Short distance pollen movement in a wind-pollinated tree, Quercus lobata (Fagaceae) (original) (raw)
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American Journal of Botany, 2005
California Valley oak (Quercus lobata), one of the state's most distinctive oak species, has experienced serious demographic attrition since the 19th century, due to human activities. Recent estimates of pollen dispersal suggest a small reproductive neighborhood. Whether small neighborhood size is a recent phenomenon, a consequence of reduced gene flow caused by demographic changes, or whether it has been historically restricted, remains unclear. To examine this question, we have characterized the spatial genetic structure of N ϭ 191 Q. lobata individuals, spread over an area of 230 ha, using eight microsatellite loci. The observed autocorrelogram suggests an historical standard deviation of gene flow distance of about 350 m per generation, higher than contemporary pollen dispersal estimates. To determine whether our estimates were affected by strong prevailing winds from the west-northwest, we developed and utilized a novel anisotropic autocorrelation analysis. We detected no more than a hint of anisotropy, and we concluded that adult spatial structure is indicative of strong historical signature of ''isolation by distance.'' This historical estimate provides a useful reference value against which to gauge the future gene flow consequences of ongoing anthropogenic disturbance.
Heredity, 2005
Patterns of pollen dispersal were investigated in a small, isolated, relict population of Pinus sylvestris L., consisting of 36 trees. A total-exclusion battery comprising four chloroplast and two nuclear microsatellites (theoretical paternity exclusion probability EP ¼ 0.996) was used to assign paternity to 813 seeds, collected from 34 trees in the stand. Longdistance pollen immigration accounted for 4.3% of observed matings. Self-fertilization rate was very high (0.25), compared with typical values in more widespread populations of the species. The average effective pollen dispersal distance within the stand was 48 m (or 83 m excluding selfs). Half of effective pollen was dispersed within 11 m, and 7% beyond 200 m. A strong correlation was found between the distance to the closest tree and the mean mating-distance calculated for single-tree progenies. The effective pollen dispersal distribution showed a leptokurtic shape, with a large and significant departure from that expected under uniform dispersal. A maximum-likelihood procedure was used to fit an individual pollen dispersal distance probability density function (dispersal kernel). The estimated kernel indicated fairly leptokurtic dispersal (shape parameter b ¼ 0.67), with an average pollen dispersal distance of 135 m, and 50% of pollen dispersed beyond 30 m. A marked directionality pattern of pollen dispersal was found, mainly caused by the uneven distribution of trees, coupled with restricted dispersal and unequal male success. Overall, results show that the number and distribution of potential pollen donors in small populations may strongly influence the patterns of effective pollen dispersal. Heredity (2005) 94, 13-22.
Journal of Heredity, 2007
Conifers are among the most genetically diverse plants but show the lowest levels of genetic differentiation, even among geographically distant populations. High gene flow among populations may be one of the most important factors in maintaining these genetic patterns. Here, we provide empirical evidence for extensive pollen-mediated gene dispersal between natural stands of a widespread northern temperate/boreal conifer, Picea glauca. We used 6 polymorphic allozyme loci to quantify the proportion of seeds sired by pollen originating from different sources in a landscape fragmented by agriculture in North Central Ontario, Canada. In 7 stands, a small proportion of seeds were sired by self-pollen or neighboring trees but 87.1% (±1.7% standard error [SE]) of seeds were sired by pollen from at least 250 to 3000 m away. In 4 single isolated trees, self-fertilization rates were low and more than 96% (±1.3% SE) of seeds were sired by immigrant pollen. The average minimum pollen dispersal distance in outcrossed matings was 619 m. These results provide strong evidence that extensive long-distance pollen dispersal plays a primary role in maintaining low genetic differentiation among natural populations of P. glauca and helps maintain genetic diversity and minimize inbreeding in small stands in a fragmented landscape.
