic field and a harmonic interparticle interaction on the thermodynamic properties of a finite number of spin polarized fermions in a confiment potential. This study is an extension using our path integral approach of symmetrized density matrices for identical particles. The thermodynamical properties are calculated for a three dimensional model of N harmonically interacting spin polarized fermions in a parabolic potential well in the presence of a magnetic field. The free energy and the internal energy are obtained for a limited number of particles. Deviations from the thermodynamical limit become negligible for about 100 or more particles, but even for a smaller number of fermions present in the well, scaling relations similar to those of the continuum approximation to the density of states are already satisfied. 03.75.Fi, 32.80.Pj.

Dynamics as a probe for population-imbalanced fermionic systems

We investigate a population-imbalanced two-species fermionic system where the resonantly-paired fermions combine to form bosonic molecules via Feshbach interaction. The natural dynamics of the system is studied and it is shown that the oscillation of the condensate fraction is periodic or quasi periodic, depending on the value of Feshbach coupling. We describe how a time dependent magnetic field can be used to study the natural frequencies and thus explore the momentum space structure of the population imbalanced system