Pola Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Islam Di Daerah 3T (original) (raw)
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Komunikasi Konsultatif Penyuluh Agama Islam DI Daerah Perbatasan Kalimantan Barat
Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam, 2020
Religious Intructor is one of the spearheads of the government, especially the Ministry of Religion, to provide guidance and counseling to the community. Islamic Religius Instructors are also a profession that has a significant role in communicating Islamic values to the wider community, especially Muslim communities in border areas that have limited access to urban centers. The person is called an Instructor, both functional, honorary religious counselors and someone who carries out voluntary guidance and counseling (Volunteer) work. In addition, religious counselors are also mentioned by some experts that "Religious Instructors are Attackers, The Lamp in the midst of darkness, that gives enlightenment and teach wisdom to the surrounding community". Based on this statement, it can be described that the Religious Instructor is like a lamp that light in the midst of the great threat and challenge to national morality. According to the Joint Decree of the Indonesian Minist...
This study aims to analyze the communication strategy of Islamic religious educators in disseminating the application of the Covid-19 health protocol in Medan City, along with its effectiveness and communication barriers. This descriptive research uses interviews, observations and documentation studies as data collection techniques. The analytical knife used is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Uses and Gratification, and the theory of symbolic interactionism, and the Principles of Communication. The data is processed by data analysis techniques, the collected data is heard again, arranged systematically, read, analyzed, then identified answers and documents with research objectives, in order to obtain valid conclusions. The results of the study concluded that the extension strategy was carried out directly or face to face. At the time of the spread of Covid-19 at the end of 2019 the activities of religious instructors were divided into 2 methods, namely the first to continue to d...
Keterampilan Komunikasi Terapeutik Penyuluh Agama di Kota Padang
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2021
Religious instructors are people who play a role in providing education, guidance, and information to the community. For this reason, the therapeutic skills of extension workers need to be improved continuously, considering that the success of counseling lies in getting the message to the community. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of therapeutic communication based on aspects of the communicator's ability, acceptance of the communicant, the message conveyed, the use of media, and the effect of the interpretation of a message. The type of research conducted is descriptive quantitative. The research subjects of this research were 32 religious instructors in the city of Padang. The data collection tool uses instrument development in the form of a valid and reliable therapeutic communication questionnaire. The data collection technique used quantitative descriptive analysis with the percentage formula. The results of this study indicate that communicators must hav...
al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 2019
The communication process in delivering dacwah messages among the community of indigenous peoples (Orang Asli) demands continuous dacwah efforts to impact positive changes on the practice and appreciation of Islamic teachings. This article is to identify Muslim preachers’ persuasive strategies in communicating dacwah among the community of indigenous peoples in Selangor. The study was a qualitative study which utilised the case study design. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Nine research participants were purposely selected, comprising the Community Development Officers for Indigenous People or Penggerak Masyarakat Orang Asli (PMOA) and the Revert Preachers Panel or Panel Dakwah Mualaf (PDM), representatives from the Association of Muslim Welfare and Management for Orang Asli Selangor or Persatuan Kebajikan dan Pengurusan Kebajikan Orang Asli Selangor (PKPI) and al-Khalifah Foundation (Yayasan al-Khalifah) which has been involved in preaching Islam to the indige...
Komunikasi Ideal Pada Masyarakat Perkotaan Konsep Metode-Metode Islam
Jurnal khabar, 2021
Methods of Communication Da'wah in urban communities where there are many multicultural communities of different ethnicities and cultures need good communication, especially in religion. In realizing the extent to which the implementation of Islamic society in Taba Jemekeh Village, Lubuklinggau, knowing the methods used in da'wah communication in realizing an Islamic society, knowing the Islamic Community in Taba Jemekeh Lubuklinggau Village, the role of da'wah communication in realizing an Islamic society. This research is descriptive qualitative, which is a research that is intended to reveal an empirical fact scientifically objectively based on scientific logic, procedures, and supported by strong methodologies and theories in accordance with known scientific disciplines
Pola Komunikasi Pada Kelompok Keagamaan DI Kota Bengkulu
Beragam cara dalam pola komunikasi digunakan dari kelompok untuk bisa digunakan berinteraksi, salah satunya yaitu kelompok berbasis keagamaan yang memiliki pola interaksinya sendiri yang digunakan untuk menjalin komunikasi baik dengan sesama anggotanya (internal) maupun dengan para masyarakat yang non anggota (eksternal). Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada bagaimana pola komunikasi yang dijalankan dari kelompok keagamaan yang ada di kota Bengkulu ini, baik di dalam kajian itu sendiri ataupun dengan para masyarakat yang di luar. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan model teori Interaksi Simbolik melalui 3 unsur didalamnya yaitu Mind, Self, dan Society yang menyatakan bahwa pola komunikasi pada Kajian As-Salaf kota Bengkulu baik dengan anggota (internal) maupun dengan masyarakat diluar (eksternal) yaitu adanya pola komunikasi primer yang didalamnya lebih mengutamkan komunikasi dengan simbol atau komunikasi non verbal dalam keseharian mereka sehingga timbul perspektif yang akan mengarah...
Komunikasi Dakwah Penyuluh Agama Islam Dalam Memberikan Pemahaman Moderasi Beragama
Jurnal Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam
This research was conducted in Ujungberung sub-district. This research is a qualitative research that emphasizes the phenomenological aspects of Islamic religious extension agents in Ujungberung District, Bandung City. The research method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The experience of Islamic Religious Instructors in Ujungberung District in carrying out counseling on religious moderation with various joys and getting deep knowledge in the field when carrying out counseling and also there are still people who do not know about extensionists themselves. And in carrying out extension services in Ujungberung District, it is inseparable from the main duties and functions of extension workers to carry out and develop guidance activities with the function of extension personnel as informative and educational, consultative and advocacy The Islamic Religious Instructor in delivering da'wah messages through tabligh in Ujungberung District reviews several aspects including:...
Model Komunikasi Dalam Konseling Islam
At-Taujih : Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Artikel ini membahas tentang penggunaan model komunikasi transaksional dalam kegiatan konseling Islam. Metode pengkajian mengunakan analisis deskriptif dengan menelaah sumber-sumber bacaan yang ada kaitannya dengan topik model komunikasi dan konseling Islam. Artikel ini mengulas secara teoritis penggunaan komunikasi transaksional dalam sistem hisbah dan memadukannya dengan konsep konseling Islam. Sejalan dengan konseling Islam, model komunikasi transaksional juga mempertimbangkan dan memperhatikan karakteristik konseli.
Komunikasi Dan Dakwah Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Islam
Al-Hikmah, 2018
Komunikasi dan dakwah sangat berperan pada kesuksesan lembaga pendidikan Islam komunikasi merupakan proses penyampaian ide, gagasan baik yang bersifat horizontal, vertikal atau diagonal. Upaya komunikasi yang efektif dapat dilakukan dengan memenuhi semua unsur komunikasi yang terdiri atas komunikator, pesan, channel, sumber, efek serta sumber komunikasi. Selain itu perlu melakukan pendekatan persuasif dan kedekatan emosioanal dengan meingkatkan keahlian berkomunikasi untuk dakwah. Bentuk komunikasi efektif pada lembaga pendidikan adalah komunikasi adalah komunikasi interprofesional-kolaboratif, komunikasi asosiatif-akomdatif dan interpersonal, bentuk komunikasi ini harus disesuaikan dengan budaya organisasi yang dianut bersama.