Primary splenic malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type, with sclerosis.Report of a case with long-term survival (original) (raw)
A 61-year-old woman with malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type, with slerosis (sclerosing reticulum cell sarcoma) primary in the spleen is described. She has survived clinically free of malignant lymphoma for 11 years after splenectomy therapy alone. This may be the first case of primary splenic malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type, with sclerosis, ever reported in the medical literature. Cancer 38:1625-1628, 1976. RIMARY MALIGNANT NEOPLASIMS OF TIIE P spleen occur in less than 1% of patients with lymphoma. 1,4321 Of the malignant lymphomas, malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type (reticu l u m cell sarcoma), has the worst prognosis, 10,13,14,17 Alth ough some long-term survivals have been reported with and without treatment,',5.23 we have found no cases in the literature of primary splenic malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type, with sclerosis, with long-term survival following splenectomy alone. We describ,e such a patient who is alive and well l l years postoperatively with no signs of malignant disease. CASE KEPORT A 61-year old Caucasian woman was hospitalized on April 24, 1964 because of a sensation of a mass in her abdomen of 3 weeks' duration. She reported no associated abdominal pain or discomfort. Physical examination revealed a firm, mobile, nontender mass in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, extending 3 fingerbrcadths below the costal margin. No ade-From the