Etlik Piliçlerin Beslenmesinde Böceklerin Kullanılması (original) (raw)

Etlik Piliç Üretiminde Erken Dönem Besleme Uygulamaları


Son 50 yilda, ticari etlik pilic yetistiriciliginde performans onemli duzeyde iyilesmistir. Bu olumlu degisim buyuk olcude genetik, besleme programlari ve yem teknolojisindeki gelismelerin bir sonucudur. Etlik piliclerde optimum buyume performansina ulasilabilmesi icin ilk hafta mide-bagirsak kanalinin en kisa surede sindirim fonksiyonunu kazanmasi gereklidir. Sindirim sisteminin gelisimi ise ilk yem tuketim zamanina, yemlerin besin madde kompozisyonuna ve yem kaynaklarina baglidir. Bu perspektifte erken donem besleme uygulamalari (in ovo besleme, civciv mamasi ve on-baslatma yemi) giderek onem kazanmistir

Etlik Piliçlerin Beslenmesinde Antimikrobiyal Peptidlerin Kullanımı

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

It is well known that alternative food additives are being researched following the prohibition of the addition of antibiotics to poultry feed as growth factors. Recently, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been considered as alternatives to antibiotics. AMPs, produced by bacteria, insects, amphibians and mammals, as well as by chemical synthesis. In particular, their natural antimicrobial properties and their low tendency to create resistance in micro-organisms suggest that they might be a good alternative to antibiotics. They are not only effective against bacteria, but are also known to be effective against fungi and viruses. In studies on pigs and broiler chickens, they have been shown to be beneficial effects on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, the immune system, intestinal morphology and gut microbiota. Antimicrobial peptides are small biological molecules formed from 12-60 amino acids. AMPs have been reported to kill bacteria, in particular those showing resistance...

Bi̇tki̇lerde Böceklere Karşi Di̇renç

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 1977

Böceklerle savaşta Kimyasal Savaş YÇinteminin birçok olumsuz yönlerinin ortaya çıkmasından sonrra böceklere karşı dirençli bitki tür ve varyetelerinin elde edilmesi yönündeki çalışmalar büyük değer kazanmıştır.Bu yöntemin, ekonomik oluşu,'kimyasal maddelerin zararının söz konusu olmayışı ve uzun süre devam etmesi en arzu edilir tarafIandır.

Etlik Piliçlerde Temel Refah Sorunları


Etlik piliclerde, buyume orani ve karkas verimi bakimindan seleksiyona tabii tutulma ile buyumeyi destekleyen beslenme ve yonetim uygulamalari bazi refah sorunlarinin ortaya cikmasina neden olmustur. Etlik piliclerde temel refah sorunlari genetik ve cevresel sorunlardan kaynaklanmaktadir. Yuksek buyume hizi, hastaliklar, kontakt dermatitis, iskelet problemleri ve lokomotor aktivite genetik sorunlar olarak, yerlesim sikligi, altlik, hava kalitesi, isik, besleme, yem yonetimi ve yetistirme ekipmanlarini ise cevresel sorunlar olarak siniflandirabiliriz. Etlik piliclerde 2007/43/EC direktifinin uygulanmasi ve refah-saglik sorunlarinin ele alindigi bakim ve yonetim uygulamalari ile ilgili en son calisma 2018 yilinda Avrupa Parlamentosu konseyinde rapor edilmistir. Raporda piliclerde ayak pedi dermatitinin izlenmesine ve skorlanmasina dayanan kontrollerin, hayvan refahini iyilestirmede en etkili yontem oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ozellikle piliclerin refahini etkileyen havalandirma gibi dah...

Etlik Piliçlerde Odunsu Göğüs Eti ‘Wooden Breast’ Sorunu

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2016

The present study is designed to attract attention to macroscobic and microscobic findings, causes and economic losses of wooden breast which is a significant muscle problem leading to visual and sensory differences in poultry breast meat quality. Wooden Breast is a crucial problem in poultry industry. It has started to seriously affect poultry production in European and other countries, and especially in United States of America. Woody breast formation is a situation characterized with completely hardened breast fillet or with swelling easily understood when touched. Surface of the fillet contains exudate with petechial bleeding or non-bleeding viscous gelatine. Woody structure called “wooden” can occur not only in breast meat but also in legs. Growth rate, gender, energy level of the feed, amino acid level, and selenium supplement are the factors affecting wooden breast-woody breast meat formation. Shaded colour, surface leak and abnormally hard tissue are seen in macroscopic imag...

Etlik Piliç Üretiminde Beslemenin Çevre Kirletici Emisyonlar Üzerine Etkisi

Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology

Environmental pollution is defined as the disruption of normal ecological balance with emmision of various substances and energy residues as a result of human activities. Animal production is one of the major human activity that enables this emission to increase significantly. Although ruminants play an important role in the effects of animal production on environmental pollutant emissions, the effects of poultry production and broiler production are also worth considering. As in all livestock types, the main factor that has a direct impact on environmental pollutant emissions is feeding for this animal types too. High nutrient needs of broilers and production processes of feed containing these nutrients; greenhouse gas causes increased nitrogen and phosphorus emissions; consequently, they cause air, soil and water pollution to multiply. Changes in protein and amino acid levels or the use of certain feed additives in feeds affect the emission value of broiler production. In addition...

