Basic study on effectiveness of tactile interface for warning presentation in driving environment (original) (raw)

Effectiveness of Tactile Warning and Voice Command for Enhancing Safety of Drivers

IEEE Access, 2022

Safety is impaired when drivers are required to perform main driving task (tracking of own car, distance maintenance between own car and a leading car, and response to target objects) and secondary task simultaneously, for example, responding to target cars on the road while operating in-vehicle equipment. A two-factor (presence or absence of tactile warning by input modality (no secondary task, voice command for a secondary task, and manual input for a secondary task)) within-subject design of ten licensed males was used to investigate how to compensate for safety impairments (decreased performance of a main and a secondary task such as increased tracking error during driving or increased reaction time to target cars on the road). We investigated whether the use of tactile warnings transmitted via left and right thighs for detecting road objects and voice command to operate in-vehicle equipment could compensate for safety impairments such as the increased reaction time to target cars on the road, the increase of detection error of target cars, or increased tracking error in driving. The accuracy and speed of responses to target cars encountered during driving were reduced when a driver was asked to perform the main and the secondary task simultaneously compared to situations performing only the main driving task (tracking, distance maintenance, and response to target cars). The availability of a tactile warning system for road objects compensated for these diminished performance measures, including slower response times and the increased detection error of target cars. Likewise, voice command contributed to enhanced performance of the main driving task such as decrease of tracking error. INDEX TERMS Automotive safety, interference of multiple tasks, tactile warning, voice command. I. INTRODUCTION 19 The need to perform multiple tasks while driving increases a 20 driver's visual and cognitive workload and substantially com-21 plicates the driver-vehicle interaction. Safety will be impaired 22 due to inattentive driving during multi-task performance [1], 23 [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. The need to perform multi-24 ple tasks simultaneously while driving can result in delayed 25 responses to hazardous situations and increased potentials for 26 crashes. 27 The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Roberto Sacile. a simulated main driving task. Participants were required 217 to maintain velocity within the speed limit of 80 km/h and 218 to maintain a specific distance between their cars and the 219 leading cars using the accelerator and the brake pedal of 220 the steering controller. We developed the driving simulator 221 using Hot Soup Processor 3.4. Four tactors with a diameter 222 of 45 mm (Acouve Laboratory Inc., Vp216) were used for 223 tactile warning. According to Murata et al. [13], the vibration 224 frequency of tactor was set to 64 Hz with an amplitude 225 of 10 Vp-p. The tactors were installed on the surface of 226 the driver's seat according to Murata et al. [13] so that the 227 vibration could be transmitted via left and right thighs. The 228 SOA (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony) and the duration of tactile 229 stimulation were set to 1 s and 1 s, respectively, according 230 to Murata et al. [13]. The SOA of 1 s meant that a warn-231 ing was presented to the participant 1 s before a target car 232 appeared. 233 The approximate layouts of the in-vehicle displays and the 234 GUI task are shown in Figure 2. As Japanese driver's seats are 235 located on the right, the driver seat was located on the right as 236 shown in Figure 2. Two 7-inch liquid crystal display (LCDs) Hypothesis 2, that is also related to tactile warning and the 659 main driving task, predicts that fast responses to target cars 660 do not improve the efficiency of other driving activity such as 661 tracking and distance maintenance, although rapid responses 662 to targets cars was promoted by tactile warning as verified 663 above. As shown in Figures 5 and 6, tactile warning did not 664 contribute to the mitigation of spatial processing competition 665 among tracking, distance maintenance, and responses to tar-666 get cars during driving, which verified Hypothesis 2. 667 Hypothesis 3 includes the concept of resource competition 668 for central processing and is concerned with both tactile warn-669 ing and voice command. There is no resource competition 670 for central processing between a secondary GUI task (verbal 671 processing) and a reaction task to target cars on the road 672 (spatial processing). As shown in Figure 9, fast responses to 673 target cars by tactile warning led to fast responses in the GUI 674 task, which was in support of Hypothesis 3. 675 Hypothesis 4 is related to voice command and tactile warn-676 ing and avoidance of response modality competition between 677 manual input to a GUI task and manual responses during 678 driving such as manual tracking or distance maintenance, 679

