Лексиката от звукосимволичен (образоподражателен) произход в етимологичния анализ. Автореферат на дисертация за... „доктор на науките” [Words of Sound Symbolic Origin in Etymological Research (Investigation Based on Slavic Languages)] - Synopsis of DSc Thesis (in Bulgarian) (original) (raw)

Лексиката от звукосимволичен (образоподражателен) произход в етимологичния анализ [Words of Sound Symbolic Origin in Etymological Research (Investigation Based on Slavic Languages)] - DSc Thesis (in Bulgarian)


According to etymological dictionaries of Slavic languages there should not be any words of synesthetic sound symbolic origin (i.e. words with a direct linkage between their sound form and non-sound meaning) in these languages or their number should be very small. This fact, however, contradicts the typological assumption of primitiveness and universality of phonetically motivated words. The dissertation attempts to formulate the principles of etymological investigation of words of synesthetic sound symbolic origin and on their basis to show that this kind of words is not alien to Slavic languages. Two main points of the etymological analysis of words of synesthetic sound symbolic origin are discussed: (1) how to recognize them and (2) how to define the groups of cognates between them in Slavic languages. In the identification of synesthetic sound-symbolic words reduplication is regarded as a most reliable criterion. If a series of words which convey the same non-sound meaning contain reduplicated clusters of sounds, they could be continuants of a synesthetic sound symbolic etymon. In discussing the possibilities of defining the groups of cognates between these words following points are emphasized. Since the relationship between the continuants of the same phonetically motivated etymon cannot be established by phonetic laws and the continuants of different sound-symbolic origin in different languages and dialects can have the same or similar phonetic forms and convey the same meaning, the groups of cognates between these words cannot be defined with much confidence. Since similar reduplicated forms can be created as synesthetic sound symbolic denominations of different meanings, the blending of synesthetic sound-symbolic groups of cognates is possible during their evolution. There exist parallel forms with full and partial reduplication, which convey the same meaning of synesthetic sound-symbolic origin. This fact supports the hypothesis that partial reduplication is historically nothing else but a reduction of full reduplication.

Славянская лексика звукосимволического происхождения: проблемы этимологизации [Slavic words of sound symbolic origin: problems of their etymological analysis] - in Russian

Ж. Колева-Златева. Славянская лексика звукосимволического происхождения: проблемы этимологизации // Studia Slavica Hungarica. Budapest. 53/2. 2008, 381–395., 2008

According to etymological dictionaries of Slavic languages, as well as recently issued ones, there should not be any words of sound symbolic origin in these languages or their amount should be very small. This fact, however, contradicts the typological assumption of primitiveness and universality of phonetically motivated words. The present paper discusses two main points of the etymological analysis of words of sound symbolic origin: how to recognize them and how to define the groups of cognates between them in Slavic languages. In the recognition of sound-symbolic words, the reduplication should be considered as a most reliable criterion.

Славянская лексика звукосимволического происхождения [Slavic Words of Sound Symbolic Origin] - in Russian


According to etymological dictionaries of Slavic languages there should not be any words of synesthetic sound symbolic origin (i.e. words with a direct linkage between their sound form and non-sound meaning) in these languages or their number should be very small. This fact, however, contradicts the typological assumption of primitiveness and universality of phonetically motivated words. This book discusses two main points of the etymological analysis of words of synesthetic sound symbolic origin: (1) how to recognize them and (2) how to define the groups of cognates between them in Slavic languages. In the identification of synesthetic sound-symbolic words reduplication is regarded as a most reliable criterion. If a series of words which convey the same non-sound meaning contain reduplicated clusters of sounds, they could be continuants of a synesthetic sound symbolic etymon. In discussing the possibilities of defining the groups of cognates between these words following points are emphasized. Since the relationship between the continuants of the same phonetically motivated etymon cannot be established by phonetic laws and the continuants of different sound-symbolic origin in different languages and dialects can have the same or similar phonetic forms and convey the same meaning, the groups of cognates between these words cannot be defined with much confidence. Since similar reduplicated forms can be created as synesthetic sound symbolic denominations of different meanings, the blending of synesthetic sound-symbolic groups of cognates is possible during their evolution. There exist parallel forms with full and partial reduplication, which convey the same meaning of synesthetic sound-symbolic origin. This fact supports the hypothesis that partial reduplication is historically nothing else but a reduction of full re-duplication.