Estimating anisotropic pollen dispersal: a case study in Quercus lobata
Heredity, 2007
The pollen dispersal distribution is an important element of the neighbourhood size of plant populations. Most methods aimed at estimating the dispersal curve assume that pollen dispersal is isotropic, but evidence indicates that this assumption does not hold for many plant species, particularly wind-pollinated species subject to prevailing winds during the pollination season. We propose here a method of detecting anisotropy of pollen dispersal and of gauging its intensity, based on the estimation of the differentiation of maternal pollen clouds (TWOGENER extraction), assuming that pollen dispersal is bivariate and normally distributed. We applied the new method to a case study in Quercus lobata, detecting only a modest level of anisotropy in pollen dispersal in a direction roughly similar to the prevailing wind direction. Finally, we conducted a simulation to explore the conditions under which anisotropy can be detected with this method, and we show that while anisotropy is detectable, in principle, it requires a large volume of data.
PLoS ONE, 2012
Analysing pollen movement is a key to understanding the reproductive system of plant species and how it is influenced by the spatial distribution of potential mating partners in fragmented populations. Here we infer parameters related to levels of pollen movement and diversity of the effective pollen cloud for the wind-pollinated shrub Pistacia lentiscus across a highly disturbed landscape using microsatellite loci. Paternity analysis and the indirect KinDist and Mixed Effect Mating models were used to assess mating patterns, the pollen dispersal kernel, the effective number of males (N ep ) and their relative individual fertility, as well as the existence of fine-scale spatial genetic structure in adult plants. All methods showed extensive pollen movement, with high rates of pollen flow from outside the study site (up to 73-93%), fat-tailed dispersal kernels and large average pollination distances (d = 229-412 m). However, they also agreed in detecting very few pollen donors (N ep = 4.3-10.2) and a large variance in their reproductive success: 70% of males did not sire any offspring among the studied female plants and 5.5% of males were responsible for 50% of pollinations. Although we did not find reduced levels of genetic diversity, the adult population showed high levels of biparental inbreeding (14%) and strong spatial genetic structure (S p = 0.012), probably due to restricted seed dispersal and scarce safe sites for recruitment. Overall, limited seed dispersal and the scarcity of successful pollen donors can be contributing to generate local pedigrees and to increase inbreeding, the prelude of genetic impoverishment. Citation: Albaladejo RG, Guzmán B, González-Martínez SC, Aparicio A (2012) Extensive Pollen Flow but Few Pollen Donors and High Reproductive Variance in an Extremely Fragmented Landscape. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49012.
Evolution, 2006
In plants, genes may disperse through both pollen and seeds. Here we provide a first theoretical study of the mechanisms and consequences of the joint evolution of pollen and seed dispersal. We focus on hermaphroditic self-compatible species distributed in structured populations, assuming island dispersal of pollen and seeds among small patches of plants within large populations. Three traits are studied: the rate of among-patch seed dispersal, the rate of among-patch pollen dispersal, and the rate of within-patch pollen movement. We first analytically derive the evolutionary equilibrium state of each trait, dissect the pairwise selective interactions, and describe the joint threetrait evolutionary equilibrium under the cost of dispersal and kin competition. These results are then analytically and numerically extended to the case when selfed seeds suffer from depressed competitiveness (inbreeding depression, no heterosis). Finally individual-based simulations are used to account for a more realistic model of inbreeding load. Pollen movement is shown to generate opposite selection pressures on seed dispersal depending on spatial scale: within-patch pollen movement favors seed dispersal, whereas among-patch pollen dispersal inhibits seed dispersal. Seed dispersal selects for short-distance movements of pollen and it selects against long-distance dispersal. These interactions shape the joint evolution of these traits. Kin competition favors among-patch seed dispersal over amongpatch pollen dispersal for low costs of within-patch pollen movement (and vice versa for significant costs of withinpatch pollen movement). Inbreeding depression favors allogamy through high rates of within-and among-patch pollen movement. Surprisingly, it may select either for or against seed dispersal depending on the cost of among-patch pollen dispersal. Heterosis favors increased among-patch dispersal through pollen and seeds. But because these two stages inhibit each other, their joint evolution might lead to decreased seed dispersal in the presence of heterosis. Of crucial importance are the costs of dispersal.
