Traceological Analysis of Stone Tools of Miners and Metallurgists from Zhezkazgan Copper Deposits. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (37).2021 (original) (raw)

Use-Wear traces on copper ore processing tools from Late Bronze sites of the Trans-Urals (use wear analysis). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (50) 2024


The work is aimed at solving the problem of identifying tools for copper ore processing in tool inventory of the Late Bronze Age settlements in the Trans-Urals. The article presents the results of a series of 11 experiments on smashing and grinding copper-bearing rock. Pebbles and slabs from different types of stone (diorite, flint, silicite, porphyrite, quartzite, granite, quartz sandstone) were used as tools. As a result, use-wear traces on experimental tools were obtained, described in detail and analyzed. It has been established that usewear traces depend on the specific operation, physical properties of the rock, size of the workpiece and the hardness of the processed raw materials. Comparison of the obtained data with archaeological material from the Bronze Age of the Trans-Urals (Ustye I, Kulevchi III, Kamyshnoye I) showed that ore processing tools are represented in small quantity (10 copies), which may indicate the preparation of ore for smelting, mainly outside settlements.

Traceological Study of Stone Tools in the Settlement of Saka Time Abilay, Central Kazakhstan

Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology), 2021

According to modern data, about 60 small settlements have been discovered on the territory of Central Kazakhstan, dating back to the time of the Tasmola culture (VIII–V centuries BC). Since 2016, annual excavations have been carried out at the Abylai settlement, which is located in the Karaganda region. In the excavation area, in addition to fragments of pottery and animal bones, over 480 stone tools were found. In the fall of 2020, for the first time, traceological studies of stone tools were carried out, the results of which are reflected in this article. Of the 150 copies, 139 were identified as functions. Of these, 130 tools were used in various industries. According to quantitative data, tools for cultivating the land are in first place – 57.3%, followed by tools for processing vegetation (24.5%), leatherworking (10.2%), for straightening metal products (whetstones, 8%). It is planned to continue the ongoing research on stone tools.

Results of the metallographic study of blacksmithing items from the excavations at Podgory V settlement on the Samara Bend. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (50) 2024


The article presents the results of metallographic analysis of blacksmithing items, found during excavations at the Podgory V settlement, located on the Samara Bend. The materials of the 1999-2001 excavations are represented by items and sets (including burials ones) belonging to the period from the Early Iron Age to the Middle Ages. The most representative materials are related to the Imenkovo culture of the IV–VII centuries. The sample of ferrous metal artifacts subjected to metallographic study amounted to 21 pieces: knives, awls, sickle, arrowhead, earring with a polyhedron, fixing ring, fire lighter and plate. The metallographic collection included rod-shaped objects, some of which were identified as semi-finished products (metal raw material). It was found that the main material for most of the items was low carbon steel. Packing of blanks was often used and local cementation was applied. The share of heat-treated products is high, signs of high-temperature forging were recorded. The revealed characteristics of forgings from Podgory Vsetlement, in general, correspond to the level of development and technological appearance of East European early medieval ironworking. However, there were also found such features that distinguish the “Podgory” sample from the archaeometallographic collections of other Middle Volga sites of the Early Middle Ages. The peculiarity manifested itself in the use of the characteristic twisting technique of two- or multilayer blanks.

Metallic Wares from Bagaevka Settlement. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (34). 2020


Complex of metallic objects from Bagaevka settlement, rural settlement of the Golden Horde of the second half of 13th – 14th century, situated in periphery of the Golden Horde city Ukek in Saratov area of Saratov region is analysed by the authors. The settlement was studied by expedition of Kazan University under supervision of L.F. Nedashkovsky in 1995, 2002–2003, 2006–2012 and 2014–2016. Numismatic finds from the site, which covered area 5.1 ha and has the cultural layer in some places with more than 90 cm width, belong to the Golden Horde mintage of the end of 13th – beginning of 60s of 14th century. Metallic vessels (fragments of copper forged vessels, rivet, cup, fragments of cast-iron cauldrons) were characterized in the article. Other objects are represented by mirrors, bronze couplings of knives, ware with lion figure, ingot, splashes of lead and bronze, lead weight-seal, bronze and iron locks, iron keys. Morphological features of wares are examined on the basis of typology with involvement of the comparative background of materials of synchronous monuments. Сomplex under study characterizes material culture of the Golden Horde village of the Low Volga region, which, judging by the published materials, differed from material culture of city and town, situated nearby.

