Driver and Road Type Effects on Light-Duty Gas and Particulate Emissions (original) (raw)
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Effects of improved spatial and temporal modeling of on-road vehicle emissions
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2012
Numerous emission and air quality modeling studies have suggested the need to accurately characterize the spatial and temporal variations in on-road vehicle emissions. The purpose of this study was to quantify the impact that using detailed traffic activity data has on emission estimates used to model air quality impacts. The on-road vehicle emissions are estimated by multiplying the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by the fleet-average emission factors determined by road link and hour of day. Changes in the fraction of VMT from heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) can have a significant impact on estimated fleet-average emissions because the emission factors for HDDV nitrogen oxides (NO x) and particulate matter (PM) are much higher than those for light-duty gas vehicles (LDGVs). Through detailed road link-level on-road vehicle emission modeling, this work investigated two scenarios for better characterizing mobile source emissions: (1) improved spatial and temporal variation of vehicle type fractions, and (2) use of Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES2010) instead of MOBILE6 exhaust emission factors. Emissions were estimated for the Detroit and Atlanta metropolitan areas for summer and winter episodes. The VMT mix scenario demonstrated the importance of better characterizing HDDVactivity by time of day, day of week, and road type. More HDDVactivity occurs on restricted access road types on weekdays and at nonpeak times, compared to light-duty vehicles, resulting in 5-15% higher NO x and PM emission rates during the weekdays and 15-40% lower rates on weekend days. Use of MOVES2010 exhaust emission factors resulted in increases of more than 50% in NO x and PM for both HDDVs and LDGVs, relative to MOBILE6. Because LDGV PM emissions have been shown to increase with lower temperatures, the most dramatic increase from MOBILE6 to MOVES2010 emission rates occurred for PM 2.5 from LDGVs that increased 500% during colder wintertime conditions found in Detroit, the northernmost city modeled. Implications: Air quality model performance relies partly on on-road mobile source emission inventories accurately allocated, both spatially and temporally. This work demonstrates the importance of characterizing the mix of heavy-duty diesel versus lightduty gasoline vehicle activity on an hourly basis on weekdays and weekends by road type. Incorporating detailed activity data increases weekday average NO x and PM emissions 5-15%, with early morning hour emission increases approaching 100%, compared to using one average vehicle activity mix. Application of the methodologies described in this paper will improve the accuracy of on-road emission inventories in the understanding of ozone photochemistry and PM formation.
The transportation sector is the dominant source of U.S. fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, highway travel accounts for nearly 75 percent of total transportation energy use and slightly more than 33 percent of national emissions of EPA's six Criteria pollutants. Enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 (CAAA) and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) have changed the ways that most states and local governments deal with transportation problems. Transportation planning is geared to improve air quality as well as mobility. It is required that each transportation activity be analyzed in advance using the most recent mobile emission estimate model to ensure not to violate the Conformity Regulation. Several types of energy and emission models have been developed to capture the impact of a number of factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, the current state-ofpractice in emission modeling (i.e. Mobile5 and EMFAC7) uses the average speed as a single explanatory variable. However, up to date there has not been a systematic attempt to quantify the impact of various travel and driver-related factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. This thesis first systematically quantifies the impact of various travel-related and driver-related factors on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. The analysis indicates that vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates increase considerably as the number of vehicle stops increases especially at high cruise speed. However, vehicle fuel consumption is more sensitive to the cruise speed level than to vehicle stops. The aggressiveness of a vehicle stop, which represents a vehicle's acceleration and deceleration level, does have an impact on vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. Specifically, the HC and CO emission rates are highly sensitive to the level of acceleration when compared to cruise speed in the range of 0 to 120 km/h. The impact of the deceleration level on all MOEs is relatively small. At high speeds the introduction of vehicle stops that involve extremely mild acceleration levels can actually reduce vehicle emission rates. Consequently, the thesis demonstrated that the use of average speed as a sole explanatory variable is inadequate for estimating vehicle fuel consumption and emissions, and the addition of speed variability as an explanatory variable results in better models. Second, the thesis identifies a number of critical variables as potential explanatory variables for estimating vehicle fuel consumption and emission rates. These explanatory variables include the average speed, the speed variance, the number of vehicle stops, the acceleration noise associated with positive acceleration and negative acceleration noise, the kinetic energy, and the power exerted. Statistical models are developed using these critical variables. The statistical models predict the vehicle fuel consumption rate and emission rates of HC, CO, and NO x (per unit of distance) within an accuracy of 88%-96% when compared to instantaneous microscopic models (Ahn and Rakha, 1999), and predict emission rates of HC, CO, and NO x within 95 percentile confidence limits of chassis dynamometer tests conducted by EPA. I would like to give my special thanks to my former advisor Dr. Michel Van Aerde, who I respect sincerely and will be in my memory for my whole life, for his generous guidance, advice, and help.
