X-irradiation impairs regeneration of peripheral nerve across a gap (original) (raw)

The effects of low-dose radiation in the treatment of sciatic nerve injury in rats

Turkish Neurosurgery, 2010

AIm: Peripheral nerve regeneration is often blocked by scar formation and misdirection of axon sprouts. The aim of this study is to evaluate electrophysiological and histopathological effects of low-dose radiation therapy on the prevention of intraneural scar formation in peripheral nerve injury. mAterIAl and methOds: In this experimental study, twenty rats were randomly divided into two groups. Left sciatic nerves were exposed and clipped by temporary aneurysm clip for 5 minutes in both groups. In all animals, electrophysiological recordings were performed between 22-24 hours after sciatic nerve injury. The control group was not given any treatment. In the experimental group, 700 cGy low-dose radiation was administered on the left sciatic nerves 24 hours after clipping. Six weeks after injury, electrophysiological recordings were performed in both groups and animals were sacrificed to evaluate the injured nerves histopathologically. results: We observed that low-dose radiotherapy increased the amplitude and improved latency measurements in electrophysiological examinations. Histopathologically, more axonal degeneration and vacuolization was observed in the control group comparing with the experimental group. Endoneural space increased slightly more in the control group than the experimental group. COnClusIOn: It was observed that low-dose radiotherapy may prevent intraneural scar formation and may improve electrophysiological recovery in sciatic nerve injury performed in rats.

Chronic demyelination in mouse peripheral nerve produced by lysophosphatidyl choline and X-irradiation: ultrastructural observations

Journal of Neurocytology, 1986

The effects of X-irradiation on demyelinafion and remyelination were studied in the peripheral nerve of the mouse. Three clays after injection of lysophosphatidyl choline into one sciatic nerve, a 20 Gy dose of X-rays was administered to the hind limb. At survival times ranging from 4 days to 6 months after injection, the nerves were examined by light and electron microscopy. Removal of myelin debris was retarded and remyelination delayed or prevented. The myelin sheaths which did form were thin and the configuration of Schmidt-Lanterman incisures and nodes of Ranvier was abnormal. Some of the chronically demyelinated fibres formed focal node-like complexes: patches of finely granular material coated the inner aspect of the axolemma, the external surface was covered by slender processes of Schwann cell cytoplasm, and an electron-dense lamina was present in the enlarged periaxonal space. Elsewhere demyelinated axons and their ensheathing Schwann cells were separated by gap junctions or transverse bands. The present findings indicate that the morphological differentiation of structures thought to be characteristic of nodes of Ranvier can take place in the absence of remyelination.

Rapid growth of regenerating axons across the segments of sciatic nerve devoid of schwann cells

Journal of Neuroscience Research, 1989

The characteristic response of Schwann cells (SC) accompanies peripheral nerve injury and regeneration. To elucidate their role, the question of whether or not regenerating axons can elongate across the segments of a peripheral nerve devoid of SC was investigated. Rat sciatic nerve was crushed so that the continuity of SC basal laminae was not interrupted. A segment about 15 mm long distal to the crush was either repeatedly frozedthawed to eliminate SC or scalded by moist heat which, in addition, denatured the proteins in the SC basal laminae, too. Both sensory and motor axons grew rapidly across the frozedthawed segment of the nerve. Their rate of elongation was reduced by only 30% in comparison to control crushed nerves. SC were not present along the path of growing axons adhering tightly to the bare SC basal laminae. The rate of elongation of regenerating sensory and motor axons in scalded nerve segments was eight times lower than in control crushed nerves. SC were present in that part of the scalded region that had been invaded by the regenerating axons but no further distally. These results suggest that acellular basal laminae of SC provide very good, although not optimal, conditions for elongation of regenerating sensory and motor axons. If biochemical integrity of the basal lamina is destroyed, the regenerating axons must be accompanied or preceded by viable SC, and axon elongation rate is significantly reduced.

Axonal regeneration in the rat sciatic nerve: Effect of a conditioning lesion and of dbcAMP

Brain Research, 1977

After the sciatic nerve had been crushed at the level of the mid-thigh, the rate of outgrowth of the regenerating axons was measured by using the pinch test to locate the leading sensory axons. This standard crush lesion ("testing" lesion) elicited axonal outgrowth at a rate of 4.3 ± 0.1 mm/day, with an initial delay (before the axons entered the degenerating distal stump) of 1.6 days. A "conditioning" lesion (transection of the tibial nerve at the ankle), made two weeks before the testing lesion, caused an increase of 23 ~ in the outgrowth rate (P < 0.02), with no appreciable change in the initial delay. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) was found to have no effect on the rate of axonal outgrowth measured by the pinch test. Histological examination of the pinchtested nerves showed that the drug also had no effect on the numbers of regenerating silver-stained axons or fluorescent noradrenergic axons seen at various levels distal to the testing lesion.