Bronze Jugs from Ahmad's Workshop of 11th Century from Southeast Kazakhstan. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (44) 2023


The authors publish the materials related to three unknown before toreutic products produced in the 11th century. Production technology, shapes and ornamentation of pitchers, as well as their labeling, were improved on the stage of production of elite jars from bronze. These jars were found on the hillforts of Taraz and Kysmyshi during archaeological research as well as accidental finding of jar on the Talgar hillfort. Their ornithomorphic forms, brought to the perfection of stylization, artistic formation, characterize pitchers. In the bibliographic review of the study of such pitchers, which has been updated few times by J. Ilyasov, no attention is paid to Kazakhstani materials. Now that gap is filling. Three published jugs were marked with engraved inscription: «Amali Ahmad» («Ahmad's work») and the master's stylish-florid medallion. The sites of all known finds or buyouts by collectors of such jugs are well known and localized along the stretch of the Great Silk Road between Eastern Iran and Western China: all Central Asian countries, as well as Northern Afghanistan and Xinjiang. The analysis of the materials of the micro-material of two pitchers can tell about the place of production of pitchers, given in the appendix.

Izmailova S.Yu. Creative laboratory of the provincial scientist (according to correspondence of the Kazan archeologist and numismatist A.F. Likhachev). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (9). 2014.

The author represents the history of scientific ideas development proclaimed that each scientific creativity and activity can determine and change not only the bases of time’s scientific perspective, but also all course of culture. A direct source of such knowledge is an access to the creative laboratory of the scientist by studying his heritage. The A.F. Likhachev’s archive has reached us in an isolated condition and now it is stored by various archives organizations at Kazan, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The considerable group of documents is constituted by A.F. Lihachev’s correspondence with representatives of scientific and art circles – archeologists and numismatists, members of Russian and Moscow archaeological societies, collectors and owners of bookshops. Analyzing A.F. Likhachev’s creative laboratory it is possible to notice that the scientist’s contacts within the activity of scientific organizations have played a crucial role in his becoming a scientist, forming the researching skills and the scientific activity ethics. История развития научных идей свидетельствует, что каждый ученый творческий потенциал и деятельность могут определить и изменить не только основания научной перспективы времени, но также и всего курса культуры. Прямой источник такого знания – проникновение в творческую лабораторию ученого посредством изучения его наследия. Архив A.Ф. Лихачева достиг нас в изолированном состоянии, и теперь он сохранен в архивах различных организаций Казани, Петербурга и Москвы. Значительная группа документов составлена корреспонденцией А.Ф. Лихачева представителям научных и художественных кругов – археологи и нумизматы, члены российских и Московских археологических обществ, коллекционеры и владельцы книжных магазинов. Анализ творческой лаборатории A.Ф. Лихачева дает возможность заметить, что контакты ученого в рамках деятельности научных организаций играли важную роль в его формировании как ученого, формируя навыки исследования и этику научной деятельности.

Stone Tools from the Eneolithic Dwelling of Excavation 2 in Igim Settlement (According to the Results of Trasological Analisis). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (25). 2018.


The paper deals with the results of a typological and a functional study of stone objects collection part (408 items) originating from the Eneolithic dwelling of excavation 2 in a multi-layered Igim settlement situated in the Nizhnekamsk reservoir zone at the confluence of the Ik and Kama rivers (Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan). The site was investigated by P.N. Starostin and R.S. Gabiashev in 1970–1971. They found that the settlement was inhabited for three periods - during the Neolithic, the Eneolithic and the Late Bronze Age. After traceological research of the stone wares, it has been possible to identify a number of stone tools categories by their functional purpose. The obtained data give an opportunity to identify the main tool complexes. First of all, there are woodworking tool complex and the complex for the cutting and the processing of hunting production. On the territory of the studied dwelling, not only the cutting of the carcasses was practiced, but also the further hide processing. At the same time, there are no such categories of tools as drills and axes. The author made a hypothetical conclusion about the Eneolithic Age of the examined set of tools.

Galimova M.Sh., Sitdikov A.G., Khabarov V.V. Gun-lock flints and the fire stones from excavations in Kazan: experimental and traceological research. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (9). 2014.

