The Effect of Productive Zakat, Business Experience, and Mentoring on Farmers’ Revenues (Survey on Lumbung Desa Program by Sinergi Foundation in Cibaeud Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency) (original) (raw)
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The Impact of Productive Zakat Program on the Economy of Zakat Recipients: Study in Baznas Surakarta
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies
This study aims to reveal the impact of productive zakat of Baznas Surakarta on the economy of zakat recipients. The research of impact that is based on the perceptions of zakat recipients is fundamental so that Baznas Surakarta can evaluate some program deficiencies and determine whether effective zakat programs help the welfare of zakat recipients. This study is descriptive qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with Baznas Surakarta officials and ten productive zakat recipients. The results of this study indicate that in the view of zakat recipients, the effective zakat program has improved the recipients' economy, and the majority of their businesses have been able to develop. However, to develop a business, the tenacity of zakat recipients is required to manage their business.On the other hand, the form of supervision carried out by Baznas Surakarta still needs to be improved by providing capital without training. Furthermore, Baznas Surakarta has yet to con...
DI Yogyakarta is one of the provinces with an agricultural sector that contributes to the GRDP of the province. This is certainly in line with the potential for agricultural zakat, which is quite large. However, on the other hand, DI Yogyakarta is one of the provinces with problems related to poverty and the Gini ratio index, which is quite unequal. One of the reasons this problem later arose was that the potential for zakat was not fully realized. This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity, knowledge, income, environment, and belief on farmers’ intention to pay agricultural zakat. This research is quantitative research with a survey technique. This study sample was Muslim farmers living in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a total sample of 60 samples. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling and Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with analysis tools using Smart-PLS 3.0. The results of this stud...
The broad objective of community empowerment programs is to eradicate poverty. In general, the image of the poor lives in rural areas and mostly farmers. Similarly, the farmers in South Sumatra province which mostly managed wetlands as their livelihood are poor, especially in the districts of Ogan Ilir (OI) and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI). In fact, the targets of programs which have been done by the government in order to improve the economic development of rural communities mostly were not achieved; therefore, the programs were not unsustainable. The solution proposed to solve the above problem is to improve institutional capacity building of farmers and farmer groups aimed at improving the competitiveness of farmers in developing agribusiness system. In 2008, The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Agriculture launched the Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP). PUAP is a community empowerment which is realized in the form of venture capital strengthening assistance for farmer group’s members. Operationally, distribution of PUAP fund is done by giving authority to the farmer group association that was selected to the implement the PUAP program. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of farmer group institution in increasing the income percentage of wetland-based farmers who used the PUAP funds in South Sumatera. This study used survey method and purposive sampling method. Samples of 200 farmers who received PUAP funds were taken systematically and randomly. Data collected were analyzed by using the SPSS Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that the institution influenced in increasing the percentage of revenue due to PUAP/Main Revenue (IPRP/MR). The income of 45% of PUAP fund recipients increased by 100%-200%; as much as 41.5% increased less 100%; and as much as 13.5% increased by 200%-316%.There are three types of financial management involved, namely Farmers Group Association (49.5%), Micro-Finance Institutions (25.5%) and Farmer Group (25%).The multiple correlation values obtained at 0.783, these values indicate a close positive relationship between the independent variable to IPRP/MR. The value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R2) is 0.600. The adjusted R2 of 0.600 indicates that the model can explain the variation of existing data by 60% due to IPRP/MR. The result of F-test (simultaneously) showed a positive and significant influence of institutional factors on IP2R/MR Results of t-test (partially) indicated that the institutional factors Duration of Joining Farmer Groups and Finance Institution (Micro-Finance Ins.) and (Famer’s Group Association) gave a positive and significant influence, while the Finance Institution (Farmer Group) and Farmer Organization gave negative and significant influence to IPRP/MR. Keywords: Farmer institution, farmer group, farmer group association, micro-finance institution, swamp land, PUAP
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International Conference of Zakat, 2019
Productive zakat is zakat whose purpose is for development and empowerment of poor-yetcapable mustahik. The purpose of this study is to understand, review and analyze the productive zakat as a fiscal instrument in reducing poverty level and transforming both economic and social life of mustahik. This research uses qualitative approach. Primary data is in the form of data of interview and observation; while secondary data is obtained from various literatures. This research also uses triangulation analysis from informants with similar background, including BAZ officers, mustahik, and zakat experts. The results show that productive zakat is not directly distributed to mustahik only, but through a program run by zakat institution partners. Partners are fully responsible for zakat funds provided by zakat agencies. Productive Zakah is proven to help reduce poverty and has a positive effect on reducing unemployment in East Java. So, it is clear that zakat is a very pro-poor fiscal instrume...