Beneficial effects of x-irradiation on recovery of lesioned mammalian central nervous tissue

Proceedings of the …, 1990

We examined the potential of x-irradiation, at clinical dose levels, to manipulate the cellular constituents and thereby change the consequences of transection injury to adult mammalian central nervous tissue (rat olfactory bulb). Irradiation resulted in reduction or elimination of reactive astrocytes at the site of incision provided that it was delivered within a defined time window postinjury. Under conditions optimal for the elimination of gliosis (15-18 days postinjury), irradiation of severed olfactory bulbs averted some of the degenerative consequences of lesion. We observed that irradiation was accompanied by prevention of tissue degeneration around the site of lesion, structural healing with maintenance of the typical cell lamination, and rescue of some axotomized mitral cells (principal bulb neurons). Thus radiation resulted in partial preservation of normal tissue morphology. It is postulated that intrusive cell populations are generated in response to injury and reactive astrocytes are one such group. Our results suggest that selective elimination of these cells by irradiation enabled some of the regenerative processes that are necessary for full recovery to maintain their courses. The cellular targets of these cells, their modes of intervention in recovery, and the potential role of irradiation as a therapeutic modality for injured central nervous system are discussed.

Histomorphometric changes in repaired mouse sciatic nerves are unaffected by the application of a scar-reducing agent

Journal of Anatomy, 2011

Microsurgical repair of transected peripheral nerves is compromised by the formation of scar tissue and the development of a neuroma, thereby limiting the success of regeneration. The aim of this study was to quantify histomorphometrically the structural changes in neural tissue that result from repair, and determine the effect of mannose-6-phosphate (M6P), a scar-reducing agent previously shown to enhance regeneration. In anaesthetised C57-black-6 mice, the left sciatic nerve was sectioned and repaired using four epineurial sutures. Either 100 lL of 600 mM M6P (five animals) or 100 lL of phosphate-buffered saline (placebo controls, five animals) was injected into and around the nerve repair site. A further group acted as sham-operated controls. After recovery for 6 weeks, the nerve was harvested for analysis using light and electron microscopy. Analysis revealed that when compared with sham controls, myelinated axons had smaller diameters both proximal and distal to the repair. Myelinated axon counts, axonal density and size all decreased across the repair site. There were normal numbers and densities of non-myelinated axons both proximal and distal to the repair. However, there were more Remak bundles distal to the repair site, and fewer non-myelinated axons per Remak bundle. Application of M6P did not affect any of these parameters.

A Conditioning Lesion Promotes in Vivo Nerve Regeneration in the Contralateral Sciatic Nerve of Rats

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2000

A conditioning lesion in the sciatic nerve increases in vivo axonal regeneration in the nerve after a second transection. We studied whether this increased regeneration also occurs in the contralateral nerve. The left sciatic nerve was transected and sutured in Wistar rats; the nerve was exposed but not transected in controls. After 5 days, the right sciatic nerves of all rats were transected and sutured. Neuronal regeneration was measured at 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 days with the pinch test and histological staining. IL-1␤ and TGF-␤1 expression was also measured. The initial delay in the experimental group was significantly shorter, but the regeneration rates were the same. The expression of IL-1␤ and TGF-␤1 in the right dorsal root ganglia was significantly higher in the experimental group. Nerve injury enhances cytokine expression in the contralateral dorsal root ganglion and promotes contralateral nerve regeneration in vivo by shortening the initial delay.

Specific and nonspecific regeneration of motor axons after sciatic nerve injury and repair in the rat

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 1987

The pattern of motor axon regeneration following unilateral sciatic nerve lesions (freezing or transection) was studied in adult rats. Transected nerves were repaired with epineurial or fascicular sutures. Four months after the lesion, the motor neuron cell body localization in the spinal cord of plantar or common peroneal nerve axons were examined bilaterally with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Motor neuron cell body localization was similar bilaterally after freezing, indicating that regenerating axons had reached their original peripheral innervation territory. However, after nerve transection, irrespective of whether epineurial or fascicular sutures were used, motor neuron cell body distribution on the operated side was abnormal with numerous labeled cell bodies located outside the area of the normal motor neuron pool. This finding indicates that after nerve transection the normal pattern of motor axon innervation is not restored even after fascicular nerve repair.

Regenerative Capacity and Histomorphometric Changes in Rat Sciatic Nerve Following Experimental Neurotmesis

International Journal of Morphology, 2015

Through a wide range of cellular and molecular events, the peripheral nervous system is endowed with great regenerative capacity, responding immediately to injuries that occur along the length of the nerve. The aim of this study was to histomorphometrically assess the degree of maturity of the nervous tissue and possible microscopic changes in newly formed nerve segments 60 days after experimental neurotmesis of the sciatic nerve in rats. Control Group (CG) and an Injury Group (IG) were used. IG underwent neurotmesis of the sciatic nerve of the right foot, with immediate surgical repair using the tubulization technique. 60 days following experimental surgery, animals from both groups had their sciatic nerves collected for histomorphometric analysis. Statistical analysis was performed, using the Student t-test for independent samples, expressed as mean ± standard deviation, with 5% significance. In the event of injury, peripheral nerve tissue is mobilized in an intrinsic self-healing process. 60 days following of nerve regeneration in neurotmesis injury, the peripheral nerve presents a segment joining the newly formed neural stump. The new stump has a number of regenerated axons compatible with an intact nerve, but which still show great immaturity in the axonal structural layers of the nerve.