Film as an English Teaching Tool at Tertiary Education Level (original) (raw)
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Sessiz Film Sahnelerinin Toplumdilbilim Konusunda Bilinçlendirme Amaçlı Kullanılması
Istanbul University - DergiPark, 2021
Silent films have long been shown during language classes to ease contextual and pragmatic acquisition. Equally empowering, muted videos are commonly used to help students to learn culture-laden and fixed expressions. They report to appreciate and enjoy using visual cues to understand and then appropriately use unfamiliar language, and especially to cope with novel situations such as job interviews. This study analyses students' voiceover responses to a series of muted videos shown during their participation in an oral communication skills course intended to develop their sociolinguistic awareness. The researchers wanted to know the extent to which students benefited from the muted video task. A mixed method design was used to identify the most common challenges learners face with when using culture-laden expressions. Both self-developed, online pre and post-test, and focus group interviews were used as data collection tools. The participants, selected according to the convenience sampling method, were students studying at an English-medium state university in Turkey and taking a compulsory oral communications-oriented English course. Afterwards, participants were seen to have developed sensitivity towards using context-bound fixed phrases. The research data was also useful in helping to pinpoint common challenges for learners when using contextually fixed phrases in English.
U Kojoj Su Mjeri Nastavna Skripta Primjerena Sveučilišnim Studentima
The article focuses on the usefulness of English for Educators by Marina Marasović Alujević, which is teacher-made material used for the instruction of English at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka. The issue of the specific nature of teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is outlined, both as a general problem and in the context of teaching ESP at the named higher education institution. The objective of the research, which was conducted via a questionnaire completed by the first year students of Early and Preschool Education and Teacher Education, was to get feedback on the adequacy of the named teaching material for the students' future professions as well as for the improvement of their proficiency in English. The research results indicate that the students are in general satisfied with the teaching material. They are in particular content with the manner professional vocabulary is covered and the way the teaching material helped them develop their linguistic skills. However, in the students´ opinion certain areas require improvement (e.g. some grammatical and lexical categories should be revised, more lexical, grammatical and wordformational exercises added, as well as more grammar exercises and discussion points, while the texts should be shortened). The students evaluated the content of the teaching material as adequate for their future profession. The article can be beneficial for teachers of ESP at institutions of higher education, as well as for public and private language schools since it encourages reflection upon the inclusion of students in creating and improving English syllabi.
Kısa Film Tasarımlarında Teknolojik ve Pedagojik Özelliklerin İncelenmesi
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 2017
Establishment of technology assisted environments suitable for new teaching programs has become more of an issue each passing day. From this aspect, Teaching Technologies and Material Design (TTMD) course comes first as applied courses modeling the knowledge generation in pre-service teacher education. One of the teaching activities within the scope of this course is the activities of pre-service teachers for short film preparation and application. Ministry of National Education (MEB) encourages the short film designs through Education Informatics Network (EBA). Integration of technological and pedagogical knowledge that pre-service teachers have within the frame of content knowledge to be taught has been aimed with this kind of activities. This study includes the examination of technological and pedagogical properties of scripts of early childhood pre-service teachers in short film designs. In this research that has been performed with pre-service teachers in KTÜ (Karadeniz 1 It is reviewed and extended form of a paper presented in III. International Instructional Technologies and Teacher Education Symposium.
Human, 2023
Learning English is a must nowadays, especially for students pursuing higher education and aspiring for a presence on the international stage. There are many methods of teaching English as a foreign language. This case study focuses on the use of audiovisual material in particular movies and photographs as a method to master English language communication skills. In the current world, students must develop appreciable English language comprehension and communication skills to peruse international literature and find ways to express their opinions at the academic level. This study is conducted with the first year bachelor students of three different faculties at the University of Prizren using quantitative and qualitative methods. A carefully designed online questionnaire, as well as interviews, are the main research methods. Findings prove that using videos and photos as teaching materials during English communication classes sparked students' interest to engage in discussion and as the matter of fact they have improved their overall English skills, especially improved their confidence in expressing their ideas in English.
The Use Of Turkish Films In Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language: A Sample From Hababam Sınıfı
This study focuses on using films in foreign language teaching and using Turkish films in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In Hababam Sınıfı sample, it gives place to some activity examples to be able to be used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In some studies, it has been found that the use of films has positive effects on learners from many different points. Film, as an audiovisual art, shaped by thoughts and feelings which reflect national spirit, reflects the cultural and aesthetic image of the society in a realistic manner. Film is like a mirror reflecting real life, popular culture and art. To reach the main goal in teaching Turkish as a foreign language, we need to make use of quality films. Through films, to be able to get the intended efficiency from the Turkish courses, Turkish language teachers need to have required information and skill about this topic. Therefore, with the undergraduate program of Turkish language teaching, there should be given detailed place to teaching Turkish programs.
