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The article dwells on the content, methods, and forms of multilingual education in Belgium. Considering the development of higher education in terms of the Bologna process and a necessity to reform the system of professional training in Ukraine it is highly important to study foreign experience. Due to the adoption of the law «On Education» (2017) universities have to prepare future teachers to teach in a multilingual society. Belgium, as one of the multilingual countries, consists of 4 language regions. They are French-speaking Wallonia, Dutch-speaking Flanders, Germanspeaking region on the east of Wallonia and Brussels capital region (divided between French- and Dutch-speaking communities). The study analyses the curriculum of the faculty of «Primary Education», Erasmus Hogeschool in Brussels. The main principles of the curriculum are an interactive approach, intersubject connections, individualization, and internalization. The interactive approach is realized in the dominant forms of work (training sessions, workshops, quests, team projects etc.). Intersubject connections can be noticed in every subject students study. For instance, studying Breed observeren (Deep observation), students learn how to watch children of different ages, how to notice the development of a child, study different types of observation. Moreover, students learn psychology and stereotypes in observation within this subject. Individualization in the pre-service teacher training is analyzed both on the curriculum and subject levels. On the curriculum level, students can choose some optional subjects within the core of overall credits. On the subject level students have the freedom to choose projects to work on, papers to write or practical training to have. One of the sides of internalization in Brussels education is shown in a double degree program with Haute Ecole Francіsco Ferrer. According to this program, students can study French for one year to get a foreign degree.
In the article is exposed the historical and pedagogical aspects of education of personality of future teacher in the healthy environment of high school. The structure of process of education, which consists of purpose and task, maintenance and method of organization of educate influence, is rotined, directed on forming of personality, engulfs consciousness of personality, emotionally perceptible sphere, skills and habits of conduct. Education is presented as a significant factor in the development and formation of the personality of the future teacher. It corrects the influence of heredity and the environment in order to implement a social program of personality development. Unlike socialization, which occurs in a spontaneous interaction of man with the environment, education is considered as a process of purposeful and consciously controlled socialization (school, family, religious education); as a kind of mechanism for managing the process of socialization, the ideal goal of which is a person that meets social requirements and at the same time opposes the negative trends in the development of society, life circumstances that impede the development of its individuality. Education has two main functions: organizes the entire range of influences on the personality and creates conditions for accelerating the processes of socialization for the development of personality. The power of educational impact is on purposefulness, systematicity and in qualified leadership. The weakness of education is that it is based on the human consciousness and requires its participation; instead, heredity and the environment act unconsciously and subconsciously.
Humanities science current issues, 2020
The objective necessity of formation technological competence of future teachers of labor training and technologies is determined by the main tasks of the educational field "Technology", among which-the development technological culture of students, which forms the technological outlook. The technological outlook is based on a system of technological views on nature, society and person. The subject of the research is the process of formation technological competence of the future teacher of labor training and technologies. The purpose of the study is to determine the methodological premises for the formation of future teachers of labor training and technology competence. To achieve this goal was used a set of research methods: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, methodological and special materials, as well as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, systematization of theoretical data, comparative analysis to clarify the essence of the concept of "technological culture", content and component composition technological preparation of the future teacher of labor training and technology. The article identifies the following methodological premises for the formation of future teachers of labor training and technology of technological competence: this phenomenon appears as a universal characteristic of pedagogical reality; competence is characterized by specific functions in the field of teaching; it is a system formation consisting of structural and functional components; its structural units are knowledge, skills and motives of activity; peculiarities of technological competence formation are determined by individual creative, psychophysiological, age characteristics, socio-pedagogical and technological experience of the individual. The effectiveness of technological competence formation depends on a set of adequate principles, functional orientation of training, methods, techniques, tools, pedagogical conditions under which training will be organized. Therefore, we see the prospects for further research in defining pedagogical conditions, consideration of pedagogical formation technologies of future teachers of labor training and technologies of technological competence.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the content of professional activity of the future educator, the disclosure of the modern idea of communicative mobility of this category of pedagogical workers of preschool education. The article substantiates the importance of communicative mobility in terms of professional orientation in higher education. The proposed approach to the definition of communicative mobility allows to go beyond its narrowly utilitarian understanding. The considered definition is reduced to the level of the principle of the subject of activity. It is substantiated that such interpretation allows to reveal in communicative mobility opportunities for positive development of the future educator. Emphasis is placed on the formation of the worldview of the future teacher-educator, who demonstrates its important qualities as a high level of adaptability to familiar and new situations, allows you to form a mechanism for rapid response to events in various fields, an...
Axiological art component is to assess its impact on the individual in the context of the priorities that notions of artistic and aesthetic, spiritual development of personality, culture model that creates its ideals based on the values of society. It is the value we regard as a phenomenon, a material or spiritual object that is perceived by man, society as extremely important. Music education provides for the inclusion of the individual in musical and pedagogical process of software systems targeted measures to axiological component where human values are personal meanings and realized by man in the course of development of culture. To such values of musical and pedagogical practices include: culture, personality development, moral values, etc. Of particular importance for understanding the essence of musical education is culture as universal value, which manifests its essence in all spheres of human activity.
Education – the main category of pedagogical science. A person is brought up continuously, his personality is formed throughout his life under the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people, operating spontaneously or according to certain goals. At the same time, the person himself is not conceived as a passive being, he acts as the subject of his own formation and development. The article describes the method of education of personality of the future teacher in the healthy environment of a high school as a set of the most common ways of solving educational tasks and the implementation of educational interactions, methods of interrelated activities aimed at achieving educational goals; a set of specific methods of educational work that are used in the process of formation of personal qualities for the development of consciousness, motivational sphere and needs, for developing skills and habits of behavior and activities, as well as their correction and improvement. Method of education of personality of the future teacher is a creative process. When looking for an optimal choice of method, it should be borne in mind that none of them need to be universalized, but to use a system of methods. The choice of methods of education is a system of methods of education of personality of the future teacher in the healthy environment of a high school, coordinated with organizational and pedagogical conditions, which has an educational effect, corresponds to the individual and age characteristics of individuals, takes into account the specifics of the team.
Рецепція проблеми творчого потенціалу майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов Анотація. В статті описано та охарактеризовано напрямки наукового дослідження психології творчого потенціалу особистості. Обґрунтовано актуальність вивчення проблеми розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх фахівців. Охарактеризовано пізнавальний, морально-етичний, комунікативний, естетичний та творчий потенціали людини, описано компоненти структури особистості, яким ці зазначені потенціали відповідають. Структуровано компоненти, виокремлені В. О. Моляко та Н. В. Кузьміною в структурі творчого потенціалу особистості, що стосуються вчителя іноземних мов. Обґрунтовано доцільність введення до структури творчого потенціалу вчителя іноземних мов соціального компонента, описано його складові. Уточнено зміст понять «соціальна креативність» та «комунікативна компетентність» в структурі творчого потенціалу вчителя іноземних мов. Ключові слова: творчість, творчий потенціал, структура особистості, соціальний компонент, соціальна креативність, комунікативна компетентність.