Refletions on theory and criticism of the 'literary Ego'. A comparative Study, in «Philologist – Journal of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies», n.11(22), 2021, pp. 359–373. (original) (raw)
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O Eixo e a Roda: Revista de Literatura Brasileira, 2023
The potential of the use of the concept of collective subjectivity, in literary analyses, has been partially discerned by Mario Vargas Llosa, Gérard Klein, and a group of scholars inspired by Klein's observations (Bellagamba; Picholle; Tron, 2012). Since none of them have proposed any systematic framework, the paper theorizes the concept, proposes an analysis methodology, and presents the results of a model analysis of the collective subjectivity of Jorge Amado's marginalized characters and its relation to the hegemonic discourses of Amado's storyworlds and of Brazil in the 1930s, respectively. The article also presents an evaluation of the concept's usefulness for narrative scholars. As analyzing a fictional collective subjectivity requires a custom-made framework, it has been elaborated on the basis of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's (2001) Discourse Theory, Discourse-Theoretical Analysis (both alarmingly absent in literary studies), the psycho-sociological framework for real-world collective subjectivity analysis (Fabris; Puccini; Cambiaso, 2019), and narratological findings related to Possible Worlds Theory and fictional minds (Palmer, 2004). The study confirms that the use of the concept as an analytical tool can shed new light on our understanding of numerous narrative art works, especially regarding such issues as focalization, perspective, ideology, narrative empathy, unreliable narration, and consciousness representation. Moreover, the framework enables us to: 1) describe precisely the particularities of the ideological profile of a fictional collectivity and the narrator's/implied author's attitude towards them; 2) relate this profile to the context systematically (both to the storyworld and real-world context). Keywords: fictional minds; hegemony and ideology in fiction; narrative perspective; unreliable narration; Laclau & Mouffe’s Discourse Theory; discursive struggles. Resumo: O potencial de uso do conceito da subjetividade coletiva em análises literárias foi parcialmente identificado por Mario Vargas Llosa, Gérard Klein e um grupo de pesquisadores inspirado pelas observações de Klein (Bellagamba; Picholle; Tron, 2012). Visto que nenhum deles propôs um framework sistemático, o artigo teoriza o conceito, propõe uma metodologia de análise e apresenta os resultados de uma análise exemplar da subjetividade coletiva dos personagens marginalizados de Jorge Amado e da sua relação com os discursos hegemônicos dos mundos das ficções amadianas e do Brasil dos anos 1930, respectivamente. O trabalho apresenta também uma avaliação da utilidade do conceito para narratologistas. Dado que analisar subjetividade coletiva requer um framework customizado, o mesmo foi elaborado com base na Teoria do Discurso de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe (2001), metodologia Discourse-Theoretical Analysis (ambas alarmantemente ausentes nos Estudos Literários), framework psicossociológico para análise de subjetividades coletivas do mundo real (Fabris; Puccini; Cambiaso, 2019) e conhecimentos narratológicos relacionados com a teoria dos mundos possíveis e mentes ficcionais (Palmer, 2004). O estudo confirma que o uso do conceito como uma ferramenta analítica pode lançar nova luz sobre a nossa compreensão de numerosas narrativas, especialmente em relação a tais questões como focalização, perspectiva, ideologia, empatia narrativa, narração não confiável e representação de consciência. Além disso, o framework permite: 1) descrever precisamente as particularidades do perfil ideológico de uma coletividade ficcional e a atitude do narrador/autor implícito para com elas; 2) relacionar esse perfil ao contexto sistematicamente (tanto ao contexto real, quanto ao do mundo da história). Palavras-chave: mentes ficcionais; hegemonia e ideologia em ficção; perspectiva narrativa; narração não confiável; Teoria do Discurso de Laclau e Mouffe; lutas discursivas.
Towards a Theory of Literary Discourse
Marko Juvan, Literary Studies in Reconstruction, 2011
In post-modernity, literary theory has become pluralistic, perspectivized, and – in parallel with the weakened autonomy of belletristic writing and the deconstruction of the concept “literature” – intertwined with the transdisciplinary, eclectic, and critical discourse of “Theory,” which is directed towards cultural studies rather than towards explorations of the artistic field. Hermeneutic and neo-pragmatist self-reflection has made literary theory aware of its own contingency and of being merely one among several (discursive) practices. As one of the “sciences of the subject,” it has also come to realize that knowledge is subject-dependent and that the field of research (i.e., literature) changes together with and under the influence of its scholarly observation. The answer of literary theory to these challenges proposed here is its disciplinary reconstruction into a theory of literary discourse. Such a theory accounts for the fact that literary texts are part of historical becoming and cultural changes in human life-worlds. This is why it must choose new objectives: first, with its ability for apt descriptions of literary devices (i.e., as a descriptive poetics), it may also contribute to a better critical understanding of the rhetorical powers of other discourses and language in general. Second, it may provide strong arguments to legitimize the indispensable anthropological values of the literary – including and primarily in the present time, marked by the triumph of the new media and globalized economization of all knowledge.