Bi̇r Çevi̇ri̇ Olarak Uçurtma Avcisi Romani Ve Fi̇lm Uyarlamasi
MOLESTO: Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
Bu çalışmada, Halid Hüseyin'in Uçurtma Avcısı adlı romanı ile aynı isimle gösterime giren sinema uyarlamasının bir analizi sunulacaktır. Çeviribilimsel bir bakış açısıyla ele alındığında göstergelerarası bir yaklaşımın ürünü olarak karşımıza çıkan bu analiz, "yazılı bir kaynak metin, farklı bir gösterge sistemine uyarlandığında çeviri söylemi açısından neler ifade etmektedir?" sorusunun yanıtını aramaktadır. Bir başka ifadeyle, disiplinler arası bir yaklaşım ile uyarlama çalışmaları, söylem analizi ve göstergelerarası çeviri konularına değinen bu araştırma, farklı ürünlerin alımlanışını biçimlendiren söylemsel göndermeler üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Farklı metin üretici öznelerin, aynı kaynak metni nasıl farklı erek metinlere dönüştürdüğünü gözler önüne seren bu yazıda, roman kaynak kitap, sinema filmi ise onun bir çevirisi olarak ele alınacaktır. Bu iki metin karşılaştırmalı olarak, Çeviribilim alanının yaygın kullanılan sadakat, manipülasyon, metne müdahale gibi paradigmaları üzerinden analiz edilecektir. Edebiyat ve sinema alanlarının özgün şartları da göz önüne alınarak ayrı kültür hinterlandına sunulan bir çeviri ve kaynak metin karşılaştırması yapılacaktır.
Lingvaj homaj rajtoj kaj multlingva edukado: raporto de barata universitato
Decolonial Subversions, 2020
Tiu ĉi eseo raportos pri la desegnado kaj instruado de magistra-nivelaj kursoj pri multlingva edukado kaj lingvaj homaj rajtoj. Oni ofertas la kursojn en privata, neprofitcela barata universitato kiu havas eksplicitan celon je socia justeco. La planite diversa studentaro donas unikan ŝancon esplori la multlingvismon en la klasĉambro kaj en la socio: en julio 2019 ekzemple, en klaso de 46 studentoj estis listo de 35 lingvonomoj! La eseo unue prezentos la iom nekutiman fonon de la universitato. Poste ĝi donos superrigardon de kelkaj aspektoj de la diverseco de la universitato. Post tio, ni priskribos kelkajn el niaj kursoj pri la multlingvismo, ĝiaj celoj, kaj ĝiaj pedagogiaj strategioj. La universitato celas prepari pensemajn laborantojn por la socia sektoro – aparte en la edukado, la socia evoluo, kaj la publika strategiaro. Pro tiu perspektivo, troviĝas cela kohereco inter la diversaj kursoj en la magistraj programoj. La studentoj estas aparte sentemaj pri argumentoj pri diskriminacio, ekskludado, egaleco, rajtoj, kaj strategiaro. Tamen, dum socia klaso, kasto, sekso, kaj regiono estas konataj aksoj de la ekskludado, ekzistas multe malpli da scio inter la studentoj pri la transkategoria naturo de la lingvo, kiel io kio respegulas, formas, kaj reproduktas privilegion, diskriminacion kaj ekskludadon. Tiel, la kursoj pri multlingva edukado kaj lingvaj homaj rajtoj uzas la komprenojn kiujn la programoj kaj la studentoj jam posedas. Plue, la kursoj instigas la studentojn kritike pensi pri ekzistantaj lingvaj neegalecoj, kaj verki novtipajn studprogramojn kaj pedagogion. La eseo finiĝas per skizoj de du iniciatoj de la universitato kiuj helpos formi kritikajn perspektivojn pri la barata multlingvismo, kaj dezajni edukajn kaj strategiarajn intervenojn kiuj fortigos gepatralingve bazitan multlingvismon kaj kontribuos al la kreado de pli justa, egaleca, daŭripova kaj homeca socio. La eseo resumas la sperton instrui tiujn ĉi kursojn, kaj sugestas kelkajn vojojn por la estonteco.
The Use of English Movies on Improving Students’ Interest in Learning English at SMP Negeri 2 Ngunut
Journal of Academic Research and Sciences (JARES), 2018
In language learning, technology is an attractive media to the students, along with the development of the information technology, teacher should build up the learning process to be more interesting. Learning language successfully depends on many factors. One of the factors is interest of the learners themselves. Interest is an attitude favorably disposing and motivating one toward some objects, situations or idea. It relates to the activity which makes the learners to be involved in language learning process. In teaching English, teacher should conduct some techniques communicatively to build students’ interest in learning process. Films are closed related to students’ life. Younger likes watching movies or films. So, teacher can use films as the media in teaching English. It also can attract students to have high participation during learning process. Watching English movies can also be used as a technique to improve students’ interest. It is not only improving students’ interest,...
The Role of Films in the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Legon Journal of the Humanities, 2010
Films are a very valuable medium in the teaching of a foreign language. Our research and experience indicate that in the foreign language classroom films offer an opportunity for students to learn not only the target language and its culture, but also new words, new terminologies and new phraseology, as well as their proper usage-activities which would not be achieved in a normal language classroom. Films can also create a forum for students to practise using the language through class discussions, especially at the advanced level. It is for this reason that many language teaching institutions have multi-media rooms with the requisite facilities such as television sets, video cassette players, CD and DVD players. However, the successful use of films depends on many factors, including the preparedness of the instructor and the right approach, and perhaps these considerations account for their virtual absence from classrooms in many countries, and specifically in Ghana. In this work w...
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