Strings on conifolds from strong coupling dynamics, part I (original) (raw)

Aspects of semiclassical strings in AdS5

Physics Letters B, 2002

We find an infinite number of conserved currents and charges in the semiclassical limit λ → ∞ of string theory in AdS 5 × S 5. We remark on their relevance to conserved charges in the dual gauge theory. We establish a general procedure of exploring the semiclassical limit by viewing the classical motion as collective motion in the relevant part of the configuration space.We illustrate the procedure for semiclassical expansion around solutions of string theory on AdS 5 × (S 5 /Z M).

String bits in small radius AdS and weakly coupled N= 4 Super Yang-Mills Theory: I

We study light-cone gauge quantization of IIB strings in AdS 5 × S 5 for small radius in Poincare coordinates. A picture of strings made up of noninteracting bits emerges in the zero radius limit. In this limit, each bit behaves like a superparticle moving in the AdS 5 × S 5 background, carrying appropriate representations of the super conformal group PSU(2, 2|4). The standard Hamiltonian operator which causes evolution in the light-cone time has continuous eigenvalues and provides a basis of states which is not suitable for comparing with the dual super Yang-Mills theory. However, there exist operators in the light-cone gauge which have discrete spectra and can be used to label the states. We obtain the spectrum of single bit states and construct multi-bit states in this basis. There are difficulties in the construction of string states from the multi-bit states, which we discuss. A non-zero value of the radius introduces interactions between the bits and the spectrum of multi-bit states gets modified. We compute the leading perturbative corrections at small radius for a few simple cases. Potential divergences in the perturbative corrections, arising from strings near the boundary, cancel. This encourages us to believe that our perturbative treatment could provide a framework for a rigorous and detailed testing of the AdS/CFT conjecture, once the difficulties in the construction of string states are resolved.

AdS String: Classical Solutions and Moduli Dynamics

Arxiv preprint arXiv:1001.5301, 2010

In what follows we present a review of recently developed techniques for generating classical solutions of strings in Anti-de-Sitter space and for studying their classical dynamics. The initial arguments for the relevance of semiclassical calculations in AdS spacetime were given ...

N=1,2 4D superconformal field theories and supergravity in AdS5

Physics Letters B, 1998

We consider D3 branes world-volume theories substaining N = 1, 2 superconformal field theories. Under the assumption that these theories are dual to N = 2, 4 supergravities in AdS 5 , we explore the general structure of the latter and discuss some issues when comparing the bulk theory to the boundary singleton theory.

Macroscopic strings as heavy quarks: Large- N gauge theory and anti-de Sitter supergravity

The European Physical Journal C, 2001

We study some aspects of Maldacena's large N correspondence between N = 4 superconformal gauge theory on D3-brane and maximal supergravity on AdS 5 × S 5 by introducing macroscopic strings as heavy (anti)-quark probes. The macroscopic strings are semi-infinite Type IIB strings ending on D3-brane world-volume. We first study deformation and fluctuation of D3-brane when a macroscopic BPS string is attached. We find that both dynamics and boundary conditions agree with those for macroscopic string in anti-de Sitter supergravity. As a by-product we clarify how Polchinski's Dirichlet and Neumann open string boundary conditions arise dynamically. We then study non-BPS macroscopic string anti-string pair configuration as physical realization of heavy quark Wilson loop. We obtain QQ static potential from the supergravity side and find that the potential exhibits nonanalyticity of square-root branch cut in 't Hooft coupling parameter. We put forward the nonanalyticity as prediction for large-N gauge theory at strong 't Hooft coupling limit. By turning on Ramond-Ramond zero-form potential, we also study θ vacuum angle dependence of the static potential. We finally discuss possible dynamical realization of heavy N-prong string junction and of large-N loop equation via local electric field and string recoil thereof. Throughout comparisons of the AdS-CFT correspondence, we find crucial role played by 'geometric duality' between UV and IR scales on directions perpendicular to D3-brane and parallel ones, explaining how AdS 5 spacetime geometry emerges out of four-dimensional gauge theory at strong coupling.

Macroscopic strings as heavy quarks in large N gauge theory and anti-de Sitter supergravity. 1998

We study some aspects of Maldacena's large N correspondence between N = 4 superconformal gauge theory on D3-brane and maximal supergravity on AdS 5 × S 5 by introducing macroscopic strings as heavy (anti)-quark probes. The macroscopic strings are semi-infinite Type IIB strings ending on D3-brane world-volume. We first study deformation and fluctuation of D3-brane when a macroscopic BPS string is attached. We find that both dynamics and boundary conditions agree with those for macroscopic string in anti-de Sitter supergravity. As a by-product we clarify how Polchinski's Dirichlet and Neumann open string boundary conditions arise dynamically. We then study non-BPS macroscopic string anti-string pair configuration as physical realization of heavy quark Wilson loop. We obtain QQ static potential from the supergravity side and find that the potential exhibits nonanalyticity of square-root branch cut in 't Hooft coupling parameter. We put forward the nonanalyticity as prediction for large-N gauge theory at strong 't Hooft coupling limit. By turning on Ramond-Ramond zero-form potential, we also study θ vacuum angle dependence of the static potential. We finally discuss possible dynamical realization of heavy N-prong string junction and of large-N loop equation via local electric field and string recoil thereof. Throughout comparisons of the AdS-CFT correspondence, we find crucial role played by 'geometric duality' between UV and IR scales on directions perpendicular to D3-brane and parallel ones, explaining how AdS 5 spacetime geometry emerges out of four-dimensional gauge theory at strong coupling.

Bulk gauge fields in AdS supergravity and supersingletons

We describe conformal operators living at the boundary of AdS d+1 in a general setting. Primary conformal operators at the threshold of the unitarity bounds of UIR's of O(d,2) correspond to singletons and massless fields in AdS d+1 , respectively. For maximal supersymmetric theories in AdS d+1 we describe "chiral" primary short supermultiplets and non-chiral primary long supermultiplets. Examples are exhibited which correspond to KK and string states. We give the general contribution of a primary conformal operator to the OPE and Green's functions of primary fields, which may be relevant to compute string corrections to the four-point supergraviton amplitude in Anti-de-Sitter space. Some aspects of the AdS d+1 /CFT correspondence, inspired by the original conjecture by Maldacena[1], and subsequently sharpened by Gubser, Klebanov, Polyakov and Witten , are considered in this paper 1 . The maximal supersymmetric case, corresponding to the horizon geometry of D3 branes in type IIB strings, is considered as basic example.

Semiclassical folded string in AdS 5 × S 5

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012

We consider type IIA superstring theory on the background AdS 4 × CP 3 , and the classical solution describing a folded string spinning in AdS 4 with angular momentum in CP 3. In the 't Hooft limit, it is the gravity dual of twist operators in the ABJM superconformal theory. We quantize the classical solution by algebraic curve methods and determine the first semiclassical correction to the energy. We provide an integral representation for this quantity valid for all values of the charges. We analyze its properties in the special regimes associated with a short or long string providing various accurate analytical expansions. Finally, we investigate various properties of the so-called slope, the leading term of the energy for short strings, collecting information that could be useful in attempts to generalize the exact results recently proposed for the folded string in AdS 5 ×S 5 .

Sine-Gordon-like action for the superstring in AdS 5 × S 5

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008

We propose an action for a sine-Gordon-like theory, which reproduces the classical equations of motion of the Green-Schwarz-Metsaev-Tseytlin superstring on AdS 5 × S 5 . The action is relativistically invariant. It is a mass-deformed gauged WZW model for SO(4, 1) × SO(5)/SO(4) × SO(4) interacting with fermions.