When to switch from simple random to probability-based sampling in mapping and monitoring of rare habitats and species? (original) (raw)

A two-phase sampling design for increasing detections of rare species in occupancy surveys

Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2012

1. Occupancy estimation is a commonly used tool in ecological studies owing to the ease at which data can be collected and the large spatial extent that can be covered. One major obstacle to using an occupancy-based approach is the complications associated with designing and implementing an efficient survey. These logistical challenges become magnified when working with rare species when effort can be wasted in areas with none or very few individuals. 2. Here, we develop a two-phase sampling approach that mitigates these problems by using a design that places more effort in areas with higher predicted probability of occurrence. We compare our new sampling design to traditional single-season occupancy estimation under a range of conditions and population characteristics. We develop an intuitive measure of predictive error to compare the two approaches and use simulations to assess the relative accuracy of each approach. 3. Our two-phase approach exhibited lower predictive error rates compared to the traditional single-season approach in highly spatially correlated environments. The difference was greatest when detection probability was high (0AE75) regardless of the habitat or sample size. When the true occupancy rate was below 0AE4 (0AE05-0AE4), we found that allocating 25% of the sample to the first phase resulted in the lowest error rates. 4. In the majority of scenarios, the two-phase approach showed lower error rates compared to the traditional single-season approach suggesting our new approach is fairly robust to a broad range of conditions and design factors and merits use under a wide variety of settings. 5. Synthesis and applications. Conservation and management of rare species are a challenging task facing natural resource managers. It is critical for studies involving rare species to efficiently allocate effort and resources as they are usually of a finite nature. We believe our approach provides a framework for optimal allocation of effort while maximizing the information content of the data in an attempt to provide the highest conservation value per unit of effort.

Attenuation of species abundance distributions by sampling

Royal Society open science, 2015

Quantifying biodiversity aspects such as species presence/ absence, richness and abundance is an important challenge to answer scientific and resource management questions. In practice, biodiversity can only be assessed from biological material taken by surveys, a difficult task given limited time and resources. A type of random sampling, or often called sub-sampling, is a commonly used technique to reduce the amount of time and effort for investigating large quantities of biological samples. However, it is not immediately clear how (sub-)sampling affects the estimate of biodiversity aspects from a quantitative perspective. This paper specifies the effect of (sub-)sampling as attenuation of the species abundance distribution (SAD), and articulates how the sampling bias is induced to the SAD by random sampling. The framework presented also reveals some confusion in previous theoretical studies.

Adaptive two-stage inverse sampling design to estimate density, abundance, and occupancy of rare and clustered populations

PLoS ONE, 2021

Sampling rare and clustered populations is challenging because of the effort required to find rare units. Heuristically, a practitioner would prefer to discontinue sampling in areas where rare units of interest are apparently extremely sparse or absent. We take advantage of the characteristics of inverse sampling to adaptively inform practitioners when it is efficient to move on to sample new areas. We introduce Adaptive Two-stage Inverse Sampling (ATIS), which is designed to leave a selected area after observation of an a priori number of only non-rare units and to continue sampling in the area when rare units are observed. ATIS is efficient in many cases and yields more rare units than conventional sampling for a rare and clustered population. We derive unbiased estimators of population total and variance. We also introduce an easy-to-compute estimator, which is nearly as efficient as the unbiased estimator. A simulation study on a rare plant population of buttercups (Ranunculus) ...

Adaptive niche‐based sampling to improve ability to find rare and elusive species: Simulations and field tests

Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2020

Sampling efficiency is crucial in order to overcome the data crisis in biodiversity and to understand what drives the distribution of rare species. 2 Adaptive niche-based sampling (ANBS) is an iterative sampling strategy that relies on the predictions of species distribution models (SDMs). By predicting highly suitable areas to guide prospection, ANBS could improve the efficiency of sampling effort in terms of finding new locations for rare species. Its iterative quality could potentially mitigate the effect of small and initially biased samples on SDMs. 3 In this study, we compared ANBS with random sampling by assessing the gain in terms of new locations found per unit of effort. The comparison was based on both simulations and two field surveys of mountain birds. 4 We found an increasing probability of contacting the species through iterations if the focal species showed specialization in the environmental gradients used for modelling. We also identified a gain when using pseudo-absences during first iterations, and a general tendency of ANBS to increase the omission rate in the spatial prediction of the species' niche or habitat. 5 Overall, ANBS is an effective and flexible strategy that can contribute to a better understanding of distribution drivers in rare species.