Research Highlights: Patterns of dispersal shape the distribution and temporal development of genetic diversity both within and among populations. In an era of unprecedented environmental change, the maintenance of extant genetic diversity is crucial to population persistence. Background and Objectives: We investigate patterns of pollen dispersal and spatial genetic structure within populations of giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). Materials and Methods: The leaf genotypes of established trees from twelve populations were used to estimate the extent of spatial genetic structure within populations, as measured by the Sp statistic. We utilized progeny arrays from five populations to estimate mating parameters, the diversity of the pollen pool, and characteristics of pollen dispersal. Results: Our research indicates that giant sequoia is predominantly outcrossing, but exhibits moderate levels of bi-parental inbreeding (0.155). The diversity of the pollen pool is low, with an ave...
California Valley oak (Quercus lobata), one of the state's most distinctive oak species, has experienced serious demographic attrition since the 19th century, due to human activities. Recent estimates of pollen dispersal suggest a small reproductive neighborhood. Whether small neighborhood size is a recent phenomenon, a consequence of reduced gene flow caused by demographic changes, or whether it has been historically restricted, remains unclear. To examine this question, we have characterized the spatial genetic structure of N ϭ 191 Q. lobata individuals, spread over an area of 230 ha, using eight microsatellite loci. The observed autocorrelogram suggests an historical standard deviation of gene flow distance of about 350 m per generation, higher than contemporary pollen dispersal estimates. To determine whether our estimates were affected by strong prevailing winds from the west-northwest, we developed and utilized a novel anisotropic autocorrelation analysis. We detected no more than a hint of anisotropy, and we concluded that adult spatial structure is indicative of strong historical signature of ''isolation by distance.'' This historical estimate provides a useful reference value against which to gauge the future gene flow consequences of ongoing anthropogenic disturbance.
Estimating seed vs. pollen dispersal from spatial genetic structure in the common ash
Molecular Ecology, 2003
Spatial genetic structure was analysed with five highly polymorphic microsatellite loci in a Romanian population of common ash ( Fraxinus excelsior L.), a wind-pollinated and wind-dispersed tree species occurring in mixed deciduous forests over almost all of Europe. Contributions of seed and pollen dispersal to total gene flow were investigated by analysing the pattern of decrease in kinship coefficients among pairs of individuals with geographical distance and comparing it with simulation results. Plots of kinship against the logarithm of distance were decomposed into a slope and a shape component. Simulations showed that the slope is informative about the global level of gene flow, in agreement with theoretical expectations, whereas the shape component was correlated with the relative importance of seed vs. pollen dispersal. Hence, our results indicate that insights into the relative contributions of seed and pollen dispersal to overall gene flow can be gained from details of the pattern of spatial genetic structure at biparentally inherited loci. In common ash, the slope provided an estimate of total gene dispersal in terms of Wright's neighbourhood size of Nb = = = = 519 individuals. No precise estimate of seed vs. pollen flow could be obtained from the shape because of the stochasticity inherent to the data, but the parameter combinations that best fitted the data indicated restricted seed flow, σ σ σ σ s ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 14 m, and moderate pollen flow, 70 m ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ σ σ σ σ p ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 140 m.
Molecular Ecology, 2007
Pollen dispersal was investigated in six populations of Calothamnus quadrifidus , a birdpollinated shrub in the fragmented agricultural region of southern Western Australia. Paternity analysis using six microsatellite loci identified a pollen source within populations for 67% of seedlings, and the remainder were assumed to have arisen from pollen sources outside the populations. Outcrossing was variable, ranging from 5% to 82%, and long-distance pollen dispersal was observed in all populations with up to 43% of pollen sourced from outside the populations over distances of up to 5 km. This extensive pollen immigration was positively associated with population size but not isolation. Comparison of two populations of similar size but different density showed greater internal pollination and less selfing in the denser population, suggesting an influence of density on pollinator behaviour. The study revealed extensive long-distance pollen dispersal for C. quadrifidus within this fragmented agricultural landscape and highlighted the interaction between reserve populations and isolated road verge remnants in maintaining genetic connectivity at the landscape scale.