Optimized Replica Node Attack Detection Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Hypothesis Testing . (original) (raw)
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Replica Node Attacks Detection in Mobile Sensor Networks Using Efficient and Distributed Scheme .
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
The most wireless sensor networks are composed of unshielded sensor nodes. An adversary can easily attack, analyze and clone the unshielded sensor nodes and create replicas and insert them in the networks. This gives the adversary to carry on large class of insidious attacks like disrupting communication, subverting data aggregation, eavesdropping etc… in this research we resist against node replication attacks in mobile sensor networks. In this paper, we propose a new protocol to detect the replicas in mobile WSNs. in this protocol, efficient and distributed scheme and sequential probability ratio test are used to security that the replica nodes enters in to the monitoring area containing number of nodes under consideration the path travelled by the replica nodes are monitored and other nodes present I the area are prevented from attack using the efficient and distributed scheme.
Detection of Replica Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey
Network security has become a challenging area, historically only tackled by well qualified and familiar experts. Although more pupils are becoming wired, an increasing number of pupils need to understand basics of security in the network world. The paper is written from the prospective of the basic computer user and information systems administrator, illuminating the concepts needed to go through the hype in the marketplace and understand risks and to deal with them. The replica node attacks are hazardous as they allow the attacker to leverage the compromise of a few nodes exert control over much of the network. Earlier work on replica node recognition relies on set sensor locations and hence do not work in mobile sensor network. The paper proposes sequential probability ratio test for detection of mobile replica node. It provides unique id to the sensor nodes so that an adversary can not disturb the network. The proposed sequential hypothesis testing can result in a fast and effective detection of mobile replica nodes within wireless sensor network.
Node Replication Attack Detection Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey.
Abstract: The sensor networks are often deployed in hostile environments and are not attended for long time. Deployment of these networks is increased in the recent years, as they help in monitoring and analyzing different properties of the environment. The application of wireless sensor network starts from environment, household monitoring and ranging up to critical military applications. The sensor nodes in the network are prone to different kinds of novel attacks. An attacker, with little effort, may physically capture nodes, exploits the information on the node, reprogram the node and create replicas, and secretly insert these replicas at strategic locations within the network. This is called as node replication attack. Since these replicas have legitimate access to the network (legitimate IDs, keys, other security credentials, etc.), they can participate in the network operations in the same way as a legitimate node, and thus a large variety of insider attacks takes over the network. Using such nodes the attacker can corrupt the data flowing through the network, also the attacker can disconnect some part of the network with other part of the network. Detection of node replication attack is therefore important. So, in this report we will come to know about some node replication detection schemes, out of which some depend primarily on centralized mechanisms where the base station plays very important role, and others depend on distributed detection schemes. The detection probabilities and communication overhead are the major concern while proposing and using the detection techniques. Hence, the design of efficient algorithm to detect node identity replicas is still an open and demanding issue. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Replication attack, Centralized Detection schemes, Distributed Detection schemes, Security.
Detection of node replication attacks is a challenging task in mobile sensor networks. Most of the existing system used to detect node replication using witness finding strategy which cannot be applied to mobile networks, because in mobile sensor networks nodes frequently change its location within the network or move to other network. Velocity exceeding strategy used in existing system in mobile networks incurs efficiency and security problems. Other techniques used in mobile sensor network incur storage and communication overhead. To improve the performance of the existing algorithms ELD algorithm is proposed. Keywords—Attacks, Mobile Sensor Network, Node Replication Attack, Security, Sensor Node
Protocols for detection of node replication attack on wireless sensor network
Wireless sensor network has many small sensor nodes that work in collaborative manner to achieve a specific task. But it is deployed in unattended environment and that is why it is prone to attacks. These attacks mainly fall into two categories that is application dependent and application independent .In this paper the focus is on the node replication attack which falls under application independent attacks. In this paper a survey has been done related to node replication attack and existing techniques for solving this issue has been studied. The paper mainly focuses on the types of attacks on wireless sensor network and the two techniques centralized and distributed detection for detection of the node replication attack. Defending against this node replication attack is recently become a research topic in the security of wireless sensor network. The applications and advantages of centralized detection and distributed detection and their respective limitations has been studied.
Node Replication Attack Detection in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an emerging technology used in emergency scenarios. There are a number of possible threats to WSNs because they use unsupervised IP addresses. Securing networks with unattended sensors is a real challenge nowadays. Sensor nodes lack power and storage, making them incompatible with normal security checks. It will be vital to make advancements in sensor network architecture and protocol design. There will be more vulnerability to attack if there is a lack of security. Especially, one key attack is node replication which induces the sensor node to acts as an original node, collecting data from the network and sending it to the attacker. In dynamic WSN, detecting an assault is difficult to find replica nodes. Therefore, this paper proposes a Strategic Security System (SSS) to discover replica nodes in static and dynamic distributed WSNs. It is mainly focused on enhancing detection accuracy, time delay, and communication overhead. The present system inclu...
Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
WSNs can be deployed in harsh environments to fulfill many applications such as military, environmental, health care, remote monitoring and other applications where an attacker can physically capture some of the nodes from network. Adversary first captures all the details of node and can replicate in large number of clones taking network in control. Many distributed solutions have been proposed to detect the cloned attack. But these are not taken into consideration as these solutions are memory and energy demanding and also not satisfactory in authentic context. Thus properties of mechanism of clone attack are analyzed. Solutions already proposed are not fulfilling requirement of clone attack detection. So, Authentic, Randomized, Efficient, Distributed (ARED) protocol is proposed.
A Modified Algorithm and Protocol for Replica Attack Prevention for Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless networks are achievement recognition to its height nowadays, because the users need wireless connectivity regardless of their geographic position. There’s an increasing threat of attacks on the Wireless sensor Network (WSN). Node replication attack is one in all the security threat within which the traffic is redirected to such a node that really doesn't exist within the network. It’s an analogy to the Replication within the universe within which things disappear. The node presents itself in such some way to the node that it will attack different nodes and networks knowing that it's the shortest path. WSNs should have a secure approach for transmission and communication that is kind of difficult and very important issue. So as to produce secure communication and transmission, research worker worked specifically on the security problems in WSNs, and lots of secure routing protocols and security measures inside the networks were proposed. The scope of this work is to ...
Fast Detection of Replica Node in Mobile Sensor Network
© 2016, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 4.45 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 94 FAST DETECTION OF REPLICA NODE IN MOBILE SENSOR NETWORK Abhishek Anand1, Venu Gopal2, Nilesh Keni3 ,Nilesh Madke 1 Abhishek A,Student of B.E, Dept. of computer Engineering,ISBM SOT,University of Pune,Pune,India. 2Venu G,Student of B.E, Dept. of computer Engineering,ISBM SOT,University of Pune,Pune,India. 3 Nilesh Keni,Student of B.E, Dept. of computer Engineering,ISBM SOT,University of Pune,Pune,India 4Nilesh Madke,A.Prof of B.E, Dept. of computer Engineering,ISBM SOT,University of Pune,Pune,India. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract Due to unattended nature of wireless sensor networks leads to mobile replica node attack. An adversary can capture and compromise sensor nodes, make replicas of them, and then mount a variety of attacks with these replicas. These replica node attacks are dan...