Predicting species distributions based on incomplete survey data: the trade-off between precision and scale


Systematic species surveys over large areas are mostly not affordable, constraining conservation planners to make best use of incomplete data. Spatially explicit species distribution models (SDM) may be useful to detect and compensate for incomplete information. SDMs can either be based on standardized, systematic sampling in a restricted subarea, or Á as a cost-effective alternative Á on data haphazardly collated by ''volunteer-based monitoring schemes'' (VMS), area-wide but inherently biased and of heterogeneous spatial precision. Using data on capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, we evaluated the capacity of SDMs generated from incomplete survey data to localise unknown areas inhabited by the species and to predict relative local observation density. Addressing the trade-off between data precision, sample size and spatial extent of the sampling area, we compared three different sampling strategies: VMS-data collected throughout the whole study area (7000 km 2 ) using either 1) exact locations or 2) locations aggregated to grid cells of the size of an average individual home range, and 3) systematic transect counts conducted within a small subarea (23.8 km 2 ). For each strategy, we compared two sample sizes and two modelling methods (ENFA and Maxent), which were evaluated using crossvalidation and independent data. Models based on VMS-data (strategies 1 and 2) performed equally well in predicting relative observation density and in localizing ''unknown'' occurrences. They always outperformed strategy 3-models, irrespective of sample size and modelling method, partly because the VMS-data provided the more comprehensive clues for setting the discrimination-threshold for predicting presence or absence. Accounting for potential errors due to extrapolation (e.g. projections outside the environmental domain or potentially biasing variables) reduced, but did not fully compensate for the observed discrepancies. As they cover a broader range of species-habitat relations, the area-wide data achieved a better model quality with less a-priori knowledge. Furthermore, in a highly mobile species like capercaillie a sampling resolution corresponding to an individuals' home range can lead to equally good predictions as the use of exact locations. Consequently, when a trade-off between the sampling effort and the spatial extent of the sampling area is necessary, less precise data unsystematically collected over a large representative region are preferable to systematically sampled data from a restricted region.

An Iterative and Targeted Sampling Design Informed by Habitat Suitability Models for Detecting Focal Plant Species over Extensive Areas

PLoS ONE, 2014

Prioritizing areas for management of non-native invasive plants is critical, as invasive plants can negatively impact plant community structure. Extensive and multi-jurisdictional inventories are essential to prioritize actions aimed at mitigating the impact of invasions and changes in disturbance regimes. However, previous work devoted little effort to devising sampling methods sufficient to assess the scope of multi-jurisdictional invasion over extensive areas. Here we describe a large-scale sampling design that used species occurrence data, habitat suitability models, and iterative and targeted sampling efforts to sample five species and satisfy two key management objectives: 1) detecting non-native invasive plants across previously unsampled gradients, and 2) characterizing the distribution of non-native invasive plants at landscape to regional scales. Habitat suitability models of five species were based on occurrence records and predictor variables derived from topography, precipitation, and remotely sensed data. We stratified and established field sampling locations according to predicted habitat suitability and phenological, substrate, and logistical constraints. Across previously unvisited areas, we detected at least one of our focal species on 77% of plots. In turn, we used detections from 2011 to improve habitat suitability models and sampling efforts in 2012, as well as additional spatial constraints to increase detections. These modifications resulted in a 96% detection rate at plots. The range of habitat suitability values that identified highly and less suitable habitats and their environmental conditions corresponded to field detections with mixed levels of agreement. Our study demonstrated that an iterative and targeted sampling framework can address sampling bias, reduce time costs, and increase detections. Other studies can extend the sampling framework to develop methods in other ecosystems to provide detection data. The sampling methods implemented here provide a meaningful tool when understanding the potential distribution and habitat of species over multi-jurisdictional and extensive areas is needed for achieving management objectives.

Modeling the potential area of occupancy at fine resolution may reduce uncertainty in species range estimates

Biological Conservation, 2012

Area of Occupancy (AOO), is a measure of species geographical ranges commonly used for species red listing. In most cases, AOO is estimated using reported localities of species distributions at coarse grain resolution, providing measures subjected to uncertainties of data quality and spatial resolution. To illustrate the ability of fine-resolution species distribution models for obtaining new measures of species ranges and their impact in conservation planning, we estimate the potential AOO of an endangered species in alpine environments. We use field occurrences of relict Empetrum nigrum and maximum entropy modeling to assess whether different sampling (expert versus systematic surveys) may affect AOO estimates based on habitat suitability maps, and the differences between such measurements and traditional coarse-grid methods. Fine-scale models performed robustly and were not influenced by survey protocols, providing similar habitat suitability outputs with high spatial agreement. Model-based estimates of potential AOO were significantly smaller than AOO measures obtained from coarse-scale grids, even if the first were obtained from conservative thresholds based on the Minimal Predicted Area (MPA). As defined here, the potential AOO provides spatially-explicit measures of species ranges which are permanent in the time and scarcely affected by sampling bias. The overestimation of these measures may be reduced using higher thresholds of habitat suitability, but standard rules as the MPA permit comparable measures among species. We conclude that estimates of AOO based on fine-resolution distribution models are more robust tools for risk assessment than traditional systems, allowing a better understanding of species ranges at habitat level.