On the Clique-Width of Graphs with Few P (original) (raw)
Related papers
On the Clique–Width of Graph with Few P 4 'S
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 1999
Babel and Olariu (1995) introduced the class of (q, t) graphs in which every set of q vertices has at most t distinct induced P4s. Graphs of clique-width at most k were introduced by Courcelle, Engelfriet and Rozenberg (1993) as graphs which can be defined by k-expressions based on graph operations which use k vertex labels. In this paper we study the clique–width of the (q, t) graphs, for almost all possible combinations of q and t. On one hand we show that every (q, q - 3) graph for q ≥ 7, has clique–width ≤ q and a q–expression defining it can be obtained in linear time. On the other hand we show that the class of (q, q - 3) graphs for 4 ≤ q ≤ 6 and the class of (q, q - 1) graphs for q ≥ 4 are not of bounded clique-width.
Graphs of linear clique-width at most 3
Theoretical Computer Science, 2011
A graph has linear clique-width at most k if it has a clique-width expression using at most k labels such that every disjoint union operation has an operand which is a single vertex graph. We give the first characterisation of graphs of linear clique-width at most 3, and we give the first polynomial-time recognition algorithm for graphs of linear clique-width at most 3. In addition, we present new characterisations of graphs of linear clique-width at most 2. We also give a layout characterisation of graphs of bounded linear clique-width; a similar characterisation was independently shown by Gurski and by Lozin and Rautenbach.
Graphs of Power-Bounded Clique-Width
We initiate the study of graph classes of power-bounded clique-width, that is, graph classes for which there exist integers k and such that the k-th powers of the graphs are of clique-width at most . We give sufficient and necessary conditions for this property. As our main results, we characterize graph classes of power-bounded clique-width within classes defined by either one forbidden induced subgraph, or by two connected forbidden induced subgraphs. We also show that for every positive integer k, there exists a graph class such that the k-th powers of graphs in the class form a class of bounded clique-width, while this is not the case for any smaller power.
On the Clique-Width of Some Perfect Graph Classes
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2000
Graphs of clique–width at most k were introduced by Courcelle, Engelfriet and Rozenberg (1993) as graphs which can be defined by k-expressions based on graph operations which use k vertex labels. In this paper we study the clique–width of perfect graph classes. On one hand, we show that every distance–hereditary graph, has clique–width at most 3, and a 3–expression defining it can be obtained in linear time. On the other hand, we show that the classes of unit interval and permutation graphs are not of bounded clique–width. More precisely, we show that for every [Formula: see text] there is a unit interval graph In and a permutation graph Hn having n2 vertices, each of whose clique–width is at least n. These results allow us to see the border within the hierarchy of perfect graphs between classes whose clique–width is bounded and classes whose clique–width is unbounded. Finally we show that every n×n square grid, [Formula: see text], n ≥ 3, has clique–width exactly n+1.
Characterising the linear clique-width of a class of graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2012
We study the linear clique-width of graphs that are obtained from paths by disjoint union and adding true twins. We show that these graphs have linear clique-width at most 4, and we give a complete characterisation of their linear clique-width by forbidden induced subgraphs. As a consequence, we obtain a linear-time algorithm for computing the linear clique-width of the considered graphs. Our results extend the previously known set of forbidden induced subgraphs for graphs of linear clique-width at most 3.
Polynomial-time recognition of clique-width ≤3 graphs
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2012
Clique-width is a relatively new parameterization of graphs, philosophically similar to treewidth. Clique-width is more encompassing in the sense that a graph of bounded treewidth is also of bounded clique-width (but not the converse). For graphs of bounded clique-width, given the clique-width decomposition, every optimization, enumeration or evaluation problem that can be defined by a monadic second-order logic formula using quantifiers on vertices, but not on edges, can be solved in polynomial time. This is reminiscent of the situation for graphs of bounded treewidth, where the same statement holds even if quantifiers are also allowed on edges. Thus, graphs of bounded clique-width are a larger class than graphs of bounded treewidth, on which we can resolve fewer, but still many, optimization problems efficiently. One of the major open questions regarding clique-width is whether graphs of cliquewidth at most k, for fixed k, can be recognized in polynomial time. In this paper, we present the first polynomial-time algorithm (O(n 2 m)) to recognize graphs of clique-width at most 3.
The clique operator on graphs with few 's
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2006
The clique graph of a graph G is the intersection graph K(G) of the (maximal) cliques of G. The iterated clique graphs K n (G) are defined by K 0 (G) = G and K i (G) = K(K i−1 (G)), i > 0 and K is the clique operator. In this article we use the modular decomposition technique to characterize the K-behaviour of some classes of graphs with few P 4 's . These characterizations lead to polynomial time algorithms for deciding the K-convergence or K-divergence of any graph in the class.
A characterisation of clique-width through nested partitions
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015
Clique-width of graphs is defined algebraically through operations on graphs with vertex labels. We characterise the clique-width in a combinatorial way by means of partitions of the vertex set, using trees of nested partitions where partitions are ordered bottom-up by refinement. We show that the correspondences in both directions, between combinatorial partition trees and algebraic terms, preserve the tree structures and that they are computable in polynomial time. We apply our characterisation to linear clique-width. And we relate our characterisation to a clique-width characterisation by Heule and Szeider that is used to reduce the clique-width decision problem to a satisfiability problem.
A complete characterisation of the linear clique-width of path powers
A k-path power is the k-power graph of a simple path of arbitrary length. Path powers form a non-trivial subclass of proper interval graphs. Their clique-width is not bounded by a constant, and no polynomial-time algorithm is known for computing their clique-width or linear clique-width. We show that k-path powers above a certain size have linear clique-width exactly k + 2, providing the first complete characterisation of the linear clique-width of a graph class of unbounded clique-width. Our characterisation results in a simple linear-time algorithm for computing the linear clique-width of all path powers. 1 clique-width of smaller k-path powers. Our characterisation results in a simple linear-time algorithm for computing the linear clique-width of path powers, making this the first graph class on which clique-width or linear clique-width is unbounded, and linear clique-width can be computed in polynomial time. In addition, we give a characterisation of the linear clique-width of path powers through forbidden induced subgraphs. The main difficulty to overcome in obtaining these results has been to prove a tight lower bound on the linear clique-width of path powers.
Exploiting restricted linear structure to cope with the hardness of clique-width
Clique-width is an important graph parameter whose computation is NP-hard. In fact we do not know of any other algorithm than brute force for the exact computation of clique-width on any non-trivial graph class. Results so far indicate that proper interval graphs constitute the first interesting graph class on which we might have hope to compute clique-width, or at least its linear variant linear clique-width, in polynomial time. In TAMC 2009, a polynomialtime algorithm for computing linear clique-width on a subclass of proper interval graphs was given. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for a larger subclass of proper interval graphs that approximates the clique-width within an additive factor 3. Previously known upper bounds on clique-width result in arbitrarily large difference from the actual clique-width when applied on this class. Our results contribute toward the goal of eventually obtaining a polynomial-time exact algorithm for clique-width on proper interval graphs.