A Real Time System for Water Quality Measurement Using GSM

Water is an essential factor for sustaining life on earth. So we must be aware of its purity while using water. The conventional method of measuring the water is tedious process and gather the samples manually and send it laboratory for analysis is time consuming, however this method not efficient. The water quality system can measure the required qualities of water in real time. The system consists of ATmega32AMicrocontroller, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) and multiple sensors to measure the quality of water such as Ph, turbidity, conductivity, total dissolved solid and temperature. This is a real time system which measures the quality of water continuously and will send the measured values to the monitoring centre through GSM module after every predefined time.

Monitoring system water pH rate, turbidity, and temperature of river water

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Water is a substance that is important in life after air if it has been polluted by chemicals it is very dangerous for living things. The development of the industry uses chemicals in a production that causes hazardous waste, even though it has been reprocessed in the filtering process, if it is less than perfect, the water will be polluted if disposed of in the river flow. Identification and monitoring measures are needed that require media to use a device that includes a sensor containing the pH of water that comes from the content of acidic substances in water, turbidity or the content of solid objects in the water, and water temperature. The data collection method uses a nodeMCU microcontroller. Then the data is sent via a wireless connection to be stored on the database server. Testing to see the results of monitoring using an Android application that is connected to the server. From the results, it can be concluded that the data displayed on the application can run smoothly, t...

Conceptual Model of Computerized Nationwide Scale Multiparameter Monitoring System for Drinking Water Quality


The article presents a multi-criteria functional model developed to analyze physicochemical and microbiological tests of drinking water for real-time monitoring. The model components comprise software and hardware units designed to collect real-time measurement, data storage, transmission and visualization for alphanumerical data of physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters of drinking water. The article will present a new concept useful in treating accidental water contamination: the ability to make determinations of physicochemical parameters using a portable electronic module portable, energetically autonomous, placed “on the spot”, which wirelessly transmits data to the water operator’s server, and hence to the national authority server. Data will be displayed in real time as a graphical evolution in time of decontamination. This functional model will serve the implementation, with low costs, of computer technology at local and national level for water quality controlli...

Towards Real Time Monitoring of Water Quality in River Basins

Environmental …, 2010

The remote monitoring of river water quality plays an important role in the integrated water resources management. Among the most inconvenient features encountered in the development of a real time system for monitoring river water quality, there are: variability and uncertainty in river basins, the nonlinearity of the ecological systems, the problems of high costs and low reliability caused by online sensors deployment. A global monitoring system of a hydrologic basin has a distributed (in space and functionally) and hierarchical architecture involving different mobile or static devices, various types of communication, software applications, data base and friendly interfaces with the users. This paper presents a reliable solution for a real time monitoring system for a river basin, involving multiparameters measurement instruments with local data acquisition and processing embedded devices, wireless communication system and a central server for information management. Energy constraint, routing protocols, memory restriction, data accuracy, sensor localization and not at least the cost minimization were the most challenging goals of this research. Taking into account that in the next steps of the water resources management system development, all data should be integrated and visualized by using a Geographical Information System (GIS), the generated database was a special task of this work. The design hardware and software were tested and validated in laboratory and real deployment environment.


Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1988

Information on raw water quality, treatment process removal efficiency, and distribution system monitoring is essential to the proper management and operation of a water utility system. Microcomputer hardware and software systems using commercially available data base management systems (DBMS) have emerged within the last few years as an effective means of managing, analyzing, and displaying water quality data. Understanding hardware, software, and training requirements is essential to the proper use of these systems. Three types of data base design. are common: relational, hierarchical, and network. Only the ielational type of data base architecture is widely implemented on microcomputer DBMS. In this paper two examples of the application of DBMS to water utility problems are presented. One example deals with collection and analysis of data concerning the water quality of the Mississippi River. The second example deals with the DBMS as a means of analyzing water quality data in the North Penn Water Authority (NPWA) distribution system.

Automatic water level and water quality monitoring

For any programme of efficient water management to be successful, continuous monitoring of water level and quality in the ground, rivers, lakes and reservoirs etc. is necessary. It is essential to map, measure and monitor extent and quality of both subsoil aquifers and surface fresh water resources. In case of water level, reliable and accurate data is required, well in time, to assess groundwater conditions such that adverse situations like drought and loss of pumpage in agriculture and domestic water supply can be efficiently handled. However, the monitoring task becomes gigantic and expensive when the number of sites and parameters to be monitored increases requiring not only suitable sensors but also automated monitoring from a central location. This paper discusses economical automatic water monitoring systems that provide a variety of solutions ranging from unattended monitoring of a single borehole for use by industry to monitoring of hundreds of boreholes spread over a wide geographical area from a central location. The paper discusses critical parameters monitored, a comprehensive range of water level and quality sensors that are available and can be monitored online, sophisticated dataloggers, typical installation schemes, few typical data monitored and the useful conclusions drawn from it. The paper also discusses telemetry and Web-based monitoring solutions that allow water level/quality at remote locations to be monitored continuously, in near real time, from a central location that also sends alerts through Short Message Service (SMS) and e-mail. The solutions enable groundwater researchers and decision makers to have quick access to the groundwater/surface water data at less effort and cost.

Towards the automation of water quality monitoring networks

2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2010, 2010

The implementations of water quality monitoring networks have a number of inherent engineering challenges and the automation of the data collection and analysis only adds to that complexity. This paper has been written to discuss the challenges and solutions that have been developed within the framework of an industrial/academic partnership. Water quality monitoring stations are important tools in the area of environmental water science; however, traditional monitoring station installations and their maintenance tend to require more effort than desirable. Common sensors are not easily integrated into fieldbus systems and the lack of storable meta data (status, calibration information, location,…) available from sensor devices in this field, requires additional effort on the part of the owner if a fully utilizable database of meaningful values is to be constructed. An approach is proposed to automate this effort by providing an electronic catalog of predefined devices that can be input by the user during setup or read from the sensor in real-time. Automated data evaluation, alarm triggering and real-time data 'correction' are all being developed with an aim to create fully documented long-term databases of usable and meaningful water quality data. And finally, to initiate improvements in the area of monitoring automation, some thoughts on the future of advanced fieldbus systems are presented.

IJERT-Development and Testing of Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System for Lakes

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2019

https://www.ijert.org/Development-and-Testing-of-Real-Time-Water-Quality-Monitoring-System-for-Lakes https://www.ijert.org/research/Development-and-Testing-of-Real-Time-Water-Quality-Monitoring-System-for-Lakes-IJERTCONV7IS08028.pdf "Water pollution is one of the biggest fears for the greenglobalization". At present, water parameters are identified by chemical analysis or laboratory test, where the testing equipment is stationary and samples are provided to testing equipment. Thus the current water quality monitoring system is a manual system with tedious process and is very time consuming. In order to increase the frequency, the testing equipment can be placed in the river water and detection of pollution can be made remotely. This paper intends a wireless sensor-based Water Quality Monitoring System. Data collected by the base station is sent to the remote monitoring station. Data collected at the remote site can be displayed in visual format on PC with the help of MATLAB and is also compared with standard values. If the obtained value is above the verge value automated warning SMS alert will be sent to the agent. The proposed paper is to obtain the water monitoring system with high frequency, high mobility, and low powered. This kind of execution is suitable for large scale deployments, which enable the sensor network to provide data to the water authorities.


The recent technological developments in analysis and sampling systems as well as the need for high resolution datasets for integrated water quality modelling have led to the increased application of Automated Measurement Stations (AMS) in river water quality monitoring projects.