The Effect of Risk, Profitability, and Liquidity on Capital Adequacy (original) (raw)

The Effect Capital Adequacy, Liquidity and Credit Risk to Profitability of Commercial Banks

Journal of Economics, Business, and Government Challenges

This study aims to determine the effect of Capital Adequacy proxied with Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Liquidity proxied by Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), and Credit Risk proxied by Non Performing Loans (NPL) toward Profitability proxied by Return on Asset (ROA). Population in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2015-2017. The technique of determination of the sample using the method of purposive sampling and obtained 27 banking companies with a research period of three years to obtain 81 units of samples. Data analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2010 and hypothesis testing in this research using Data Panel Regression Analysis with the E-Views 9.0 program and a significance level of 5%. The results of the research shows that (1) capital adequacy (CAR) has a significant positive effect on profitability (ROA), (2) liquidity (LDR) has a positive and significant effect on profitability (ROA), (3) credit risk (NPL) has a negative effect and sig...

Analysis of the Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) on the Profits of Go Public Banks in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Period 2016 – 2021

Economit Journal: Scientific Journal of Accountancy, Management and Finance, 2022

This study aims to determine the effect of the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and loan to deposit ratio (LDR) on the profitability of banks that go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2016 - 2021. The indicators used in this study are: Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), and Return On Assets (ROA). One of the Profitability Ratios used as an indicator in this study is Return On Assets (ROA). ROA is a financial ratio to measure the ability of bank management in obtaining overall profit (profit). In this study, ROA is used as the dependent variable, while the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Loan to Deposit Ratio are independent variables. The two independent variables will be analyzed either partially or simultaneously to see whether or not there is an effect on ROA. The data used in this study is the ratio of CAR, LDR and ROA of publicly listed banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2016 – 2021 with the number of banks listed...

Does the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), and Net Interest Margin (NIM) Affect the Profitability of Banks? : Case of Indonesia


This study aims to determine the effect of the variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Loans (NPL), and Net Interest Margin (NIM) on bank profitability as proxied by Return on Assets (ROA). The population in this study are all banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2014-2018 period. While the samples in this study were 34 companies using the purposive sampling method. This type of research is quantitative with the analysis technique used is a panel data regression technique to determine whether there is a significant influence of one dependent variable (dependent) and more than one independent variable (independent). Based on the research conducted, we found that the Capital Adequacy Ratio and Net Interest Margin have a significant effect on Return on Assets in a positive direction, while the Non Performing Loan variable also has a significant effect on Return on Assets, but with a negative influence.

The Effect Of Capital Adequacy Ratio and Loan To Deposit Ratio on Banking Profitability


The objective of this research is to analyses the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Size, Operations Expenses to Operations Income (BOPO), toward Profitability of Domestic Banks and Foreign Banks in January 2003 until December 2007. This research also used Chow Test to analyses the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Size, Operations Expenses to Operations Income (BOPO), toward Profitability between State Owned Banks and Foreign Banks. This research used time series data from Bank Indonesia’s three-monthly domestic Banks and Foreign Banks published financial reports. After passed the purposive sampling phase, the number of valid samples is 10 Domestic Banks and 10 Foreign Banks. This research used multiple regression analysis to analyses the data. This research also used Chow Test to analyses the influence of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Size, Operations Expenses to Operations Inc...

The Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Net Interest Margin and Non-Performing Loans on Bank Profitability: The Case of Indonesia

International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2017

The purpose of this study is to test and determine the Bank's health level consisting of capital adequacy ratio (CAR), net interest margin (NIM), and non performing loans (NPL) partially or simultaneously on bank profitability based on data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The population of this study is all state and private banks listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (ISE) amounting to 40. Observations are conducted from 2012 to 2016. The results indicate that capital adequacy ratio (CAR) does not have a significant effect on bank profitability. Net interest margin (NIM) improves the growth of bank profitability. This can happen because NIM has a component of net interest in its ratio. Non performing loans (NPL) have a negative effect on bank profitability.