Методологични аспекти на етимологизацията на звукосимволична лексика [Methodological aspect of the etymologization of sound-symbolic words] - in Bulgarian

Колева-Златева, Ж. Методологични аспекти на етимологизацията на звукосимволична лексика // Проглас. XX. 2011. №1, 104–124., 2011

This research proposes a procedure for recognition and investigation of the words of synesthetic sound-symbolic origin in etymology. Since some features of the sounds are changing according to the phonetic laws in the language evolution the reduplication is considered to be the most reliable criterion in the recognition of these kinds of words. In establishing the groups of cognates between the words of sound-symbolic origin one should take into consideration their peculiar formal and semantic variation and the possibility of independent origin of words with similar forms and meanings.

Славянская лексика звукосимволического происхождения: проблемы этимологизации

Studia Slavica, 2008

According to etymological dictionaries of Slavic languages, as well as recently issued ones, there should not be any words of sound symbolic origin in these languages or their amount should be very small. This fact, however, contradicts the typological assumption of primitiveness and universality of phonetically motivated words. The present paper discusses two main points of the etymological analysis of words of sound symbolic origin: how to recognize them and how to define the groups of cognates between them in Slavic languages. In the recognition of sound-symbolic words, the reduplication should be considered as a most reliable criterion. In discussing the possibilities of defining the groups of cognates between words of sound-symbolic origin the following points are emphasized. The continuants of the different sound-symbolic origin in the different languages and dialects can have the same or similar phonetic forms and convey the same meaning, too. Since the similar reduplicated forms can be created as ...

Илиади А.И. Фонетический аспект в этимологических исследованиях (этимологические заметки по славянской лексике. 78-86)

ФОНЕТИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ В ЭТИМОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ (этимологические заметки по славянской лексике. 78–86), 2021