The results of experimental and use-wear research in assemblage of the flint artifacts from excavations taken place at Kazan in 1995–2005 are represented in the article. The problem of distinction between prehistoric flint scrapers, blades, cores and the gun-lock flints as well as the fire stones has given an stimulus to the experimental study to be organized by the authors. The pattern tools – the gun-flints and the fire stones have been produced and used in order to define their use-wear features. Experimental shooting has been provided using the replica of Russian musket of 1806. The fire-steel dated to the period of the XV–XVII centuries (an occasional find) was used in experimental making fire by striking sparks. Microscopic analysis of the pattern gun-flints and the fire ones allows the authors to determine the macro- and micro- use-wear traces. Traceological analysis of flint artifacts (54 samples) has revealed use-wear peculiarities of the gun-flints and fire stones from historical part of Kazan. As a result the most of the flint scrapers and retouched blades found in Kazan have been identified as gun-flints whereas the cores and massive flakes – as the fire stones. Only four flints bear the remnants of real scraper working parts on their striking edges. Extreme utilization of the gun-flints made of qualitative raw and reutilization of prehistoric scrapers and cores are supposed to be caused by shortage of qualitative flint among the population of Kazan during the XVII–XVIII centuries. В статье представлены результаты экспериментально–трасологического изучения кремневых артефактов, найденных при раскопках в Казани в 1995–2005 гг. Импульсом к экспериментальной работе для авторов явился вопрос об идентификации первобытных кремневых скребков, пластин, нуклеусов, а также оружейных и кресальных кремней. С целью определения трасологических признаков были изготовлены и использованы эталонные оружейные и кресальные кремни. Экспериментальные выстрелы производились из реплики мушкета русского производства 1806 года. Железное кресало, относящееся к XV–XVII вв. (случайная находка), было использовано в эксперименте по высеканию огня с помощью эталонов кресальных кремней. Изучение под микроскопом эталонов оружейных и кресальных кремней позволило авторам определить макро– и микроследы их использования. Трасологический анализ кремневых артефактов (54 экземпляра) выявил особенности износа оружейных и кресальных кремней из исторической части Казани. В результате большинство найденных в Казани кремневых скребков и ретушированных пластин было идентифицировано как оружейные кремни, а нуклеусы и массивные отщепы – как кресальные кремни. Лишь пять кремней несут на своих краях остатки рабочих кромок скребков. Крайняя степень утилизации оружейных кремней, сделанных из качественного сырья, а также повторное использование первобытных скребков и нуклеусов, вероятно, были обусловлены недостатком качественного кремня у населения Казани в XVII–XVIII вв.

Analysis of the Cultural Layer and Taphonomy of Stone Tools (Based on Materials from the Caucasus) // Анализ культурного слоя и тафономия каменных орудий (по материалам Кавказа) (In Russ.)


A comprehensive analysis of the cultural layer is important for determining natural or intentional damage of stone tools in a particular industry. The study of stone tools taphonomy is also of great importance for interpretation of cultural complexes, reconstruction of adaptation models of Paleolithic humans in various environmental conditions. This article discusses the hypothesis of “trampling”, used to explain the increased number of denticulate tools in Cave sites. However, a comparative analysis of the number of artifacts per cubic meter, showing the intensity of habitation, and the number of denticulate tools shows the absence of direct correlation between these variables. There is also no direct relationship between the number of cave bear bones and the percentage of denticulate tools. The micro-facial analysis of the cultural layer is important, because human activity could vary greatly in different parts of the cultural layer. The example of the Akhshtyrskaya cave shows a change within the cultural layer in the composition of stone assemblages and fauna remains from the entrance towards the interior of the cave. The concept of the “cultural layer” includes: geological processes of the layer formation, postdepositional geological processes during formation of the layer, and postdepositional processes that destruct the layer after completion of its formation. The natural factors affecting the processes of formation and destruction of the cultural layer also include natural biological factors, such as bioturbation, "trampling", contribution of predators to faunal collections, and bone transformation (gnawing). The archaeological context of the cultural layer comprises human activity during formation of the layer and and its destruction by later inhabitants of the site. The examples given for the Caucasus Paleolithic sites show that the study of stone tools preservation made in the context of the planigraphic analysis of a cultural layer and its preservation in different areas provides valuable information for the interpretation of natural or artificial damages on stone tools. A thorough planigraphic analysis can help to clarify issues related to the origin of denticulation and other damages on stone artifacts, as well as if the damaged artifacts occur compactly and separately from the tools with a good preservation or were found in a joint occurrence. It is important to study the intentional manufacture of denticulate tools, formation of denticulation as a result of the functional use of tools. The unintentional formation of denticulation is closely related to natural geological processes.

Ethnographer and Archaelogist Stefan Kirovich Kuznetsov: kazan years. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №4 (34). 2020


The paper describes the life and academic work of S.K. Kuznetsov, ethnographer and archaeologist, whose works have left a noticeable mark on historiography and is are actively cited by modern researchers. S.K. Kuznetsov was a prominent representative of the generation of researchers of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia who worked at the turn of the 19th – 20th centuries under the auspices of the Society of Archaeology, History and Ethnography affiliated to Imperial Kazan University. In his study of the spiritual and material culture of the Mari and Udmurt population of the Kama-Vyatka region, he was guided by humanistic principles, generally characteristic of the Kazan scientific community.