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Revista de Filosofía, 2016
espanolEn este trabajo, brindamos una presentacion critica de tres aproximaciones clasicas al analisis de la primera persona en la literatura analitica contemporanea: las que respectivamente ofrecieron Elizabeth Anscombe, Gareth Evans y Saul Kripke. A partir de la discusion pormenorizada de cada una de estas tres influyentes vistas sobre el estado de la cuestion debatida, elaboramos una interpretacion propia. Contemplamos aqui la accesibilidad al pensamiento egologico desde el prisma metafisico de la construccion ontologica del yo. Queremos poner de manifiesto lo que entendemos como el arraigamiento fundacional y antropologico del individuo y de su discurso autorreferencial. Para nosotros, en la lectura intencional por la que abogamos, el objeto, el sujeto y su expresion metalinguistica se encuentran insertados en la praxis de la realidad social, de la que son participes, por lo que rellenan asi la necesaria incompletitud del mundo de la vida EnglishIn this paper we provide a critical...
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Three Concepts of the Reader and Their Contribution to a Theory of the Literary Text
Orbis Litterarum, 1979
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The Import of Literary Criticism, 2019
Abstract With the present global inclination to science, technology, and agriculture, criticism seems to have been tilted in that direction. The flame of reading literature seems to be going out gradually but steadily and with it, the reading and mastery of its prescriptive theories and their application to literary texts. If we consider that literature is concerned with life’s affairs which are more pressing than the reading black and white symbols of a text and their abstract interpretation, if we consider that literature is a vortex where distant and usually seemingly unrelated areas of human knowledge meet and interact, that war, the environment, the economy and even politics are involved in literary studies, then we would try to value the text more, and its criticism which is the decoding of the message of the text, which sometimes has a problem solving perspective, would be given its due import, since literature is in fact, a pattern of infinite potentialities, proffered by an absence presence, which have to be investigated through the right procedures. Because this domain is involved with every sphere of life, the import of getting its message cannot be overrated. However, the shade of meanings got without the use of literary theories would be highly informal, judgmental, and oftentimes superficial. Literary criticism is meant to throw light into the text through theories, and to assess the public comprehension of the text. In this vein, criticism is more important than the text, for it says in several ways what the text says. The main thrust of this paper is its attempt at encouraging literary criticism by showing how beneficial it is to the reader, writer and critic as individuals and to the society as a whole. Keyword: Criticism
Self-reflection in Italian Literature
The object of these essays is to explore and examine the range, function and nature of self-reflexive devices and techniques in Italian narrative fiction from the Middle Ages to the contemporary. By self-reflection we mean any text that incorporates reflection on and/or comment about its composition, reception and/or existence as a work of literature. 1 Most broadly, self-reflection has been defined as an umbrella term encompassing both metanarration and metafiction. 2 Metanarration is defined as the narrator's reflections on the act of narrating, while metafiction concerns the fictionality (that is, the artifice) of narrative. Metafictionwhich may refer to specific techniques including digression, metalepsis, mise-en-abyme, parody, intertextuality, metaphors, narrative embedding, authorial alter egos, dialogue with the reader, or representations of reading and writinghighlights the constructed nature of narrative, undermining its realism, and can therefore be conceived as 'fiction about fiction'. (Italo Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveller, which starts, 'You are about to begin reading Italo Calvino's new novel, If on a winter's night a traveller', is a typical example.) In contradistinction, metanarration may even reinforce the narrative's illusion of authenticity and includes devices such as introductions and conclusions to storytelling (frame narratives) in which the narrator comments on the circumstances of the composition of the narrative, its content and/or reception (the metanarrative comments on the art of storytelling in Boccaccio's Decameron fall into this category).
Since its emergence, critical faculty has been following literature. The major concerns of critical enquiry have been focused upon the interpretation, evaluation and appreciation. Moreover it was engaged in affirming the canons of literary studies. Literature and literary studies are two different enterprises. The first one is concerned with creativity whereas the second one is related to learning. The faculty of critical study belongs to the second category. It is about the science of literature. Critical study analyses literature in terms of its nature and function. In all attempts defining literature, critics deal with contemporary instances of literature. While doing so critics focus on the content, and the biography of author. In other words he/she tries to decipher the text in terms of its social, economic and cultural underpinnings. This scholarly endeavour went through several transformations over a long period of time. It is interesting to see the evolution of critical stud...
The problem of self-expression in philosophy and literature
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The Fictional, the Autobiographical and the Aesthetic Self: Performing First-Person Discourse. The paper focuses on the particular self-narrative of first-person dramatic texts, as well as on the ethico-aesthetic reception brought along by the performance of monodrama. Dwelling on the idiosyncratic and often hypertrophic expression of the self in front of a collective or a unique witness, a real or an imaginary beholder, the study points to the enactment of aesthetic singularity and its specific type of discursivity. Over the last decades, the performance of the self has been interpreted mostly through the i d e o l o g i c a l l e n s o f c u l t u r a l s t u d i e s , h i g h l y i n d e b t e d t o t h e m i cro-politics of identity. Still, the politics of the self can reinforce, in its turn, the aesthetic thinking, by recovering a certain anthropological approach on the liminality of artistic condition. REZUMAT. Sinele ficţional, sinele autobiografic şi sinele estetic. Performând discursul la persoana întâi. Lucrarea se centrează asupra autonaraţiunii specifice textelor dramatice scrise la persoana întâi, precum şi asupra receptării etico-estetice a unui performance de tip monodramatic. Oprindu-se asupra exprimării idiosincratice şi adeseori hipertrofice a sinelui în faţa unui martor colectiv sau unic, a unui spectator/cititor real sau imaginar, studiul relevă punerea în act a singularităţii estetice şi a tipului de discursivitate specific acesteia. Ȋn ultimele decenii, aşa-numitul performance of the self performarea sinelui/de sine a fost interpretat mai ales prin prisma ideologică a studiilor culturale, adânc ancorate în micropolitica identităţii. Totuşi, " politica sinelui