Grammatical changes caused by contact between Livonian and Latvian (original) (raw)

Morphological adaptation of adjectival borrowings in modern Latvian

Humanitāro un mākslas zinātņu fakultāte VĀRDS UN TĀ PĒTĪŠANAS ASPEKTI Rakstu krājums 20 (1) Fonētika, gramatika, leksika, stilistika Vārda diahroniskais un areālais aspekts Johana (Jāņa) Langija 400. dzimšanas dienai un viņa vārdnīcas 330. jubilejai veltīts rakstu krājums Liepāja 2016 Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti : rakstu krājums, 20 (1). Red. kolēģijas vadītāja Benita Laumane. Krājuma atb. red. Gunta Smiltniece. Liepāja : LiePA, 2016. 244 lpp. Redaktores piezīme Visi krājumā ievietotie raksti ir anonīmi recenzēti. Vecās ortogrāfijas atveidē pamatos ir saglabātas rakstu autoru lietotās zīmes. Rakstu krājums izdots ar Valsts pētījumu programmas LETONIKA -Latvijas vēsture, valodas, kultūra, vērtības projekta "Latviešu valodas pētījumi 21. gadsimta zinātnes kontekstā" finansiālu atbalstu. Krājuma izdošana apstiprināta Liepājas Universitātes Humanitāro un mākslas zinātņu fakultātes Domes sēdē (protokols Nr. 2; 2016. gada 1. novembrī). Tehniskā redaktore Anita Helviga Redaktores kopsavilkumiem svešvalodā Sofija Bauere (angļu valodā) Linda Gaile (vācu valodā) Redakcijas kolēģijas adrese: Liepājas Universitāte Humanitāro un mākslas zinātņu fakultāte Kūrmājas prosp. 13 Liepāja LV 3401 Tālr. (371)63483781, e-pasts: Fakss: (371)63483779 © Liepājas Universitāte 2016 Jurgis PAKERYS (Vilnius University) MORPHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF ADJECTIVAL BORROWINGS IN MODERN LATVIAN 35 AIZGŪTO ĪPAŠĪBAS VĀRDU MORFOLOĢISKĀ ADAPTĀCIJA MŪSDIENU LATVIEŠU VALODĀ Atslēgvārdi: aizgūtie īpašības vārdi, morfoloģiskā adaptācija, formveidošanas afiksu pievienošana, piedēkļu pievienošana, piedēkļu aizstāšana, piedēkļu saīsināšana.

Morphological causatives in contemporary Latvian

Valency, Argument Realization and Grammatical Relations in Baltic, 2015

This paper investigates Latvian verbs with causative morphology and their relations to non-causative verbs. Causative morphology comprises vowel alternation and suffixation. The different techniques are largely synonymous, but differ in frequency and productivity. A major concern of this paper is to determine which kind of base verbs have corresponding morphological causatives and how the argument structure of a causative verb can be linked to that of the base verb. The great majority of Latvian morphological causatives represent the causative prototype: they are systematically related to patientive intransitive verbs whose single argument corresponds to the direct object of the causative construction. Variations to this pattern are found with causatives based on intransitive verbs whose primary argument is an Agent, Experiencer, or Theme. Morphological causatives related to transitive base verbs are rare and predominantly used in monotransitive constructions. In general, causatives with all kind of bases tend to be used in the basic transitive construction of Latvian with one direct object in the accusative, and possibly peripheral arguments marked with the locative or a preposition. [If you are interested in this paper, please ask me for an electronic offprint.]

Semantic Change in Latvian under the Influence of English

Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture, 2012

The impact of English as a global language upon Latvian has been growing exponentially in the last 20 years. It results not only in traditional borrowing and loans, but affects also the sphere of semantics-native Latvian words and earlier loans modify and change their meanings under the influence of English. Latvian linguistics for about 100 years has preferred to ignore or condone semantic change, though it has always been rife. The paper views semantic change as reflected in new meanings, broadening and narrowing of meaning, connotational change, conceptual recategorization and idiom loans. The study is based on a corpus of around 800 lexical and phraseological units that have undergone a change in the last two decades. Though some of the change may seem unnecessary, redundant and even confusing, there seems to be no way resisting, as it is the result of a massive impact of language contact which envelops all layers of lexis and styles.

Research into Livonian syntax: the results of previous studies and the tasks ahead

Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics

The objective of this article is to present the main findings of research into Livonian syntax. As is typical of the Finnic languages other than Estonian and Finnish, in the past, syntax-related issues have received little attention. For instance, the only scientific grammar of Livonian, which was written in German and published in the 19th century, remains the most comprehensive overview of Livonian syntax. In recent times, however, interest in syntax-related issues has grown and there are several separate studies on specific issues of Livonian syntax. Furthermore, a contemporary Livonian reference grammar will be published in a few years and it will also contain a chapter on syntax. The present article is meant to give a research overview of the main topics discussed previously and point out the main challenges for future research.Kokkuvõte. Miina Norvik: Liivi keele süntaksi uurimine: varasemad tulemused ning eesseisvad ülesanded. Artikli eesmärgiks on esitleda peamisi liivi keel...

Word-Formation Pattern Borrowing in Latvian

Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture

English as the main contact language during the last three decades has affected Latvian word-formation patterns, patterns of use and patterns of convention. This is pattern borrowing, in addition to phonological borrowing which is also rife. Part of this contact-induced change can be viewed as structural impact, part as a shift in conventions. Previously rare stylistic meansidiom transformations, nonce compounding, conversion, derivative adjectives and new linguo-stylistic devices, such as native blends or compound phraseshave proliferated. These imported patterns have found a niche in the Latvian linguistic system and are now used in various speech domains. They have become part of the Latvian language and usage. In general we can view these shifts as an enhancement of Latvian's inherent linguistic potential rather than the contact-induced change of traditional patterns.