Etlik Piliçlerde Öğün Yemleme Uygulamalarının Performans, Parametreleri ve Korku Davranışı Üzerine Etkileri


Bu calismada, etlik pilicler de erken yaslarda uygulanan farkli ogun yemleme programlarinin performans, bazi kan parametreleri ve korku davranisi uzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Toplam 504 adet gunluk erkek civciv (Ross -308) her biri 4 tekerrurden olusan 3 grub a ayrilmistir. Tum grupla rda 0-21. ve 22- 45. gunler arasinda ayni baslatma ve bitirme yemleri kullanilmistir. Birinci (kontrol) gruptaki hayvanlara arastirma suresince yem ad-libitum olarak sunulmustur . Ikinci ve ucuncu gruplarda 7- 21.gunler arasinda gunun belirli saatlerinde yemlikler kaldirilarak pilicler toplam 12s ve 20s ac birakilmistir. Ucuncu grupta uygulanan ogun yemleme programi erkek piliclerin 21.gun canli agirligini olumsuz etkilemis , ancak c anli agirliktaki bu azalma 45.gunde telafi edilmis tir. Gun boyunca 12s ac birakilan piliclerin 45. gun canli agirligi onemli duzeyde artmistir. Ogun yemleme uygulamasi piliclerin yem tuketimi ni olumsuz etkilememistir. Yemden yararlanma ise 22 - 45. gun...

İnsan Gidasi Olarak Böcek Protei̇nleri̇ Tüketi̇mi̇ Ve Geti̇rdi̇ği̇ Sorunlar

Helal ve Etik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021

Despite the measures taken for the rapidly growing world population, industry and human-induced environmental pollution and global warming reduce agricultural lands and clean water resources that make it difficult to produce sufficient food and protein. Proteins are vital nutrients for the body, which are essential for nutrition and other metabolic activities, that are mostly obtained from plant or animal sources. It is expected that the world population will reach 9 billion by 2050 and the current food needs will be doubled. In parallel, the consumption of meat, which is one of the main sources of animal proteins, is expected to reach an average of 49 kg/person in 2050, and it is calculated that this corresponds to an increase of 40% when compared to the current production. Unsuitable agricultural lands and polluted clean water resources makes it difficult to raise cattle, sheep and poultry, and thereby to produce sufficient amount animal-based food. In addition, the fact that carbon dioxide and methane emissions caused by cattle trigger global warming has led academic and industrial circles to find alternative protein sources. Artificial meat, microbial and insect proteins have gained interest in the food industry with a potential of being an alternative to the proteins obtained from meat and meat products. For example, insect consumption, entomophagy, is a traditional feeding practice in some Asian, African and South American countries with as many as 2000 different insects. Most of the insects used for this purpose are beetles, butterflies and caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, bees, ants, etc. The biggest disadvantage of on-farm insect production and consumption, which has been proposed by the FAO as a remedy for food shortages, is that their acceptance is difficult due to the yuk factor/disgust for normal consumers. In addition, there are many biological and chemical health problems related with insect consumption, especially allergies, which occur with the consumption of their proteins. Although there have been some exceptions, people generally stay away from insect consumption due to health, religious and ethical concerns. In this article, the historical development and current situation of insect consumption, farm production and processing of their proteins, and the effects of these proteins on human health and nutrition, as well as the technical and socio-cultural dimensions of the process are discussed.

Böcekleri̇n Yöneti̇mi̇nde Ci̇nsel Kisirlaştirma Yöntemi̇ni̇n Kullanilmasi

Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 1992

OZET Ekolojik yonden emniyetli, ekonomik acidan uzun omurlu olabilen ve sosyal yonuyle yetistiricinin kabul edebilecegi bir zararli yonetimi olan kisir bocek teknigi (SIT) ile ilgili bazi genel bilgiler verilmeye calisilmistir. Bu teknik, pes tisi t kullaniminin dogurdugu yan etkileri icermemekte, ancak simdilik sadece bazi bocek turlerine belirli kosullarda uygulanabilmektedir. Bocek kisirlastirmada kullanilan radyasyon ve kemosterilantlar ve bunlarin biyolojik etkileri aciklanmistir. Bu teknigin basarili oldugu bocek turlerine deginilmis ve ozellikle de ulkemizi de tehdit eden burgulu yara sinegi (Cochliomyia hominivorax) uzerinde durulmus ve bu teknigin pratige yonelik uygulama alaninin genislemesi icin bazi oneriler getirilmistir. POSSIBIL1TIES OF PEST MANAGEMENT WITH THE USE OF SEXUALLY STERILE INSECTS SUMMARY In search of ecologically saf e, economically viable and socially acceptable methods of managing pest populations, scope of using sterile insect technique (SfT) is discus...

Etlik Piliçlerin Beslenmesinde Alternatif Protein Kaynağı Olarak Un Kurdu (Tenebrio molitor L.)’nun Kullanımı


Bu calismada etlik pilic karma yemlerinde alternatif protein kaynagi olarak un kurdunun kullanimi arastirilmistir. Hayvan materyali olarak gunluk yasta 60 adet Ross 308 erkek etlik civciv kullanilmistir. Civcivler 15 bireylik 4 gruba ayrilmistir. Un kurdu icermeyen, % 2, % 4 ve % 6 un kurdu (UK) iceren 4 farkli karma yem hazirlanmistir. Civcivler ilk hafta grup olarak ana makinasinda daha sonra bireysel metabolizma kafeslerinde barindirilmistir. Calisma 42 gun surdurulmustur. Haftalik canli agirliklar, canli agirlik artislari, yem tuketimleri, yemden yararlanma oranlari, besin madde sindirilebilirlikleri, organ agirliklari ile canli agirliga oranlari, gogus ve but eti besin madde kompozisyonlari incelenmis ve gogus eti icin lezzet paneli yapilmistir. Calisma suresince (0-6. haftalar) en yuksek canli agirlik artisi degerleri % 4 ve % 6 UK gruplarinda tespit edilmistir. Kontrol ve % 2 UK gruplari, % 6 UK grubundan daha dusuk canli agirlik artisi gosterirken, % 4 UK grubuna benzerdir....