Analysis of The Effect of Capital, Credit Risk, and Liquidity Risk on Profitability in Banks

Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Ekonomika

This research aims to analyze the influence of bank-specific component to profitability of banking industry within the classification of commercial banking category 3 (Bank Umum Kegiatan Usaha 3, classification based on Central Bank of Indonesia) in the period of 2011 until 2015. The number of sample for this research are 8 banks or Bank Devisa. Independent variable used for this research are based on the ratio of banks. There are Capital measured by Capital Adequacy Ratio, Credit Risk measured by Non Performing Loan, and Liquidity Risk measured by Loan to Deposit Ratio. While dependent variable Profitability measured by Return On Assets. This research analyzed using Eviews 7 program for Panel Data Regression. The result of this research shows that Capital and Liquidity Risk has insignificance effect to Profitability. Meanwhile, Credit Risk has significant effect to Profitability

The Effect of Liquidity and Solvability on the Profitability of Banking Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019

Jamanika (Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan), 2021

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of liquidity and solvability on the profitability of banking companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the 2017-2019 period. The population used in this study is data on loan to deposit ratio, debt to, capital adequacy ratio, and ROA. The sample taken is data from the 2017-2019 period as many as 28 banking companies. The data analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear regression, while the analytical tool used is SPPS version 25. The results of this study state that the projected liquidity variable with the loan to deposit ratio has no significant effect on company profitability. The solvability variable projected by the capital adequacy ratio has no significant effect on the company's profitability. The liquidity variable projected by the loan to deposit ratio, and the solvability variable projected by the capital adequacy ratio simultaneously do not affect the company's profitability, and the most...

Capital adequacy of the banking industry in Indonesia

Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2015

This study analyzes the relationship between credit risk and profitability on the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of commercial banks in Indonesia. The empirical model result shows that credit risk and profitability performance altogether significantly influence the capital adequacy ratio (CAR). Partially, the variables that significantly influence the CAR are the characteristics and complexity of the bank group. This study also suggests that the pace towards the long-term balance is, in general, less than one year. Capital ratio in the banking industry is 8%, indicating the bank has set aside to anticipate the impact of external factors as well as to comply with Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 15/12/PBI/2013.

Analysis of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Operational Costs of Operational Income, Net Interest Margin, and Non Performing Loan Towards Loan to Deposit Ratio in Go Public Conventional Banks, 2012 – 2017 Periods

International Journal of Economics and Financial Research, 2019

This research aims to identify and analyze the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operation Expense (BOPO), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Non Performing Loan (NPL) of the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) of conventional bank on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2012 – 2017, either simultaneously or partially. Independent variables used in this study is CAR, BOPO, NIM and NPL, while LDR as the dependent variable.The population in this research is conventional bank listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling. The number of samples in accordance with the prescribed criteria are as many as 35 samples. Based on the result of the research found that the variable CAR influences negatively insignificantly toward LDR, BOPO and NIM influences positively insignificantly toward LDR, while the variable NPL influences positively significantly toward CAR. But simultaneously CAR, BOPO, NIM, and NPL jointly affect the LDR.

Implication of Capital Liquidity to the Profitability of Commercial Banks in Indonesia

Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

This study aims to determine whether there are implications of liquidity core capital on the profitability of commercial banks book IV in 2012-2016 in Indonesia, other things also to know the magnitude of the influence of capital adequacy and liquidity on bank profitability. The variables to measure bank profitability are Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and Return on Asset (ROA). The sample of this research is 5 banks in Indonesia from 2012 until 2016. This research method use multiple linear regression. The research hypothesis was tested using F-test statistic and T-test statistic. The analysis shows that CAR is proportional to ROA, but LDR is inversely proportional to ROA. LDR has a significant negative effect (with p-value 0.026) on ROA. If the LDR value is too high, it means that the bank does not have sufficient liquidity to cover its obligations to customers is Third Party Fund (TPF).