[Growth and mortality of the mollusk Pteria sterna in wild banks of Southern Baja California, Mexico] (original) (raw)

Crecimiento y mortalidad de la concha nácar Pteria sterna en bancos silvestres de Baja California Sur, México


Growht and mortality of the mollusk Pteria sterna in wild banks of Southern Baja California, Mexico. The Gulf of California nacre shell Pteria sterna is an important marine resource in Mexico, and the main species for “half” and round pearl production in the American continent. Wild spat can only be extracted legally for research or culture activities. This study calculates growth and mortality parameters for wild stocks in the eastern coast of Southern Baja California. Height’s data (353 dorso-ventral measurements) were taken from 1997 to 1999 at Santa Rosalía, Mulegé and Loreto Bay coast. The maximum length was estimated at 130.35 mm (124.22-136.48 mm, p>0.95). The length frequency data were set in a “virtual year”. Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth parameters were calculated in the ELEFAN I routine, the values are: L∞ = 156.02 mm, k = 0.48 year-1, t0 = -0.216 months, C = 0.43, WP = 0.73. and ts = 0.5. The growth performance index was Φ’ = 4.068. The total mortality was calculated from length-converted catch curve Z = 3.34 year-1. The length-weight relationship was fixed for the equation W = 0.000756 * L(i) 2.7075 (r2 = 0.90, n = 233). The growth parameters values in experi- mental repopulation conditions are quite different, in contrast with the growth estimated in wild stocks oysters. The value of total mortality is similar to the estimations for Pinctada fucata populations from the Red Sea and P. radiata from the Mediterranean Sea

[Growth and mortality of the mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica in natural populations of the east coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico]

Revista de biología tropical

The Mexican Pacific mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica was placed in forbidden fisheries status for the Mexican Federal Government and considered in extinction danger since 1939. This decree was modified in 1994 to allow the capture of spat for research or marine culture. We estimated the growth and mortality of mother-of-pearl from the eastern littoral of South Baja California wild stock in the periods 1992-93 and 1997-99. We used 38 sample stations at 2 bays and 6 insular complexes. The maximum length was 187.22 mm (179.83-195.81 mm, P > 0.95). Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth (ELEFAN I routine) values are: L(infinity) = 193.31 mm, k = 0.54 year(-1), t(0) = -0.1805 year, C = 0.49 and WP = 0.75. The growth performance index was Phi' = 4.305. The total mortality was calculated from a length-converted catch curve Z = 2.03 año(-1). Length-weight relationship W(i) = 0.0005418 * L(i)(2.7301). The growth parameters were similar to those for Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingi (op...

[Reproductive cycle of the mollusk Atrina maura (Pterioidea: Pinnidae) in a coastal lagoon system of the Mexican South Pacific]

Revista de biología tropical

From February 1997 to February 1998, random samples of the mollusk Atrina maura were collected on a monthly basis from the Corralero-Alotengo lagoon system, Oaxaca, Mexico. The soft parts were separated from the valve, washed in situ, and placed in a Davison solution. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the muscle yield index (MYI) were measured, and the reproductive cycle was characterized by histological cuts. A. maura has two important reproductive periods, one from April to July and another from October to November; there is a resting period from August to September. The reproductive cycle has a direct relationship with the GSI and a reverse relationship with the MYI. There was evidence of a close relationship of the spawning and post-spawning periods with the water temperature (R = 0.991, p > 0.002). Females dominate numerically throughout the year, but the difference is significant (chi2: p > or = 0.05) only in November.

Crecimiento y mortalidad de la madreperla Pinctada mazatlanica en poblaciones naturales del litoral oriental de Baja California Sur, México

Revista de Biología Tropical, 2013

Growth and mortality of the mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica in natural populations of the east coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The Mexican Pacific mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica was placed in forbidden fisheries status for the Mexican Federal Government and considered in extinction danger since 1939. This decree was modified in 1994 to allow the capture of spat for research or marine culture. We estimated the growth and mortality of mother-of-pearl from the eastern littoral of South Baja California wild stock in the periods 1992-93 and 1997-99. We used 38 sample stations at 2 bays and 6 insular complexes. The maximum length was 187.22 mm (179.83-195.81 mm, P > 0.95). Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth (ELEFAN I routine) values are: L ∞ = 193.31 mm, k = 0.54 year-1 , t 0 =-0.1805 year, C = 0.49 and WP = 0.75. The growth performance index was Φ' = 4.305. The total mortality was calculated from a length-converted catch curve Z = 2.03 año-1. Length-weight relationship W (i) = 0.0005418 * L (i) 2.7301. The growth parameters were similar to those for Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingi (open ocean wild stocks). The wild stock oysters differ from culture individuals at experimental repopulation conditions in Paz Bay. The total mortality is similar to that for

Crecimiento y mortalidad de la madreperla Pinctada mazatlanica en poblaciones naturales del litoral oriental de Baja California Sur, México


Growth and mortality of the mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica in natural populations of the east coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The Mexican Pacific mother-of-pearl Pinctada mazatlanica was placed in forbidden fisheries status for the Mexican Federal Government and considered in extinction danger since 1939. This decree was modified in 1994 to allow the capture of spat for research or marine culture. We estimated the growth and mortality of mother-of-pearl from the eastern littoral of South Baja California wild stock in the periods 1992-93 and 1997-99. We used 38 sample stations at 2 bays and 6 insular complexes. The maximum length was 187.22 mm (179.83-195.81 mm, P > 0.95). Seasonal von Bertalanffy growth (ELEFAN I routine) values are: L∞ = 193.31 mm, k = 0.54 year-1, t0 = -0.1805 year, C = 0.49 and WP = 0.75. The growth performance index was Φ’ = 4.305. The total mortality was calculated from a length-converted catch curve Z = 2.03 año -1. Length-weight relationship W(i) = 0.0005418 * L(i)2.7301. The growth parameters were similar to those for Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingi (open ocean wild stocks). The wild stock oysters differ from culture individuals at experimental repopulation conditions in Paz Bay. The total mortality is similar to that for Pinctada radiata in the Red Sea. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 53-61. Epub 2009 June 30.