Tactile and multisensory spatial warning signals for drivers

Haptics, IEEE Transactions on, 2008

The last few years have seen many exciting developments in the area of tactile and multisensory interface design. One of the most rapidly moving practical application areas for these findings is in the development of warning signals and information displays for drivers. For instance, tactile displays can be used to awaken sleepy drivers, to capture the attention of distracted drivers, and even to present more complex information to drivers who may be visually overloaded. This review highlights the most important potential costs and benefits associated with the use of tactile and multisensory information displays in a vehicular setting. Multisensory displays that are based on the latest cognitive neuroscience research findings can capture driver attention significantly more effectively than their unimodal (i.e., tactile) counterparts. Multisensory displays can also be used to transmit information more efficiently, as well as to reduce driver workload. Finally, we highlight the key questions currently awaiting further research, including: Are tactile warning signals really intuitive? Are there certain regions of the body (or the space surrounding the body) where tactile/multisensory warning signals are particularly effective? To what extent is the spatial coincidence and temporal synchrony of the individual sensory signals critical to determining the effectiveness of multisensory displays? And, finally, how does the issue of compliance versus reliance (or the "cry wolf" phenomenon associated with the presentation of signals that are perceived as false alarms) influence the effectiveness of tactile and/ or multisensory warning signals?

Where to turn my car?: comparison of a tactile display and a conventional car navigation system under high load condition

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on …, 2010

Tactile displays are an actively studied means to convey large amount of spatial information in the car. Their advantage compared to conventional car navigation systems is their ability to free the driver's visual and auditory senses. Previously the tactile displays were integrated into the seat of a car to present multiple direction information to the driver. However, in the commercial cars the seat is used to provide the vibro-tactile warning signals, so driver might not differentiate between navigation and warning information. Furthermore, the amount of information presented with tactile displays can cause significant cognitive workload, performance degradation and distraction to the driver. In this paper, we explore different methods of encoding multiple directions information with a tactile belt in the car. We compare the vibro-tactile presentation of spatial turn-by-turn information with a conventional car navigation system to measure cognitive workload, performance and distraction of the driver. We found that drivers showed better orientation performance on the tactile display than with the conventional car navigation system. At the same time there was no difference in cognitive workload, performance, and distraction. Thus, a tactile interface can be useful to present more information than simple left or right directions in high load driving conditions in which drivers are required to observe the traffic situation with their visual and auditory senses.

Evaluating Tactile-Acoustic Devices for Enhanced Driver Awareness and Safety: An Exploration of Tactile Perception and Response Time to Emergency Vehicle Sirens

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014

A feasibility study was conducted to determine if real-time emergency vehicle sirens can be detected when presented to a driver using a tactile display device. Public usability methods were employed to evaluate the tactile-perceptibility of siren sounds when a driver's hearing ability is impaired, due to temporary deafness that is induced when listening to loud music, road noise, or by active noise cancelling systems installed in automobiles. The study evaluates siren detection rates and response times of drivers who are artificially deafened by loud music using tactile-only stimuli as an alert system. Results of the study suggest that the use of an ambient tactile display can provide persistent access to siren sounds for drivers who are deafened in both low and high stress conditions. Details of the experiments are presented, along with a discussion on next steps, which includes recommendations for integrating the tactile displays into driving simulators as an alternative form to haptic displays that can improve driver awareness of and response to emergency vehicle signals.

Tactile stimulations and wheel rotation responses: toward augmented lane departure warning systems

Frontiers in Psychology, 2014

When an on-board system detects a drift of a vehicle to the left or to the right, in what way should the information be delivered to the driver? Car manufacturers have so far neglected relevant results from Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Here we show that this situation possibly led to the sub-optimal design of a lane departure warning system (AFIL, PSA Peugeot Citroën) implemented in commercially available automobile vehicles. Twenty participants performed a two-choice reaction time task in which they were to respond by clockwise or counter-clockwise wheel-rotations to tactile stimulations of their left or right wrist. They performed poorer when responding counter-clockwise to the right vibration and clockwise to the left vibration (incompatible mapping) than when responding according to the reverse (compatible) mapping. This suggests that AFIL implements the worse (incompatible) mapping for the operators. This effect depended on initial practice with the interface. The present research illustrates how basic approaches in Cognitive Science may benefit to Human Factors Engineering and ultimately improve man-machine interfaces and show how initial learning can affect interference effects.

Proposal of automotive 8-directional warning system that makes use of tactile apparent movement

We proposed a tactile 8-directional warning system which informs drivers of hazardous traffic situations hidden in 8 directions via tactile apparent movement. The effectiveness of the proposed warning system was compared with that of a warning system by simultaneous two-point stimulation and a system without warning. As a result, the apparent lead to quick reaction and higher hit rate (higher accuracy of hazard perception and recognition) as compared with the simultaneous two-point stimulation. However, this was limited to the front and the rear hazard, and was not true for all directions. The vibrotactile warning system that can recognize hazards from all of eight directions should be developed in future research.

