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Interpretatio prudentium : Direito romano e tradição romanista em revista 5/2 (2020) 197-240., 2020
The academic concept of »History of Knowledge« or »Wissensgeschichte« is still evolving, especially in the field of social studies such as jurisprudence, within which the branch of private law forms a more particular area. The paper attempts to find abstract answers to the question of which features of the methodology of »Wissensgeschichte« can be considered specific to that of private law. It finds that a person-centred historiog-raphy concentrating on the personal development, professional career, and evolving theses of the scholars (jurists), is not obsolete and outdated, so far as legal historians have regard to some corrective factors. The peculiarities of the history of knowledge of private law are reinforced by its special intellectual-historical aspects, because applied-scientific pragmatics and broad abstractions are necessarily connected therein, since it reflects the social, economic and political facts and relations, and, also influences them. The mentioned supplementary or corrective factors follow these particularities. The study uses the example of the 2500 years of history of private law thinking in Hungary, the cornerstones of which are its most important Aauthorities. Since the paper uses the complexity of social, economic, political, and law-based facts of history merely as tools for showing a knowledge-historical method in the field of a national private law, it seemed acceptable to use a Hungarian authority as source of these facts and of the selection of persons: The recent book by Lajos Vékás. It does not mean at the same time, that this article would avoid or ignore the critical approach. Despite Hungarian private law regulations are pregnant with sharp political twists and turns, the scholar-portraits show a peculiar continuity of private law of Hungary that was almost unique among the countries of the so-called socialist block. Keywords: History of Knowledge; Wissensgeschichte; history of legal thinking; private law history of Hungary