Sustainable wellbeing is one of the goals of zakat distribution whereby the poor (<em>mustahiq</em>) are not only able to survive by having the basic needs fulfilled, but also are able to work and fulfill his needs and his family independently. The <em>mustahiq </em>independency is important to solve the problem of inequalities in society, marginalization, unemployemnt and poverty. This can only be achieved if zakat is able to used as a means for economic empowerment of the poor that would increase their capacity and enable them to become enterpreneur and hence able to fulfil their needs by themselves. This article attempts to observe various zakat productive programs initiated by zakat institutions in Indonesia and also analyze their implications in empowering the poors and increase their level of wellbeing. The case study in this paper is Baitul Mal Aceh and Baznas Indonesia.
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that every Muslim in the world must practice. Zakat works to reduce and eradicate problems. Poverty can be minimized or even eliminated by means of zakat. In addition, the optimization of productive zakat is needed to represent the realization of a prosperous society free of poverty, and productive Zakat is one strategy in community empowerment as a strategy for success in increasing community welfare. This study aims to determine the role of productive zakat in community empowerment to increase welfare. The research method used in this research is field qualitative. The results of research in improving welfare through productive zakat are carried out through 1. Program Planning, namely by budgeting the Activity Plan to the recipient, 2. Empowering implementation, namely giving zakat to mustahiq, implementing mentoring and mentoring as well as strengthening religious mentality for mustahiq, and 3. Evaluating activities empowerment, namely conduct...
The Effectiveness Of Zakat In The Economic Empowerment Community By Rumah Zakat In Yogyakarta
Dimensi Baharu Zakat di Malaysia, 2021
This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of zakat in economic empowerment community by Rumah Zakat, charitable institution in Yogyakarta. Zakat economic empoerment community is one of the featured program initiated by Rumah Zakat in empowering the community and prioritizing the fulfillment of people’s capacity and skill as a basis for mobilizing and making changes. Zakat can complement in eradicating poverty and promoting inclusive sustainable economic empowerment. The main aim of zakat has two dimensions, namely spirituality (individually) and social economy to empowerment enhance status of the ummah (community). In the socio health program, respondents had minimal incomes and education that fell below the national standard of poverty. Rumah Zakat clinic gave these four to five respondents of free health care services, it also faciliated collaborative learning. Thus, an integrative program offering assistance with health care, micro credits, education and food security would better serve the poor. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of zakat in economic empowerment, which was applied at Rumah Zakat in Yogyakarta. The research used the descriptive method and qualitative analysis. Semi-structured interviews solicited seven economic empowerment program respondent narratives. The data source was secondary data collected from documents and texts related to the research topic, be it books, articles, newpapers, journal and or others. The results showed that the effectiveness of zakat in the economic empowerment community at Rumah Zakat has been quite good and in accordance with the principle of Islamic economics. Respondents benefiting from both programs reported significant positive impact on their home economies, health and social lives. Empowerment programs is realized through four kind of main program, namely Senyum Juara (Education), Senyum Sehat (Health) Senyum Mandiri (Economic Empowerment) and Senyum Lestari (Environment). The findings provide empiricial evidence regarding positive contribution and effectiveness of zakat targeting in reducing poverty and improve the welfare of people related with the management of zakat
Productive Zakat Management through the Zakat Community Development Program in Bengkulu Province
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies
This study analyzes the productive zakat management carried out by BAZNAS Bengkulu Province to solve poverty problems. Research is directed by exploring the Zakat Community Development (ZCD) program's planning, implementation, and supervision. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach through case studies. The data was collected through observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results showed that productive zakat management had been carried out well by BAZNAS Bengkulu. This is measured from the realization of the ZCD program from planning to monitoring. In the planning aspect, the ZCD program's realization is carried out by mustahiks through developing business capital, developing competencies, and improving service to consumers. In the implementation aspect, the ZCD program can increase mustahik's income to achieve empowerment in forming a prosperous and independent society. Meanwhile, in the aspect of supervision in the ZCD prog...