Susanne: Where to turn my car? Comparison of a Tactile Display and a Conventional Car Navigation System under High Load Condition


Tactile displays are an actively studied means to convey large amount of spatial information in the car. Their advantage compared to con-ventional car navigation systems is their ability to free the driver’s visual and auditory senses. Previously the tactile displays were integrated into the seat of a car to present multiple direction in-formation to the driver. However, in the commercial cars the seat is used to provide the vibro-tactile warning signals, so driver might not differentiate between navigation and warning information. Fur-thermore, the amount of information presented with tactile displays can cause significant cognitive workload, performance degradation and distraction to the driver. In this paper, we explore different methods of encoding multiple directions information with a tac-tile belt in the car. We compare the vibro-tactile presentation of spatial turn-by-turn information with a conventional car navigation system to measure cognitive workload, performance and di...

Effectiveness of Automotive Warning System Presented with Multiple Sensory Modalities

Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics, and Risk Management. Healthcare and Safety of the Environment and Transport

Although it is very important to drive safely by drivers themselves, it is impossible to find drivers who do not make mistakes during driving. Therefore, vehicles should be equipped with a system that automatically detect hazardous state and warn if of drivers so that such a preventive safety can contribute to the reduction of traffic accidents due to the oversight of important information necessary for safety driving. This study paid attention to the preventive safety technology, and discussed how the warning should be presented to drivers. It was explored whether simultaneously presenting warning to multiple sensory organs such as visual and auditory systems can promote (quicken) the perception of warning even under the situation, where interference between information of the same sensory modality occurs. The auditory-tactile warning was found to lead to quicker and more accurate reaction to a hazardous scene during a simulated driving.

Right or Left: Tactile Display for Route Guidance of Drivers

A tactile interface is an alternative channel of communication, which can be utilized to display navigational instructions in cars under high visual and auditory load conditions. We investigated the use of a tactile belt for turn-by-turn information presentation in cars, which was originally designed for the route guidance of blind and pedestrian users. Important information artifacts in turn-by-turn route guidance are the distance to an upcoming crossing and the direction to follow. The tactile belt was examined in a pilot study for presenting direction information in a car navigation system. The pilot study was used to explore first ideas of tactile encodings for direction presentation with the tactile belt. The study presented in this article compares these designs systematically for their use in tactile route guidance in the car. For this purpose we conducted an experiment with 10 participants on real urban roads to evaluate three different vibrotactile patterns. The results show that the "two vibrators front design" was significantly different than the "two vibrators side design". The two vibrator front encoding was preferred significantly. The performance of the participants on two vibrators front design was significantly different than the two vibrators side design. The Friedman test showed a significant difference in the usability of all three vibrotactile patterns. A significant difference was found in the ease of use of two vibrators front encoding compared to other encodings. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative results, we conclude that the two vibrators front encoding is comparatively is the better design for presenting the direction information. Our findings will be helpful for the car industry in designing the tactile based car navigation systems. Zusammenfassung Taktile Nutzungsschnittstellen können als alternativer Sinneskanal genutzt werden, um Navigationsinformationen in Fahrzeugen bei Situationen mit hoher visueller und akustischer Last zu vermitteln. Wir haben untersucht, in wie weit Turn-by-Turn Informationen über einen taktilen Gürtel präsentiert werden können, der ursprünglich zur Navigationsunterstützung für Fußgänger und blinde Personen entwickelt wurde. Wichtige darzustellende Informationen bei der Turn-by-Turn Navigation sind die Entfernung zu einem Kreuzungspunkt und die zu verfolgende Richtung. In einer Pilotstudie wurden bereits erste Ideen für Designs der taktilen Richtungsanzeige exploriert. Die in diesem Artikel präsentierte Studie vergleicht die erfolgreichen Designs systematisch. Hierzu wurde eine Evaluation mit zehn Teilnehmern in einer realen städtischen Umgebung durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die zwei der untersuchten Designs mit den taktilen Stimuli vorne am Körper ("two vibrators front") signifikant besser abgeschnitten haben als mit den taktilen Stimuli an der Seite ("two vibrators side"). Sowohl die Präferenz als auch die Performance zeigten signifikante Unterschiede. Der Friedman Test zeigte desweiteren signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich der Usability zwischen allen drei getesteten Designs. Auf Basis der quantitativen und qualitativen Ergebnisse können wir schließen, dass die Kodierung von Richtungen mit Vibrationsmotoren vorne am Körper im Vergleich besser für die Richtungsanzeige geeignet ist. Diese Ergebnisse sind für die Autoindustrie wertvoll, die taktile Navigationssysteme entwickeln.