В статье предлагается этимологический анализ девяти славянских слов (чешские, словацкие, русские, украинские, белорусские), которые, по мнению автора, являются лексическими архаизмами, т. е. относятся к праславянскому наследию в славянском словаре. Особенность их структуры заключается в том, что она испытала действие локальных фонетических процессов, которые исказили этимологическое звучание предполагаемых праславянских лексем. Реконструкция формы одной единицы генетического гнезда ведет к реконструкции целого ряда однокоренных форм, затронутых поздними изменениями, потому в некоторых этимологических этюдах восстановлены небольшие фрагменты нескольких этимологических (генетических) гнёзд. В настоящее время существуют основания для реконструкции таких праславянских лексем: 1) народная географическая терминология (*badonʼa/*badunʼa, *bodenъ и *saky, *sagy, -ъve); 2) лексика растительного мира (*xarobytьje); 3) слова, описывающие внешность человека (*kokodьra); 4) лексика материальной культуры (*berouzdьje, *bьrouzdьje, *xodylь, *ojekъrmъ). Кажется вполне обоснованным восстановление фрагментов двух словообразовательно-этимологических гнёзд: 1) *korm-/*kъrm-: *kъrmъlъ/*kъrmъla, *kъrmalъ; *kormъla, *kormъkъjь, *obkormъkъ; 2) *pъrz-/*pъrs-: *pъrzati/*pъrsati, *pъrziti, *pъrznǫti, *čepъrznǫti, *kopъrzati/*kopъrsati, *kopъrziti, *kopъrznǫti, *čepъrzikъ, *kopъrza. Некоторые из рассмотренных случаев показывают, как внимание к звуковой стороне, казалось бы, ареально изолированных слов, искажённых в местном диалектном обиходе, помогает распознать их не затронутые фонетическими «мутациями» близкие аналоги в прочих ареалах. Примером тому служит группа чешских и словацких лексем с основами grm- и gram-. В остальном же акцент на формальных модификациях славянского слова остаётся определяющим при работе с так называемыми «тёмными» случаями. Ключевые слова: семантика, лексема, дериват, реконструкция, прототип. The paper deals with the etymological analysis of nine Slavic words (Czech, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian), which in according to the author are lexical archaisms, that is all of them belong to Proto-Slavic heritage in Slavic vocabulary. Salient feature of these lexemes is that their structure was impacted with local phonetic processes, which distorted etymological sounding of conjectural Proto-Slavic lexemes. The reconstruction of basic form of one unit of a genetic cluster leads to the reconstruction of a number of all cognate forms, affected with late changes, therefore in some etymological essays small fragments of the several etymological (genetical) clusters are reconstructed. Nowadays is every reason to reconstruct such Proto-Slavic lexemes as: 1) folk geographical terms (*badonʼa/*badunʼa, *bodenъ and *saky, *sagy, -ъve); 2) lexis of the plant world (*xarobytьje); 3) words for physical description of a person (*kokodьra); 4) vocabulary of material culture (*berouzdьje, *bьrouzdьje, *xodylь, *ojekъrmъ). The reconstruction of fragments of two etymological (word-formative) clusters seems to be quite substantiated: 1) *korm-/*kъrm-: *kъrmъlъ/*kъrmъla, *kъrmalъ; *kormъla, *kormъkъjь, *obkormъkъ; 2) *pъrz-/*pъrs-: *pъrzati/*pъrsati, *pъrziti, *pъrznǫti, *čepъrznǫti, *kopъrzati/*kopъrsati, *kopъrziti, *kopъrznǫti, *čepъrzikъ, *kopъrza. Some of viewed cases make clear that attention to sounding of words, which seem to be geographically isolated and distorted in local dialect using, can help to recognize their not affected with phonetic «mutations» close analogies in other areas. A case in point is the group of Czech and Slovak lexemes with bases grm- and gram-. The rest of emphasis on formal modifications of Slavic words continues to be the defining when working with so-called «dark» cases. Keywords: semantics, lexeme, derivative, reconstruction, prototype.

Романчук А. А. 2021. Częstowac, частувати и a cinsti: славянские заимствования с не-этимологическим /н/ в румынском и проблема их происхождения. В: Наукові записки ВДПУ імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Філологія (мовознавство). Вип. 32, с. 228- 251.

Целью статьи является междисциплинарное рассмотрение украинского «частувати» в более широком контексте. Отталкиваясь от сопоставления украинского «частувати» 'угощать', и румынского «a cinsti» 'угощать (вином); пить вино', рассматривается группа славянских заимствований с не-этимологическим /н/ в румынском языке. Румынское «a cinsti» свидетельствует о позднепраславянском времени возникновения семантической связи между «честь» и «угощение». Можно полагать, что украинское «частувати» и польское «częstowac» возникают в целом самостоятельно друг от друга, равно как и от румынского «a cinsti». Ключевые слова: славяно-румынские взаимодействия, лексические заимствования, украинские диалекты, этническая история, лингвистика, археология, междисциплинарные исследования, формирование румынского языка и этноса.

ЗВУКОИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛНОСТ, ИКОНИЧНОСТ И АСИСТЕМНОСТ [Sound Symbolism, Iconicity and Systematicity of Language] - in Bulgarian

As iconic signs sound-symbolic words are pervasive source of nonsystematicity in language. They enter the language as nonsystematic formations, having diffuse form and meaning closely related to extralinguistic reality. In their evolution they seek to become conventional arbitrary denominations, having structural meaning and sustainable form, and to take their place in the language system. During that process, many of them give birth of lexical homonymy as a consequence of ambiguous iconicity and initially diffuse semantics.