Environmental Science & Technology, 2008
The objective here is to quantify the variability in emissions of selected light duty gasoline vehicles by routes, time of day, road grade, and vehicle with a focus on the impact of routes and road grade. Field experiments using a portable emission measurement system were conducted under realworld driving cycles. The study area included two origin/destination pairs, each with three alternative routes. Total emissions varied from trip to trip and from route to route due to variations in average speed and travel time. On an average trip basis, the total NO emissions differed by 24% when comparing alternative routes and by 19% when comparing congested travel time with less congested traffic time. Positive road grades were associated with an approximately 20% increase in localized emissions rates, while negative road grades were associated with a similar relative decrease. The average vehiclespecific power based NO modal emission rates differed by more than 2 orders of magnitude when comparing different vehicles. The results demonstrate that alternative routing can significantly impact trip emissions. Furthermore, road grade should be taken into account for localized emissions estimation. Vehicle-specific models are needed to capture episodic effects of emissions for near-road short-term human exposure assessment.
Vehicle-Specific Emissions Modeling Based upon on-Road Measurements
Environmental Science & Technology, 2010
Vehicle-specific microscale fuel use and emissions rate models are developed based upon real-world hot-stabilized tailpipe measurements made using a portable emissions measurement system. Consecutive averaging periods of one to three multiples of the response time are used to compare two semiempirical physically based modeling schemes. One scheme is based on internally observable variables (IOVs), such as engine speed and manifold absolute pressure, while the other is based on externally observable variables (EOVs), such as speed, acceleration, and road grade. For NO, HC, and CO emission rates, the average R 2 ranged from 0.41 to 0.66 for the former and from 0.17 to 0.30 for the latter. The EOV models have R 2 for CO 2 of 0.43 to 0.79 versus 0.99 for the IOV models. The models are sensitive to episodic events in driving cycles such as high acceleration. Intervehicle and fleet average modeling approaches are compared; the former account for microscale variations that might be useful for some types of assessments. EOV-based models have practical value for traffic management or simulation applications since IOVs usually are not available or not used for emission estimation.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009
Mobile sources produce a significant fraction of the total anthropogenic emissions burden in large cities and have harmful effects on air quality at multiple spatial scales. Mobile emissions are intrinsically difficult to estimate due to the large number of parameters affecting the emissions variability within and across vehicles types. The MCMA-2003 Campaign in Mexico City has showed the utility of using a mobile laboratory to sample and characterize specific classes of motor vehicles to better quantify their emissions characteristics as a function of their driving cycles. The technique clearly identifies "high emitter" vehicles via individual exhaust plumes, and also provides fleet average emission rates. We have applied this technique to Mexicali during the Border Ozone Reduction and Air Quality Improvement Program (BORAQIP) for the Mexicali-Imperial Valley in 2005. We analyze the variability of measured emission ratios for emitted NO x , CO, specific VOCs, NH 3 , and some primary fine particle components and properties by deploying a mobile laboratory in roadside stationary sampling, chase and fleet average operational sampling modes. The measurements reflect various driving modes characteristic of the urban fleets. The observed variability for all measured gases and particle emission ratios is greater for the chase and roadside stationary sampling than for fleet average measurements. The fleet
Over the past several decades, Egypt observed rapid expansion of the transportation sector and increased fuel consumption triggered by rapid growth in population and urban areas. This has led to massive increase in number of vehicles and private vehicle per capita. In this paper, data for statistical analysis have been collected, where the remote sensing measurements based on one international cycle for urban area in Cairo, Egypt. Investigation of exhaust emission pollutants emitted by gasoline vehicles in metropolitan area of Cairo, Egypt has revealed four major pollutants affecting the emission rates of nitrogen oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrocarbon (HC). The variables affecting these pollutants are vehicle age, fuel delivery system, fuel composition and availability of catalytic converter. Moreover, Fuel consumption of three in-use passenger vehicles under laboratory driving conditions is estimated using the emission pollutants derived from remot...
On-Road Measurement of Vehicle Tailpipe Emissions Using a Portable Instrument
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2003
A study design procedure was developed and demonstrated for the deployment of portable onboard tailpipe emissions measurement systems for selected highway vehicles fueled by gasoline and E85 (a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline). Data collection, screening, processing, and analysis protocols were developed to assure data quality and to provide insights regarding quantification of real-world intravehicle variability in hot-stabilized emissions. Onboard systems provide representative real-world emissions measurements; however, onboard field studies are challenged by the observable but uncontrollable nature of traffic flow and ambient conditions. By characterizing intravehicle variability based on repeated data collection runs with the same driver/vehicle/route combinations, this study establishes the ability to develop stable modal emissions rates for idle, acceleration, cruise, and deceleration even in the face of uncontrollable external factors. For example, a consistent finding is that average emissions during acceleration are typically 5 times greater than during idle for hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide and 10 times greater for nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. A statistical method for comparing on-road emissions of different drivers is presented. Onboard data demonstrate the importance of accounting for the episodic nature of real-world emissions to help develop appropriate traffic and air quality management strategies.
Understanding the relation between vehicle emissions and traffic control measures is an important step toward reducing the potential for global warming, smog, ozone depletion, and respiratory illness. Traffic analysts, through improved roadway design and traffic control, have the ability to reduce vehicle emissions. However, current vehicle emissions models do not allow traffic analysts to easily and accurately predict vehicle emissions based on commonly used traffic measures.