Luis Antonio Córdoba Gómez, Liberalism and democracy from Norberto Bobbio's perspective (original) (raw)
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El deseo de la libertad y la cuestión del otro (1989)
"Tabla de contenido 1. El deseo de la libertad: La dialéctica y la cuestión del otro 2. El esquema norma-diferencia y los micropoderes a. Dominios regulados, normalidad y diferencia b. Economía de la opresión, lógica de la identidad c. Opción por lo múltiple: la cuestión valorativa d. Resistencias y la realidad del poder: la cuestión de la acción e. Los micropoderes: un abanico de circuitos norma-diferencia 3. La posmodernidad como coreografía de la complejidad a. Modernidad y posmodernidad b. Ruptura + residuos = complejización c. Excentricidad del poder d. Diferencia, identidad, autonomía e. La potencia expansiva de lo social 4. Una gramática posmoderna para pensar lo social a. Intencionalidad y modos de ver b. Crítica y ruptura c. Racionalización, segmentación, especialismos d. Microfísica, poder, totalidad social e. Sociedad/lo social f. Política de los espacios I: hacer sociedad g. Política de los espacios II: política y sociedad"
Revista Publicando, 2019
Resumen: Uno de los momentos más importantes en la educación de la ciudadanía es la alfabetización en asuntos políticos. Respecto a esa idea es que presentamos esta reseña crítica sobre el libro "Democracia y Conocimiento". Los datos generales del libro son presentados en la primera sección de esta revisión. Luego, el autor continúa comentando y evaluando las contribuciones por capítulos, así como sus aportes científicos. Finalmente, se emiten las conclusiones que destacan la variedad del texto y su importancia para los esfuerzos futuros en el campo de la filosofía y las ciencias política, y en un sentido más amplio en la educación de la ciudadanía toda. Abstract: One of the most critical moments in the education of citizenship is literacy in political matters. Regarding that idea is that we present this critical review of the book "Democracy and knowledge." The author presents in the first section the general information of the book. Then, he continues commenting and evaluating the contributions by chapters, as well as their scientific implications. Finally, in the conclusions, it is highlighted the variety of the text and its importance for future efforts in the field of philosophy and political science.
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Arzunun etik ve politik edimleri
The concept of desire has been central to most recent philosophical debates, in various forms and styles. I have argued in the present study that, one of the main motivations for this apparent interest in the concept of desire is the result of the increasing awareness of the shortcomings of those presuppositions revolving around an “autonomous subject”, “transcendence”, “representation”, and “moral subjectivity”. Desire, in this vein, is conceived and put into practice by the traditional philosophy as one among the other attributes that cannot be considered without reference to man. Desire as such is conceived as something that is necessarily controlled and managed by reason. Ethics and politics, in terms of these ill-conceived presuppositions, are narratives erected upon this tension that necessarily refers to a self-conscious subject and her subversive desires. I argue, in this study, for the possibility of imagining other variants of desire, i.e., something other than traditional...
Artes Liberales: Philosophia Advancing Humanitas
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the tasks of political philosophy
Parrhesia, 2023
English translation of article by Marcel Gauchet first published in 2002 in Revue du MAUSS and reprinted in 2005 in the book La Condition politique. The text was written after Gauchet was asked to situate his work in the context of contemporary political philosophy and define his own project of transcendental antho-posociology. It presents his understanding of the history of modern political thought to the present as well of the significance of totalitarianism and of the nature of democracy It elucidates some of the key concepts of his own political theory such as 'the political' and 'processual autonomy'.
Políticas públicas para los derechos y para la paz
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