Diversity, most important species and size composition of mollusks in coastal fisheries in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

Acta Universitaria, 2016

moluscos marinos es intensa, diversa y de limitado conocimiento sobre este recurso. Al igual que sucede con otras especies sujetas a la pesca sin ningún tipo de regulación. Debido a lo anterior, los objetivos de este trabajo fueron actualizar el inventario de moluscos que se capturan para consumo humano, determinar las especies de mayor importancia y analizar la composición de las tallas de captura. Se muestrearon organismos capturados por los pescadores de 2011 a 2014, y se realizaron 72 entrevistas a actores principales. Se identificaron 48 especies, de las cuales 16 fueron las de mayor importancia comercial; en la mayoría de estas, se capturaron organismos que no alcanzaron la talla que les permitiera participar en la renovación del stock reproductivo. Son necesarios estudios biológico-pesqueros para contribuir a la regulación de la pesca ribereña de moluscos.

Fecundity of Callinectes arcuatus (Ordway, 1863) and C. bellicosus (Stimpson, 1859) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) in Ensenada de la Paz, Gulf of California, Mexico

Universidad y ciencia, 2013

cuales el 37.5 % (ocho hembras) pertenecen a Callinectes arcuatus y el 62.5 % (15 hembras) a C. bellicosus. Se registró el ancho del caparazón y el peso total de cada espécimen. La estimación de la fecundidad se realizó por medio del método gravimétrico. La fecundidad promedio para C. arcuatus fue de 4 094 171 ± 1 796 huevos por hembra con una talla promedio de 107.0 ± 14.3 mm de ancho de caparazón, mientras que para C. bellicosus fue de 4 576 258 ± 974 huevos en promedio para hembras con una talla promedio de 112.8 ± 5.5 mm de ancho de caparazón. La fecundidad relativa promedio para C. arcuatus fue de 37 132 ± 5 162 huevos g −1 de peso, mientras que para C. bellicosus fue de 36 088 ± 4 259 huevos g −1 de peso. Se obtuvieron las relaciones ancho del caparazón (AC)-fecundidad (Fp) y peso total (PT)-fecundidad para cada especie mediante un modelo potencial donde para C. arcuatus fue de Fp= 1.7973AC3.119, R 2 = 0.88 y Fp= 36,95PT1.0043, R 2 =0.91 mientras que para C. bellicosus Fp= 0.0018AC4.2607, R 2 = 0.82 y Fp= 7555.7PT1.3224, R 2 = 0.72.

Composición, abundancia y distribución de Pteropoda (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en la zona nerítica, del sur del Golfo de México (Agosto, 1995)

Hidrobiologica, 2013

Se analizó la composición distribución y abundancia de los pterópodos en relación a las condiciones hidrográficas de la columna de agua (0 a 105 m) en el Golfo de México. Durante agosto de 1995, se recolectaron 95 muestras de zooplancton en 28 estaciones sobre la plataforma continental, distribuidas en cinco transectos frente a los principales sistemas lagunares del sur del Golfo de México, desde la desembocadura del rio Coatzacoalcos, hasta Boca de Paso Real de la Laguna de Términos. Las muestras se recolectaron en cinco niveles de profundidad. De los taxa identificados, tres de ellos constituyeron el 90% de la abundancia total de pterópodos: Creseis acicula f. acicula (72.7%), C. acicula f. clava (8.2%) y Limacina trochiformis (9.3%). La mayor densidad del grupo ocurrió en los primeros 18 m, sin embargo, 19 de los 39 grupos registrados, no ocurrieron en la capa más superficial (0 a 6 m) y otros lo hicieron con bajas densidades. Los resultados de Análisis Canónico de Correspondencia (ACC) permiten considerar que ningún parámetro por si solo determina la distribución de estos organismos en la columna de agua, pero en cambio sí el hábitat. Las especies de afinidad tropical/subtropical y hábitat nerítico fueron las más abundantes y ocurrieron principalmente en la capa superficial, en tanto que las formas oceánicas fueron las de menor abundancia y ocurrieron principalmente en las capas profundas, probablemente como resultado de la entrada de agua oceánica a la plataforma en su parte más profunda.

[Demography of the snail Plicopurpura pansa (Neotaenioglossa: Muricidae) and constitution of the associated mollusk community, in Guerrero, Mexico]

Revista de biología tropical

We quarterly sampled the molluskan community of Playa Ventura, Guerrero, Mexico. Sample size (20 m2 in lm2 units) was determined by the spatial distribution pattern of Plicopurpura pansa using a negative binomial distribution. The density of the P. pansa was 5.19 snails/m2 and the sex ratio near 1:1. The average size was 20.10 mm (most females were 10.5 to 27.0 mm; most males 12.0 to 27.0 mm). Density was high and small sized dominated. Mean size varied with time. General mean weight was 1.79 g. Females weight varied more, maybe because of the reproductive cycle. Recruits were collected in five samplings. Most copulation activity was in March of 2001. The associated community includes 26 species of Gastropoda, five ofBivalvia and one of Polyplacophora, Brachidontes semilaevis being dominant.