Geography and Growth: The Role of a Geotec Index on Agricultural Regional Income Convergence (original) (raw)


This paper is an attempt to investigate the regional convergence of agriculture growth in India. The consequences model states that regional divergence at initial level of growth and convergence took place later on when the economy reached to the maturity. Being an agrian economy, it become essential to see whether this growth is as agriculture is conversing on this time among the state in India or not. In this paper has been measured among the state in term of agriculture production and productivity of agriculture major food grain crops. This study is based on secondary data. Data have been taken from Ministry of Agriculture Government of India. For the purpose growth model and sigma convergence model has been applied, it found the regional divergence has taken place in growth of agriculture in India.

The relation between agricultural and non-agricultural economic development: Technical report on an empirical analysis of European regions


Zusammenfassung : Die Unterstützung des landwirtschaftlichen Sektors wird unter anderem mit dessen Beitrag für die ländliche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung gerechtfertigt. Die Rolle einer stabilen Landwirtschaft ist aber möglicherweise ambivalent: Positive Impulseffekte könnten ebenso von ihr ausgehen wie negative Konkurrenzeffekte. Unter diesen Bedingungen kann eine sektorale Förderung durch falsche Marktanreize mittel- und langfristig auch negativ auf die allgemeine wirtschaftliche Entwicklung wirken. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert den regional differenzierten Zusammenhang zwischen der landwirtschaftlichen und der außerlandwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung empirisch. Das verwendete Panel-Schätzmodel nutzt Daten der regionalen volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung der NUTS 3-Regionen der EU27. Es werden verschiedene Entwicklungsregime mit unterschiedlichen Rollen der Landwirtschaft identifiziert. In entwickelten Volkswirtschaften dominieren die Konkurrenzeffekte zwischen den Sektoren, d...


Economic growth could be incomplete without a regional balance. Agriculture sector plays a key role in driving the economic growth. Therefore, regional imbalance in growth of agriculture would also be reflected in the economy as a whole. Karnataka being one of the agriculturally important states of the country, disparities in growth across its districts is evaluated in this paper. The convergence hypothesis states that the regions that lagged behind in growth initially would catch-up with the rest and thus disparities could reduce over time. This hypothesis is tested for with three convergence tools and additionally with the unit root test. Prima facie, there was no indication of either convergence or divergence (low R 2 and non-significant parameter) in the absolute convergence. But, the conditional convergence results depicted that the states achieved convergence towards their own steady states at a rate of 1.5% per annum and this process was negatively influenced by the two factors namely, proportion of commercial and plantation crops area and proportion of irrigated area. Unit root test further supported the finding that higher growth among regions with higher plantation crops area resulted in divergence across regions. Thus, it resulted in two convergence clubs, those of 'poor' and 'rich'. This calls for a concentrated effort in agro-climatic regional planning to develop irrigation potentials of resource poor regions on priority so that farmers can undertake profitable enterprise and thus a balanced regional growth.

Agricultural productivity growth and convergence among countries


productivité agricole et convergence entre les pays Mots-clés: agriculture, croissance, productivité du travail, convergence Agricultural productiaity grouttb and conuergence among countries Key-u'ords: agricaltare, groutb, laborr protl rt t t ir i t 1. conr)ergmte Résumé-La producriviré de l'agriculture varie de façon considérable selon les dilférentes régions du monde. Au cours des dernières années, I'analyse des sources de la croissance a connu un regain d'inrérêt et a donné lieu à de nouvelles recherches. Cet arricle s'intéresse à trois questions. Tour d'abord, la productivité du rravail dans le secteur agricole a-r-elle convergé au cours des vingt dernières années i Ensuite, quels fàcteurs int"luencenr la croissance dans les secteurs agricoles 7 Enfin, les pays membres de blocs régionaux commerciaux profitent-ils d'une croissance plus rapide due aux externalicés spariales er aux effets d'agglomérarion i Nous mettons en évidence la présence d'une convergence conditionnelle pour un large échantillon de pays, mais le taux de convergence est très faible. Par contre, toutes choses érant égales par ailleurs, les pays qui disposent d'une grande quantité d'inrrants rechniques et d'un nombre imporranr de personnes formées ont eu une croissance plus rapide. Nous montrons enfin que Ie processus d'unificarion de I'Europe a stimulé la productivité. Sammary-Agricaltare prolrctiuity uaries dramaticafu in different regions of u'orld. New intellectual inrerest baç heen shawn and new effrtrts baue been tnade to analyse tbe tunrcet of agricttlntra/ you'th in recent),ears. The article considen three quettion:. First. has laltour pratlnctiaitl iu the agricalnrra/ sector been nnterging in the /ast tuentl, years / Second, which factors inflaenae groutth in tbe agricaltural çertars ? Thirtl, haae uember countriu of regional trade agreententt benefiterl from spilloaer or agglonterarion effets 14 grouirtg faster ? Ve find eùdence of canlitioaal contergence for a broatl tantple rf cuann'ies. httt tbe clilwrgence rate is t)ery' /ou', 0tba' things being equal, cotntries witb hgher tuttlantr af technical inputs ant/ ntore elucatetl people grou faster. There it et,irlence that the European Unian has stintn/ated proclactiuity, * Unircrsitl' of Sarrari. Deftartttent uf Agrin/ttral Econonics, Via E. De Nicola l, Sa:sari 07 100, lta/1' t-naiI : I gat irr@tswa i n. tt ui.çt. i I * An earlier version of this paper was presented at the IXth EAAE Congress on "European Agriculture Facing rhe 2i-st Century in a Global Context", \(/arsaw, Poland. I thank participanrs of rhe conrributed papers session, Michele Gutierrez, one of the Editors and rwo relerees for their consrrnctive commenrs. The research on rvhich much of this paper is based was supported by a grant from rhe MURSI Italy.

Spatial and non spatial approaches to agricultural convergence in Europe


The paper starts from the critiques to the Barro-style methodology for convergence analysis with the aim of reviewing the econometric approaches for testing spatial effects in convergence process related to both cross sectional and panel data regressions, a framework that is applied to a sample of 80 regions of the EU-15 at NUTS-2 level over the time period from 1980 to 2007. The empirical analysis compares results from approaches and, at the same time, provides empirical evidence from techniques that are now widely recognised in the understanding of regional growth and the influence of space but never or rarely applied to the agricultural context. Results point out the complexity of the process of agricultural regional convergence in Europe that cannot be adequately captured by the non-spatial growth regression models that have dominated the research and policy debate in this field. Evidence for convergence and spatial dependence emerges especially when estimations refers to spatial panel models while the effects of spatial heterogeneity and the existence of convergence clubs come out from the geographically weighted regression approach. The paper represents a point of departure for further researches in this field whose most important directions are underlined.

Regional income trends and convergence


This paper addresses the issue of income convergence among states and regions in the United States. The paper begins with a brief review of alternative ways of defin-ing income convergence and then addresses some of the major issues in measuring the phenomenon. A summary ...

Some new insights into real convergence in MENA countries’ regional areas: a spatial econometric analysis

This paper proposes an analysis of real income convergence in MENA countries for more than 800 disaggregated regional areas. A spatial analysis is implemented in order to take into account the spatial interactions of GDP per capita in these areas. Moreover, a betaconvergence equation (absolute and conditional) is estimated with spatially correlated errors and spatial lag models. The conditional model also includes original climate variables (temperature and precipitations) at the same geographical level. Results show that the hypothesis of regional convergence is generally accepted in most MENA countries, with the exception of Egypt and Morocco. However, the convergence process is slow and climate change in MENA countries is likely to further slowdown this process.